Silver Zone iSSO 2016 International Social Studies Olympiad

Organization : SilverZone/ Silver Zone Foundation
Olympiad Name : iSSO 2016 International Social Studies Olympiad
Applicable For : Student Classes 3rd to 10th
Registration Last Date :30th September 2016
Olympiad Dates : 9th December 2016 & 27th January 2017

Website :


The International Social Studies Olympiad, a test of competence and proficiency in History, Geography and Civics is held annually at the National and International levels based on syllabus prescribed by CBSE/ICSE and the State Boards.

Update : Silver Zone ISSO 2018 International Social Studies Olympiad Registration :

Detailed syllabus with Sample question paper is provided along with this Information Booklet. Please refer the Books published by Silverzone Foundation for the preparation of ISSO. SilverZone foundation recommends the competition for each and every student in the school.

Fee Structure and Study Material(For Class 3rd to 10th):
Fee Structure :
For Schools In India (for class 3rd to 10th) :The participation fee for the Olympiad is Rs.120/- per student. The Study material for schools are available at the discounted price. The price of Sample Question Paper Booklet is Rs. 60/-, which is not included in the fee. The print price of the Sample Question Paper Booklet is Rs. 80/-.

Fee Structure : For Schools Outside India (for class 3rd to 10th) : Preparatory work Books for ISSO is available for classes 3 to 10. Although the purchase of this book is optional, it is highly recommended by the foundation for better result in the Olympiad, as it contains about 80% of the syllabus of the Olympiad as well as the CBSE/ICSE and other State Board’s syllabus.

Payment Mode:
For Payment mode in India and Aborad, please refer to the ‘School Registration Form’.

About Test Paper:
The examination is being conducted for all classes from 3rd to 10th with the following details.

For Classes 3-10:
There will be 50 questions and the duration will be between 40 and 60 Minutes.

The details of the manner in which the test is to be conducted will be sent with the question papers. The questions will be of objective type in nature with multiple choice answers. There is no negative marking. For all classes OMR answer sheets will be provided. The students are allowed to retain their question papers, whereas answer sheets shall be returned to the foundation for assessment and marking

Prizes & awards for Participants at Every Level
** 1st Olympiad rank holder in each class will be awarded with a Cash Prize of Rs. 10,000/- along with a winner’s Trophy.
** 2nd Olympiad rank holder in each class will be awarded with a Tablet along with a winner’s Trophy.
** 3rd Olympiad rank holder in each class will be awarded with a Digital Camera along with a winner’s Trophy.
** 4th to 10th Olympiad rank holders in each class will be awarded with wrist watches.
** 11th to 25th Olympiad rank holders in each class will be awarded with exciting prizes.
** 26th to 500th Olympiad rank holders in each class will be awarded with the topper achievement certificate.
** Class Topper 1st, 2nd and 3rd rank holders of every class of each school will be awarded with Gold, Silver and Bronze medals respectively, provided the topper obtains at least 50% marks.
** All the participants will be awarded with the participation Certificate reflecting their Class/State/Olympiad Ranks and Marks

Important Dates:
** As iSSO 2016 is being organized at National and International level, due to various reasons, it is not possible to conduct the olympiad on a specific single date. The International Social Studies Olympiad will be conducted on 9th December 2016 and 27th January 2017. Please decide the date which is suitable to your school.
** You may opt for either 9th December 2016 or 27th January 2017 as your International Social Studies Olympiad date. Last date of registration is 30th September 2016.
** The Result of the 1st Level will be available at in the month of January 2017.

** The Registration for iSSO’16 has already been started.
** The Venue of the Olympiad will be the school itself.

This post was last modified on February 18, 2021 4:01 PM

Categories: Olympiad

View Comments (21)

  • My ranking details are as follows.
    Class Rank : 1
    State Rank : 13
    Olympiad Rank : 507
    International percentile : 91.81
    Still I am not selected for stage 2.

    • Information as provided from the Official Website :

      ** Class Topper 1st, 2nd and 3rd rank holders of every class of each school will be awarded with Gold, Silver and Bronze medals respectively, provided the topper obtains at least 50% marks.
      ** All the participants will be awarded with the participation Certificate reflecting their Class/State/Olympiad Ranks and Marks

  • Last year I applied for SST Olympiad and I was class topper. I also got a gold medal. Why did I not called for second level? This year also I have joined social studies olympiad but I feel that I would not be able to attend it in my school. Are there any options for online exam?

    • Well, Lara, class topper means to be that you have topped in the group of your respective class student (who have participated) but silver zone qualify only those students for 2nd phase exam who have secured above 80%.

  • My school is not taking part in this Olympiad of ISSO and I want to take part. So where shall I pay the fees? © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map