SAB TV Humari Funny Kahani Show Khidki Contest 2016

Organization : Sony Pictures Networks India Private Limited
Contest Name : SAB TV Humari Funny Kahani Show Khidki Contest 2016
Applicable For : Indian citizens, residing in India
Contest Starts From : 20th March, 2016 till such time as per SPN’s discretion

Website : http://www.sabtv.com/en_in/
Upload Your Story Here : http://www.sabtv.com/hfk/register.php
Contest T&C : https://www.contest.net.in/uploads/11040-Contest.pdf

Humari Funny Kahani For Show Khidki Contest :

Every family has a funny story that’s revisited at almost every family gathering. And, even though everyone has heard it a hundred times, it still makes everyone laugh. Share such funny stories of your family with us and we’ll turn them into episodes, so we can share a laugh with the world. What’s more, you can also get a chance to appear on SABTV.

Related / Similar Contest :
SAB TV Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah Selfie Contest 2016

You can also send your entries to humarifunnykahani@setindia.com

Contest Terms & Conditions:
1. The Contest is open only to Indian citizens, residing in India. Citizens and/or residents of countries other than India are not eligible to participate. Citizens and/or residents of countries other than India residing in India are not eligible to participate.

2. The Participants must be above the age of five (05) years to participate in the Contest as on the date of the Contest. (All persons fulfilling conditions mentioned in section 1 & 2 shall be hereinafter referred to as “Participants”. By participating in the Contest, you (“Participant”) signify your assent to these Terms and Conditions stated below)

3. In case of minors :
** Participants below the age of 18 (eighteen) years (“Minors”) should be registered by their Parent. Parent or Guardian shall mean the natural parent of the Participant(s)being his or her biological Father or Mother.
** Guardian shall mean such Guardian as appointed by a District Court under the relevant provisions of the Guardians and Wards Act, 1890.
** Any other claim for Guardianship shall have to be established by way of proper documentation and Company shall have the sole discretion to decide about allowing such Participant(s).

4. Contest shall be open for participation as per the timelines specified in the T&Cs for Contest.

5. Participants who are minors shall participate only under the strict parental guidance and monitoring by the Registrant(s). If it is found that the registration has been done by the minor Participant(s) without the knowledge/consent/approval of their Registrant(s)/Parent/Guardian or using the mobile phone registered in the name of the Registrant(s)/Parent/Guardian then such registration shall be invalid and shall stand cancelled.

6. Employees, agents and promoters (including their immediate family members) of SPN and any of their divisions, affiliates and subsidiaries, and others associated with the Contest in any manner, are not eligible to participate in the Contest.

7. The Contest terms and conditions shall be mentioned on SPN’s website sabtv.com (“Website”). The Participants agree that by participating in the Contest, the Participants shall be bound by the terms and conditions provided at the Website.

8. The Participants shall be required to provide basic personal information about them including but not limited to Participants name, address, telephone number or mobile number and email address in order to register and participate in the Contests.

9. The specific requirements for the Contest shall be outlined in the T&Cs of the contest.
10. It is assumed that as the Parent(s) or guardians(s) of the Minor Participant(s) hereby consent to the participation in the Contest.
11. The Participant mandatorily needs to register on the Website (in the manner stated therein), in order to take part in this Contest and submit Entry/ies
12. For the Contest, each Participant must submit their complete Entry/Entries (as defined here below) in order to qualify as an entrant in the Contest through Specific Mode of Participation specified in Specific T&C’s stated at end of this T&C.

This post was last modified on August 20, 2024 4:08 PM

Categories: SAB TV
Tags: sabtv.com

View Comments (83)

  • I read in class iii. My school is a big school. I have a school funny story. I don't know to send funny story. How can I send the funny story?

  • When I was in the class I did not got my geometry box. I got scolding with teacher and when I came at the home the geometry box was in my pocket. This is my funny story.

  • I want to send my story. Can you please provide email ID on which I can send. I don't know the process of sending.

  • I don't have any query but I want to give only a good feedback. I like your program khidki so much. You guys are doing a great job. Your serial is totally a new kind of serial and after tiredness of whole days watching this kind of serial make us to get relaxed and joyful.

    • I am an employee of our company KHIDKI. We will continue our work with more great efforts to make you and all our dear watchers.

  • The timing of the Khidki serial is 9.30 pm which is a bit of odd time. If it ensues and precedes Tarak Mehta ka Ulta Chashma, it will be better, or Khidki serial can seek a slot i.e. 8.30 to 9.00 pm. The contributors like me not knowing Hindi language, might send the contributions in English. In such a situation, what will you do? Will you accept such contributions? I do feel the non-Hindi contributors too should get justice as they too are enthusiastic that their contributions become your episodes. I did hear from you on the first day, the response of the viewers is overwhelming and inundating.

  • I was already submitted story Written by me on Date 28 May 2016 for Your SAB TV Contest but there is no reply or response from your side whether my story shortlisted or not. Please give me reply or communication with me to my mobile no given by me. I am very excited for your reply.

  • There was winter time, and I was prepared a science test which was too long. I was prepared it difficulty by 2'o clock of night. It was sleepy for me,and I had cold also. Next day when I went to school, then it was very funny that watchman said me it was holidays of 4 days. Everyone was laughing at me and the distance from home to school is 3 km and time of traveling is 1 hr. I Was traveled by cycle at high speed.

