Dealnloot T20 World Cup Contest 2016 : Predict & Win Prizes worth ₹10000

Organization : Dealnloot
Competition Name : T20 World Cup Contest 2016

Website :

T20 World Cup Contest :

Cricket Fever is on. The stage is all set and India is ready to host the topmost tournament in the shortest format of Royal Game of Cricket – T20 World Cup 2016 with top 10 cricketing teams competing against each other for one purpose – Grab the World Cup Trophy.

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How to participate in Dealnloot T20 World Cup Contest Rs.:
This is our Biggest ever contest and we want to make it thrilling for you. So we have four different themes here to participate and win. The prizes are in form of your ever favorite – “Paytm Cash/Mobile Recharge“.

There are 4 types of contest:
A) “Daily Cricket Pandit” Contest
B) “Lead the Rankings” Contest
C) “The Top 5” Contest
D) “Social King” Contest

A) Daily Cricket Pandit Contest (Total Prize Money = Rs.4150):
As the name says it all, this depends on how your mind works on one particular day. The google form link for Match 1 i.e. India vs New Zealand will be updated at 4 PM on 14th March.

1 . Before the start of every match, we will update a link to Google Forms in this post. This will be done 20 hours before the toss of match is conducted so that you have enough time to make your guesses. For eg. – If match is at 4:00 PM 15th March then the google form link will be added in this post at 7:30 PM 14th March and at 11:30 PM for matches starting at 8 PM the next day. Remember – “A new link for every match”
2. All you need to do is to click on the link in this post and there you will see 5 questions regarding the match going to be played the next.
3. Remember that you will need to login via your Gmail account to access the form. After you log in via your Gmail account, just submit your name, mobile number, email id and your answers for the 5 questions and submit. You can submit your entry before the toss is conducted. Entries received after the toss will be invalid.
4. That’s it!! You are done. For every correct guess, you will get 10 points. Top 5 users with maximum points for that day will get Rs.30 paytm cash/recharge each.

However if the match is one in which India is playing or it is Semifinal or final then we will have 7 questions instead of 5 and top 2 users get Rs.50 and rest 5 get Rs.30.

Rules/Guidelines for “Daily Cricket Pandit” Contest :
A new google form will be updated every day in this post. So, the user needs to visit this post everyday in the midnight to get the link of google form. User needs to submit his entries before the toss is conducted.

B) Lead the Rankings Contest

Lead the Rankings contest is for all those dedicated people who after winning once in the “Daily Pandit” contest keep on participating even though they won’t get any prize if they win in it.

How To Enter:
1 . Participate in the “Daily Contest” everyday and collect as many points as you can

2. We will keep on maintaining a leaderboard with all your points being accumulated there and then winners will be declared as follows :
** 1st Ranker from period 15th-21st March – Rs.250 Paytm Cash/Recharge
** 1st Ranker as on 22nd March-28th March – Rs.250 Paytm Cash/Recharge
** 1st Ranker for entire tournament – Rs.1000 Paytm Cash/Recharge
** 2nd Ranker for entire tournament – Rs.750 Paytm Cash/Recharge
** 3rd Ranker for entire tournament – Rs.500 Paytm Cash/Recharge
** 4th Ranker for entire tournament – Rs.300 Paytm Cash/Recharge
** 5th Ranker for entire tournament – Rs.200 Paytm Cash/Recharge
** 6th-15th Rank Holders for entire tournament – Rs.100 Paytm Cash/Recharge each

Rules/Guidelines for “Lead the Rankings” contest:
** A single user can win during all 3 periods also i.e. 15-21 March, 22-28th March and for entire tournament unlike “Daily Cricket Pandit” contest where a user can only once.
** In order to get more points, make sure you participate every day. Lesser you participate, lesser points you get and more your rank deteriorates
** Leaderboard will be updated daily so that you can keep a track of your rankings
** If there is a tie between two or more users, then their “Accuracy” will be used as a tie breaker. For eg – If User A and User B both have 600 points at the end of tournament. User A has answered 60 correct out of 90 questions and User B has answered 60 correct out of 100 questions, then User A will be placed ahead of User B due to his more accuracy.
** However, even if accuracy leads to a tie, then User with better position in “Top 5” Contest will win.

C) “The Top 5” Contest (Total Prize Money = Rs 1000):
In addition to “Daily Pandit” contest and “Lead the Rankings” contest, we also have a contest for those who don’t want to participate every day and just want a single lottery ticket to win. The entries for this contest are open now. Submit your responses. However you can do this till the final match’s toss.

How To Enter :
1 . Visit here for google form link containing 8 questions
2. You just need to submit your answers by logging in through Gmail account. You can do this till the toss of final match is conducted.
3. That’s it !! At the end of tournament, we will review all the entries received for “The Top 5” Contest and reward top 5 users with most number of points.

“Remember the golden rule – “1 Correct Guess =10 Points” in all contests.

** Rank 1 Holder in this contest gets Rs.400 Paytm Cash or Recharge
** Rank 2 Holder – Rs.300 Paytm Cash/Recharge
** Rank 3- Rank 5 Holders – Rs.100 Paytm Cash/Recharge each

Rules/Guidelines for “The Top 5” Contest:
** The entries for this contest will be accepted till the toss of final match but earlier you submit, more are your chances of winning
** A single user can participate only once i.e a single entry.
** The results will be declared after the tournament is over and these points will not be added to the Lead the Rankings contest.
** If two users have same number of points, then one who submitted his entry first will be ranked higher in the leaderboard

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