Baidu India DU Holi With Stars Contest 2016

Organization : Baidu India
Competition Name : DU Holi With Stars Contest 2016 (#DUHoliWithStars)
Applicable For : All Residents of India
Competition Last Date : March 21st, 2016

Website :
Contest Page :
Contest T&C:

Baidu #DUHoliWithStars Terms & Conditions:

“#DUHoliWithStars Contest”, henceforth referred to as the “Contest”, is conducted by Baidu India on its official Twitter and Facebook pages. Any participation in this regard is voluntary.

Related : Comparometer Holi Hatke Contest 2016 :

Three lucky entrants will receive an invitation to attend the Zoom Holi Party in Mumbai on March 24, 2016, 10 AM. Three separate lucky entrants will win Amazon vouchers worth Rs 2000 each.

All participants must ensure completion of the following steps to successfully take part in the contest:
1) Download DU Speed Booster (, DU Battery Saver ( and MoboMarket ( apps

2) Express your love for DU Apps in a creative way showing the above mentioned apps (Example: Images, Videos, Text, Lip-sync Dubsmash videos, etc.)
3) At least one of the three apps should be featured in the entry
4) Use the hashtag #DUHoliWithStars with the entry.

Conditions for participation:
** The contest is open to all residents of India except the employees and the family members of the organizer, its associate companies, its advertising and promotional agencies and its auditors /executing agencies and their associate companies. Minors are not allowed to participate in this contest.
** There is no entry fee and no purchase necessary to enter this competition.
** Contest is open from 06 PM on March 18th to 12pm on March 21st, 2016 on the official Baidu India Twitter and Facebook accounts.
** After 12pm on March 21st, 2016, no further entries to the competition will be accepted.
** All entries must be submitted on Baidu India’s Facebook and Twitter page using #DUHoliWithStars. Entries submitted through any other medium will not be considered for evaluation.
** Each participant can submit multiple entries.
** Baidu India reserves the right to use all assets (content/images) submitted in relation this contest.
** The contest entries would be the intellectual property of Baidu India. The entries may be used by Baidu India for promotional and display purposes, and also for any other use as may be deemed appropriate for the initiative.
** The entry must not contain any provocative, objectionable or inappropriate content.
** The decision of Baidu India would be final and binding on all the contestants and no clarifications would be issued to any participants for any of the decisions.
** The entry must be posted from the participant’s account. Entries found to be in violation of any provision of the Indian Copyright Act, 1957 will be disqualified, solely based on the discretion of Baidu India.
** Anyone found infringing others’ copyrights would be disqualified from the competition. Baidu India does not bear any responsibility for copyright violations or infringements of intellectual property carried out by the participants.

This post was last modified on July 14, 2021 1:21 PM

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