  • I have already submitted my story and I want to know when will you declare the the results and to whom? Will you tell?

    • I'm not sure how much it will take you up. I have no hesitation in my job file is a bit.
      I am a bit more about this product. The list of things I have been in the next few months. This is an option in London for your home. We offer a variety of different things.

  • It was a foggy December night. Myself and my classmate were returning from our excursion through Madhubani jungle in our school bus. Suddenly, we heard a loud noise. Our bus started troubling then quickly come to a halt. A front tyre was puncture. We got down from the bus for the tyre to be replaced. We heard the foxes Growling ,elephants grunting ,and even tigers roaring nearby. We were almost scared to death.
    Two hours later,our driver informed that our bus was ready to leave. We all run inside as quickly as possible. We reached home safely next Morning.

  • Can you please tell me what is the last day for application and sending the funny stories? And can we participate with multiple stories or participate multiple times with multiple stories?
    Waiting for your reply to the earliest.

    Once lived a boy near the ocean ,who thought he had found a magical potion. He took a big drink and started to think it taste just like "SUNTAN LOTION".

  • Once it was Saturday and it is off for my brother. On Saturday it was van strike. I took a phone from uncle. I called my father and my father also forgot that it is off and my brother was with my father only. My father asked me to go pedal from senior block to k.g block and moreover it was summer. The distance was 1k.m. I walked and when I reached my brothers school the teacher said that it is off today. It was really funny for me

  • Of how many lines or pages the funny story can be written and how to send?

    • From the Website :

      Participants entering the Contest may submit any number of Entries so long as such Entries meet SPN’s criteria as specified in these T&Cs even if not chosen as the final winners of the Contest and any Participant may be declared a winner of the Contest at the sole discretion of the SPN.

  • There were 3 friends and they lived on 5th floor. They were so tied to go up. Then they decided still 5th floor one will sing song , one will tell joke and on last on 5th floor one will tell any bad news. All first 2 friends done everything and they reach their house. The last friend told the bad news that he has forgotten their key of house in his car.

  • Once upon a time, during holi, I changed my clothes and then again I run and slipped and fell down in water.

    • From the Website :

      Organizers and/or its authorized agents, affiliates and representatives will use their reasonable efforts to contact the Parent(s) / Guardian(s) of the selected Registrant(s), but will not be responsible or liable in any way whatsoever if the Registrant(s) cannot be reached again in the event the call gets dropped or disconnected.

  • One day some guests visited us and i went to kitchen to bring water for them and then i drank water myself and i forgotten to bring water for them and then i sat with the guests.

  • One day husband told her wife that get ready for the wedding of my friend. She told I need only 5 minutes. Then his husband told ok get ready I am bringing car from parking. Then some goons kidnapped that man. After 1 week when that man was released he call his wife. His wife told wait I need 5 minutes.

    • From the Website:

      You can upload your enteries in any of the below formats:
      Upload File:
      Your file cannot exceed more than 10 MB in size. Make sure your file is either of these file format. (pdf , doc , docx , txt)

      Upload Images:
      Your image size cannot exceed more than 8 MB in size. Make sure your image is either of these file format. (jpg , png)

      Upload Audio:
      Your audio cannot exceed more 15 MB in size. Make sure your audio is either of these file format. (3gp , wma , mp4 , mp3 , wav , wave , oga)

      Upload Video:
      Your video cannot exceed more than 30 MB in size. Make sure your video is either of these file format. (3gp , wmv , mov , mpg , mp4 , avi)

  • What to post just a story or a screenplay?
    For story is that any criteria? How long it should be or need to be some specific pages?

    • From the Website :

      Participants below the age of 18 (eighteen) years (“Minors”) should be registered by their Parent. Parent or Guardian shall mean the natural parent of the Participant(s)being his or her biological Father or Mother.

  • Once a boy told his father, 'Aryabhatta invented 0. It's making us so proud.' The father told, "Then what!?" The boy replied, "Because I got 0 in all subjects".

  • It was my exam on Monday so I was studying. I heard some voices of cats and dogs crying. I was too scared. I told my mum to wake up. She woke up and asked me what happens? I said I can hear some cat and dog crying so we both go down we can't see cat and dogs I go in my brothers room and there I saw that my brother was watching TV and cats and dogs were crying on it. I was angry but it was funny.

    • From the Website :

      Note: Your video cannot exceed more than 30 MB in size. Make sure your video is either of these file format. (3gp , wmv , mov , mpg , mp4 , avi)

  • One night my tab was dead. I said my mother to charge it but when I opened the tab in morning I saw the plug was not on and I was making fun of my mother. This was the funniest movement ever.

  • In a day I go to Puri I asked a person in which road does the Puri? He said go to the right it is the Bhubaneswar don't go there &left is Cuttack don't go there like this.

    • If you wish to share this fun event to the world upload your full story in the above link and participate in the contest.

    • From the Website :

      Your file cannot exceed more than 10 MB in size. Make sure your file is either of these file format. (pdf , doc , docx , txt)

  • Last year I went for camp which was near by Pune. There were lots of activities. At the second day of my camp there was a dance competition. I also took part in it. But when I started to dance I was not knowing that my pant was loose but still I danced like that only and nobody was knowing that. And I won the competition. It was a very funny moment for me.

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