Holi Fusion T-Shirt & Wristband Design Contest 2016

Organization : Holi Fusion
Competition Name : T-Shirt & Wristband Design Contest 2016
Competition Last Date : April 25th 2016

Website : holifusion.com

T-Shirt Design Contest:

Would you like to have your design on all the t-shirts of the Holi Fusion Festival 2016 Tour? Then join our contest!

Related : AskMe Holi Ke Rang Contest 2016 : www.contest.net.in/10831.html

This year we decided to make you really part of the Festival and use one of your designs for our t-shirts. You can see the design of last year in the image above. It represents the concept of Fusion and the symbol on the back is the Heart Chakra that stands for tolerance, compassion and kindness, in black and white to be colored during the Festival!

The winner of the contest will have free entry to all our Festivals of 2016 with backstage access and free drinks!

Here are the rules of the contest:
** The design can be maximum 32cm wide and 37cm high (it’s not necessary to use all the area), on both sides, and it cannot be printed on the sleeves or close to the edges
** On one side of the t-shirt (for example the front) you can use all the colors
** On the other side of the t-shirt (for example the back) you can use only black and white
** The design must include the Holi Fusion logo (even though it can be transformed as it has been done in previous years, but it should still be recognizable)
** Whatever image, font or element you will use in the design must be made by you or with a free license for use on t-shirts (send us also a reference on where you got each element)
** Superpose your design to a blank t-shirt (as we did in the image above) to show how it should look like and where it should be placed
** Write also a short description of what you wanted to express with your design

Everything should be put in one email with subject “Holi Fusion 2016 – T-shirt Design Contest” and sent before April the 25th 2016 to: creative@holifusion.com

Wristband Design Contest:
We have a contest also for the wristband design this year with more freedom to create a unique concept, don’t miss it! We would like to make you really part of the Festival and so we decided to use one of your designs for all our wristbands. The winner of the contest will have free entry to all our Festivals of 2016 with backstage access and free drinks!

Here are the rules of the contest:
** The design should be 350mm wide and 15mm high
** The wristband is woven with threads so it’s possible to use only 7 colors, including black and white, with no gradient
** The design must include the Holi Fusion logo (even though it can be transformed as it has been done last year, see images in the package below)
** The design must include also the sentence “Holi Fusion Festival 2016? and our website, “www.holifusion.com”
** Whatever image, font or element you will use in the design must be made by you or with a free license for use on wristbands (send us also a reference on where you got each element)
** Write also a short description of what you wanted to express with your design

Everything should be put in one email with subject “Holi Fusion 2016 – Wristband Design Contest” and sent before April the 25th 2016 to creative@holifusion.com

We’d love to see very different designs from what we had last year so do your best and don’t fear to propose something totally new!

This post was last modified on February 18, 2021 4:48 PM

Categories: Festival Days
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