MyGov Suggest Name Contest for Web-Enabled Application of Ministry of Power 2016

Organization : MyGov
Competition Name : Suggest Name Contest for Web-Enabled Application of Ministry of Power 2016
Applicable For : Citizens of India
Competition Last Date : 23rd March 2016

Website : https://mygov.in/task/suggest-name-web-enabled-application-ministry-power/
Terms and Conditions: https://www.contest.net.in/uploads/10650-Terms.pdf
Evaluation Criteria: https://www.contest.net.in/uploads/10650-Tech.pdf

Suggest Name For Web-Enabled Application Contest :

The web-based application will show the price of power exchange, current demand and shortage for yesterday with historical statistics on National and State level. This will help people in getting information on power availability including prices at power exchange, current demand etc.

Related : MyGov E-Greetings Design Contest for Holi 2016 : www.contest.net.in/10284.html

Citizens are invited to suggest a suitable name for the Application which conveys its purpose and effectiveness. The name must not be longer than one word and can be an acronym which conveys the purpose of the Application. E.g. UDAY (Ujwal DISCOM Assurance Yojana) The winning entry will be acknowledged and awarded a certificate of appreciation by the Ministry of Power. Last date to submit entries is Wednesday, 23rd March 2016 (at 23.59 hours)

General Guidelines:
** The Competition is open to all citizens of India only.
** All entries must be submitted to the creative corner section of mygov.in. Entries submitted through any other medium/ mode would not be considered for evaluation.
** The winning name would be the intellectual property of the Government of India and the winner cannot exercise any right over it. The prize winning entry is meant to be used by Government of India for promotional and display purposes and also for any other use as may be deemed appropriate for the initiative.
** The entry must not contain any provocative, objectionable or inappropriate content.
** The participant must be the same person who has coined the name and plagiarism would not be allowed.
** Please note that the logo design and tagline of the program must be original and should not violate any provision of the Indian Copyright Act, 1957.
** Anyone found infringing on others’ copyright would be disqualified from the competition. Government of India does not bear any responsibility for copyright violations or infringements of intellectual property carried out by the participants.
** Participant is to make sure that his/her MyGov profile is accurate and updated since Ministry of Power would be using this for further communication.
**This includes details such as name, photo and phone number. Entries with incomplete profiles would not be considered.
** Ministry of Power reserves the right to cancel or amend all or any part of the Contest and/ or the Terms & Conditions/ Technical Parameters/ Evaluation Criteria.
** However, any changes to the Terms & Conditions/ Technical Parameters/ Evaluation Criteria, or cancellation of the Contest, will be updated/ posted on the MyGov platform.
** It would be the responsibility of the participants to keep themselves informed as to any changes in the Terms & Conditions/ Technical Parameters/ Evaluation Criteria stated for this Contest.
** The Participant(s) represent(s) and warrant(s) that he/ she will comply with all applicable Indian laws. The Participant(s) shall not disclose and/or use any information, if doing so is in violation of an obligation of antitrust law and/ or confidentiality.
** GoI reserves the right to reject any entry based on its discretion.
** The GoI will not be held responsible if the participants are not able to upload their entries on MyGov portal before the last date & time of submission for any reason whatsoever.

By registering for participation in the Contest, the Participant(s) warrant that:
a) They have complied with these Entry conditions
b) Their entry is original;
c) Their entry does not infringe any Intellectual Property Rights of any third party;
d) Any current employer and/or learning institution that the participant is employed by or enrolled with would have no claim on the entry developed and submitted.

Entry Last Date:
Entries may be submitted online on mygov.in latest by 23.59 hours (11.59 pm) on Wednesday, 23rd March 2016.

This post was last modified on February 18, 2021 7:43 PM

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