Digit IBM Tech Champs 2016

Organization : Digit
Competition Name : IBM Tech Champs 2016
Applicable For : India Only
Competition Last Date : The end date of the contest would vary on the contest response and is at the discretion of Digit.

Website : http://www.digit.in/microsites/ibm-tech-champs/

IBM Tech Champs :

How To Win :
1. Create your IBM Id:
Sign up for an IBM ID or use your existing IBM ID to login to Watson Analytics

Related : Digit IBM Watson Champs Contest : www.contest.net.in/2774.html

2. Validate Email Address:
Validate your account in the confirmation email

3. Copy the confirmationURL:
Again, on the same email, copy the confirmation URL given at the top (Refer the text highlighted yellow in the screenshot below).

4. Paste the URL:
Paste this URL in the field titled “Watson Confirmation URL” of this page, under Personal Details (Step 2)

Read the Paragraph & Answer the Following Questions:
IBM Watson Analytics is a cloud-based data discovery service intended to provide the benefits of advanced analytics without the complexity. The Watson Analytics offering is intended to provide the benefits of advanced analytics without the complexity. The data discovery service, available via the cloud, guides data exploration, automates predictive analytics and enables dashboard and infographic creation.

1. What is IBM Watson Analytics?:
Data Service Design Software Operating System

2. Where does IBM Watson Analytics derive its capabilities from?:
Cloud Local Hardware None of the above

3. Which of the following is possible with IBM Watson Analytics?:
Predictive Analytics Data Discovery All of the above

Terms & Conditions:
** Contest is open for India only
** By submitting any entries, the participant agrees to abide by and be bound by the Rules and Regulations of the Contest and the decision of the Organizer.
** The Organizer accepts no liability for any technical difficulties affecting the end result of the contest, the entry or delivering the application to the contest.
** The affiliates, subsidiaries, advertising and promotion agencies and employees of the Organizer and their immediate families are not allowed to enter the Contest.
** The Organizer retains all rights and control over the Contest, criteria of judging the applications, the award of prizes in any grounds it deems suitable.
** The Rules and Regulations are subject to change by the Organizer when necessary. The Organizer reserves the rights to amend the rules of the Contest without prior announcement.
** The Organizer reserves the right to withdraw or discontinue with the Contest at any stage without any liability whatsoever to the participant and, or, anyone.
** The end date of the contest would vary on the contest response and is at the discretion of Digit.
** The Contest is hosted, managed and organized by Digit.

This post was last modified on July 3, 2021 1:21 PM

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