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Star TV Gold Twenty 20 Contest 2016

Organization : Star India Private Limited
Competition Name : Star Gold Twenty 20 Contest 2016
Competition Last Date : April 15, 2016

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Website : http://www.startv.com/contesttnc.htm

Star Gold Twenty20 Contest :

** Star India shall announce the Contest via promos and astons on the Channel and other channels of Star India, Newspaper ads, Radio, Outdoor and Digital or through any other medium of exploitation which shall be at the sole discretion of Star India.


Star TV Dahleez Pyaar Ki Selfie Music Video Contest : www.contest.net.in/10673.html

** The Contest shall be a daily contest hosted on the Channel every Monday to Friday during the Contest Period (as defined below).. The Contest shall commence from March 21, 2016 at 7:00 pm Indian Standard Time (“IST”) and shall conclude on April 15, 2016 at 11:59pm IST (“Contest Period”) on the Channel.

** For sake of clarity the Contest Period shall comprise of a total period of 20 (twenty) days which will be spread over a period of 4 (four) weeks, for 5 (five) days each week, i.e.,every Monday to Friday as follows i.e. March 21, 2016 – March 25, 2016 (“Week 1”), March 28, 2016 – April 1, 2016 (“Week 2”), April 4, 2016 – April 8, 2016 (“Week 3”), and April 11, 2016 – April 15, 2016 (“Week 4”). Each day of Week 1, Week 2, Week 3 and Week 4 are hereinafter collectively referred as “Contest Day(s)”.

** Star India reserves all rights to make amendments to the Contest Period or such other terms and conditions stated herein, without giving prior notice. It shall be the sole responsibility of the Participant (s) to check the Terms and Conditions for the Contest on the Channel and /or the Website from time to time.

** The Channel shall telecast Hindi feature films (“Film(s)”) on the Channel on a daily basis during Contest Days , every night at 7:00 pm. The Channel reserves the sole right to decide the name of the Film(s) that would be telecast during the Contest Period on the Channel.

** The Contest shall comprise of 3 (three) multiple choice questions, based on each Film telecasted on the Channel which shall be triggered on a daily basis between 7.00 pm IST and 11:59 pm IST on the Contest Days (collectively referred to as “Daily Question(s)”). The total number of Daily Questions triggered during the Contest Period shall not exceed a number of 60 (sixty) Daily Questions.

** It is further clarified that the Contest shall be triggered multiple times only during the telecast of the film at 7:00 pm timeslot during the Contest Period and no other timeslots. It is clarified that each Daily Questions of the Contest triggered during the Contest Period shall be strictly based on the contents and /or actors and/or any other aspect of each corresponding Film being telecast on the Channel at 7:00 pm timeslot on the respective Contest Day .

** The Daily Questions which are triggered during the Contest Period shall be displayed on the Channel during the telecast of the Film on an aston band of twenty (20) seconds along with the mechanism for every Participant to participate in the Contest. The lines will remain open from 19:00 to 23: 59 hours IST daily for Contest Day (“Daily Contest Period”).

**  To participate in the Contest and to be eligible for the Prize (as defined below), the interested Participant(s) shall be required to correctly answer all three of the Daily Questions triggered during the Daily Contest Period of each respective Contest Day by sending SMS for each of the Daily Questions in the following format: for the first Daily Question, Gold 1 <space> <A/B/C>; for the second Daily Question Gold 2 <space> <A/B/C> and for the third Daily Question Gold 3 <space> <A/B/C> to 57827 (collectively referred to as “Answer/ Entry”).

** It is clarified that the SMS should contain the respective keywords followed by <space> followed by their options <A/B/C> for each Daily Question. If the Participant(s) provides an incorrect Answer(s) then his/her Entry (as defined below) shall be considered incomplete and the Participant(s) shall not be eligible for the Prize (as defined below).

** For purposes of this Contest, “receipt” of Answer(s) occurs when the mobile/network operator records the Answer information upon the Participant(s) sending the SMS and the Participant (s) receiving a thank you message stating “Thanks for your response! We will inform you if you entry has been selected. Your participation confirms that you agree to contest Terms and Conditions of the Contest uploaded on the Website startv.com/contesttnc.htm.

** Any automated receipt confirmation does not constitute proof of actual receipt. Providing the correct Answer for all the Daily Questions triggered during the Daily Contest Period by the Participant(s) through SMS shall be considered as a complete and valid entry (“Entry”). For sake of clarity, for being considered a valid Entry, Participants must Answer correctly all the 3 Daily Questions, as defined above,triggered during the Daily Contest Period on a particular Contest Day.

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  1. Anonymous

    Should we send message daily?

    1. Admin

      Providing the correct Answer for all the Daily Questions triggered during the Daily Contest Period by the Participant(s) through SMS shall be considered as a complete and valid entry (“Entry”). For sake of clarity, for being considered a valid Entry, Participants must Answer correctly all the 3 Daily Questions, as defined above,triggered during the Daily Contest Period on a particular Contest Day.
      Information as provided in the official website of Star India Private Limited

  2. Arun Kumawat

    I am the winner of twenty twenty contest in which my video is shown in star gold channel and I want copy of this video.

    1. Admin

      From the Website :

      Winners shall be contacted by Star India on the mobile number through which Entry had been submitted to Star India informing them that they are have been selected as the Winner of the Contest. The Winners shall be required to submit to Star India scanned copies of their Age Proof and Address Proof which shall be a valid Passport Copy, Pan Card Copy, Driver’s License, Aadhar Card, Paid Electricity Bill, Last Two Months Bill for the mobile number registered with Star India (from which the Participant has submitted his/her Entry in the Contest) (“Winner’s Documents”). The Winner’s shall be required to submit the Winner’s Documents to Star India within 12 (twelve) hours from the time of the telephonic communication received from Star India by the Winner.

  3. Mukesh

    What is the reward of winning this contest?

  4. Mukesh Kumar

    I have qualified in the contest, but I have been called and informed that I have been disqualifying.
    Please solve the issue. I am very confused and keen.
    Thank you so much.
    Mukesh Kumar (Rajasthan)

    1. Admin

      From the Website :

      Upon receipt of the Contact Details, Star India shall contact the Shortlisted Participant via email to submit (including but not limited to) scanned copies of their identity proof, age proof and address proof (eg. Birth Certificate, 10th Class leaving Certificate/ School certificate/ passport/any other valid ID for verification) (“Documents”) within twenty four (24) hours of such email. In the event, any Shortlisted Participant fails to submit the Documents his/her participation shall be invalidated and shall forfeit his/her chance to win the Prize. It is clarified that Star India shall not be obligated to shortlist another Participant in place of such forfeited Participant.

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