Aliah University MTSE 2016 Madrasah Talent Search Examination

Organisation : Aliah University
Announcement : MTSE-2016 Madrasah Talent Search Examination
Last Date : 21.04.2016

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The Aliah University Admission Test (AUAT) committee is going to organize ‘Talent Search Program’ exclusively for the students from the Madrasahs in West Bengal through a written test.

The purpose of this activity is to identify, encourage, and nurture the talent in mathematics and other sciences among the students studying in madrasahs (both Junior and High).

The Programme consists of two schemes:
** Madrasah Mathematics Olympiad (MMO)
** Madrasah Science Talent Search (MSTS)

Candidates who are presently studying in Class – IX (2016-2017 session, in Madrasah) and those appearing in secondary examination (2015) conducted by West Bengal Board of Madrasah Education are eligible for appearing in the tests.

The syllabi of the MMO and MSTS for Class – VIII and Class – X will be the same as those syllabi of mathematics and sciences of the same level, while one is expected to have a sound knowledge of the subjects already learnt at lower Classes.

It is important to note that these comprehensive tests are intended to assess both depth and breadth of the knowledge in the subjects. Questions need not be from common text books of the same levels already mentioned.

Date, Venue, and Time:
The admit card shall have all relevant information about the venue, roll number and time of the test. The date of examination is 5th June, 2016

Centres of Examination:
The test will be conducted in six regional centres, namely Malda, Murshidabad, Bardhaman, Rampurhat, Basirhat and Kolkata. Option of a centre may or may not be allocated to that Center. However he/she will be allocated to a near by Centre.

The Aliah University Talent Search Committee has decided a token for of Rs. 50/- each examination to be paid by the students to the school from where they intend to appear at the Madrasah Talent Search Examination 2016.

The schools will collect the money from the students and send the same to the University in the form of a single bank draft (draft in favour of Aliah University, payable at Kolkata) to the University.

How to Apply:

Online Application form to be filled up by the Head Master / Authorized person (Refer or

The details of candidates along with the bank draft should reach to the Chairman, AUAT Committee, Aliah University, New Town Campus, Action Area-II, Kolkata – 700156 on and before 21st April, 2016.

Awards and Scholarships:
AUAT -2016 commitee has decided to award scholarships to 100 students of each category on the basis of merit list to be prepared on their performance at MMO and MSTS.

Category-I for Class – VIII (MMO & MSTS): Qualified students (maximum 100 students from MMO and MSTS) will be awarded with a certificate as well as scholarship of Rs. 750/- per month to meet their expenses for further studies in Class – IX and Class X.

Category – II for Class – X (MMO & MSTS): Qualified students (maximum 100 students from MMO and MSTS) will be awarded with a certificate as well as scholarship of Rs. 1000/- per month to meet their expenses for further studies in Class – XI and Class XII.

** Scholarship to the eligible candidate will be sent to the Head of the institution and disburse through the same.
** Only one scholarship will be given to a candidate even if he/she stands within top 100 students of both MMO and MSTS.
** If any discrepancy arises, decision of the AUAT Committee will be the final.

Steps to apply online :
** Register your institute / Madrasah in application portal by putting the Postal code.
** Fill up the details (Address, Name of HM, Phone Number, email id, etc) regarding your institute.
** Generate a User id and password. Remember the password and user id. Each Madrasah is requested to generate only ONE user id.
** Fill up the details of each candidate one by one. Before the closing date: 21.04.2016, details of more number of candidates (if any) can be updated any time by logging in with your user id and password.
** Select the class of study for each candidate. (one-by-one)

This post was last modified on January 2, 2023 12:31 PM

Categories: Talent Search Exam

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