Indian Medicine MyGov Compose “Yoga Song/Yog Geet” for International Day of Yoga 2016

Organization : Ministry of Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy
Competition Name : Compose “Yoga Song/Yog Geet” for International Day of Yoga 2016
Entries Last Date : 31st March, 2016

Ministry of AYUSH Website : http://www.indianmedicine.nic.in/
MyGov Website : https://mygov.in/task/compose-%E2%80%9Cyoga-songyog-geet%E2%80%9D-international-day-yoga/
Contest T&C: https://www.contest.net.in/uploads/10871-T&C.pdf

Compose a “Yoga Song/Yog Geet” Contest:

1. As a part of celebration of International Day of Yoga on 21/06/2016, the Ministry of Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy (AYUSH) has decided to organize an open contest for “Yoga Song / Yog Geet” in Hindi Language. The best entry would be rewarded a cash prize of Rs. 5,00,000/- (Rs. five lakhs.

Related : MyGov Kisan Geet Contest 2016 : www.contest.net.in/10294.html

2. Every contestant individual, group or organization can send maximum two entries (Yoga Song/Yog Geet) of 3 to 5 minutes’ duration with lyrics, composition and music.
3. The last date for submission of entry (“Yoga Song / Yog Geet”) would be 31st March, 2016, (5.00 p.m.). No entries will be accepted after the time limit.

Terms and Conditions:
As a part of celebration International Day of Yoga on 21/06/2016, the Ministry of Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy (AYUSH) has decided to organize an open contest for “Yoga Song/Yog Geet” in Hindi Language. The best entry would be rewarded a cash prize of Rs. 5,00,000/- (Rs. five lakhs).

1. Every contestant individual, group or organization can send maximum two entries (Yoga Song/Yog Geet) of 3 to 5 minutes’ duration with lyrics, composition and music.
2. All registered members of MyGov can participate in this contest.

3. The entries are to be submitted as a MyGov Task. The participants should provide the following information as part of their entry:
3.1. Description about the submission within 500 characters, such as names of the lyricist, composer, singer, etc.
3.2. Uploading any image file or pdf file if required (optional)
3.3. The participants should then upload their entry as a high quality audio file to any media platform such as SoundCloud, YouTube, Google Drive, Dropbox etc. and enter the publicly accessible link for the entry using the Audio Link icon on the MyGov contest page.

4. M/o AYUSH may ask for the original and uncompressed audio file, if so required, in separate communication.
5. The last date for submission of entry (“Yoga Song / Yog Geet”) would be 31st March, 2016, (5.00 p.m.) No entries will be accepted after the time limit. The entries must contain name, address, contact details & E-mail address.
6. The Yoga Song/Yog Geet shall capture the essence of Yoga in terms of its philosophy and utility to the people etc.
7. The Yoga Song/Yog Geet shall be in lucid simple language, easily understood by the people.
8. All entries would be judged by a Committee constituted by the Ministry of AYUSH. The decision of the Committee would be final.
9. The Selected entry and its copyright will be the property of the Ministry and Government of India and any changes deemed fit to improve the same will be undertaken.

For any clarification, please contact Shri Ramanand Meena on Tel. No. 011-24651965 or visit our Ministry of Ayurveda Website

This post was last modified on September 3, 2021 2:27 PM

Categories: MyGov

View Comments (21)

  • Melodious, but lacking in essence of yog as was the norm. Most ordinary lyrics. On contacting via telephone, it was told that nobody's song was selected. But just after two days and just 96 hours before the big day, a song was released haphazardly. It seems like a random selection under some kind of pressure. I request to display all the entries(at least the ones 'approved') as is done in all other contests. It is indicated that they are too busy to go through so many entries. The 'approved' entries of slogan in the contest under Oral Health Program prove my point. No considerations about terms and conditions is being seen there too. I wish I could see the other entries(lyrics). I want to mention that my song was a short yet inclusive 'essay' on yog containing almost all the definitive statements about yog, its origin, popularity and benefits in the most suitable words yet only 3:47 minutes long. The music composer and singer(voice like Sonu Nigam) both belonging to Muslim community, devotedly, gave their best to make the yog song energetic and melodious as well. The tune was not like any ordinary bhakti sangeet, rather semi-classical and appealing to youth too, which is the need of the hour. 'Gungrahakta' is rarely seen anywhere nowadays. Participants more deserving than the winner might feel the same as me like 'Jungle me mor nacha kisne dekha?'. Of course it creates a little disappointment not to be selected, but it also creates worry about the decision-making of AYUSH in big issues, if this is its working style.

  • The selected song is good. But it has not covered all aspects also it has been sung not nicely.. I am sure there was better songs than this. I am kind of surprised that even in modi govt. Such decisions are being made.. It seems blind and partial.

  • The song you have selected is not good than I has sent. I think it is a favor. You have cheated the public.

  • When will the result of "yog feet" contest be announced?
    The international yog day is just a few days away

    • Time is going on. Today is 08/06/2016. Only 13 days are remaining. When will you declare results?

  • I also send my song but no hurry for results because that was my duty to send my best to my country but I Want to listen all yoga songs.

  • I attached the song and sent it through the e-mail to the inf-moaysush[AT]gov.in. Is it OK?

    • From the Website :

      The participants should then upload their entry as a high quality audio file to any media platform such as SoundCloud, YouTube, Google Drive, Dropbox etc. and enter the publicly accessible link for the entry using the Audio Link icon on the MyGov contest page

  • I should mail all the information to the given id or there is particular link by using we can upload our song to the site?

    • From the Website :

      The participants should then upload their entry as a high quality audio file to any media platform such as SoundCloud, YouTube, Google Drive, Dropbox etc. and enter the publicly accessible link for the entry using the Audio Link icon on the MyGov contest page.

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