RILEC 2016 RMLNLU Legal Essay Writing Competition International

Organization : Dr. Ram Manohar Lohiya National Law University, Lucknow
Competition Name : RILEC 2016 RMLNLU International Legal Essay Writing Competition
Applicable For : Students pursuing 3 year LL.B/ 5 year integrated LL.B/LL.M. or Ph.D
Submission Last Date : 10th April, 2016

Website :
Competition Details

Legal Essay Writing Competition:

The Journal Committee at Dr. Ram Manohar Lohiya National Law University, Lucknow is pleased to announce the fourth edition of the RMLNLU International Legal Essay Writing Competition (RILEC 2016). The theme for this year’s edition is International Taxation Law.

Related : IIHMR Jaipur Acumen 2016 Essay Writing Contest :

Dr. Ram Manohar Lohiya National Law University is one of the premier national law schools in India which came into being in 2006 with an aim to impart comprehensive legal education and inculcate professional dynamism and legal acumen within students.

With an aim to inform public opinion in the field of tax law through academic scholarship, the sub-themes for this year’s edition of RILEC are as under:
** E-Commerce in International Taxation- Issues and Challenges.
** Source Based and Residence Based Taxation- Bridging the Hiatus.
** Role of Supranational Organization in Shaping and Transforming International Taxation.
** Addressing the Challenges of Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) in Wake of Paradigm Shift in Global Taxation Environment.

Participants are requested to adhere to the following submission guidelines:
Word limit for the Competition: 4000-4500 words (excluding footnotes).
Individual Attachments: Name; contact details; current academic status (Year, University etc.); undertaking as to guarantee of originality.

Formatting specifications:
a. Font and size for the essay: Times New Roman | 12
b. Font and size for footnotes: Times New Roman | 10
c. Line spacing: 1.5

** Uniform style of citation should be followed throughout the essay.
** The file names must consist only of the author’s names
** The submission should be emailed in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) format.

** Students pursuing a 3 year LL.B. course or 5 year integrated LL.B. course, in India and equivalent undergraduate law degree, abroad.
** Students pursuing LL.M. or Ph.D.; and/or professionals are barred from participating in the Competition.

Miscellaneous Rules:
1) The copyright for all entries shall vest with the organisers who herewith reserve the right to modify, postpone or defer the competition and its adjudication indefinitely as and when exigencies of an unforeseen nature may arise.
2) Any attempt, direct or indirect, to contact the panel of judges will be met with immediate disqualification of the relevant entry.

Participation Guidelines:
1) Co-authorship of entries is strictly not allowed.
2) Multiple entries for individual authors are not allowed.
3) A participant may submit an entry related to ONE sub-theme ONLY. One shall not juxtapose subthemes in an entry.

The last date for the submission of soft copies is 10th April, 2016.

** Winner- INR 15,000 and a ‘Letter of Recommendation’ from the Honorary Head of the Executive Panel of Judges.
** First Runner up- INR 10,000
** Second Runner up- INR 5,000
** Certificate of Appreciation’ for the top 10 entries which get shortlisted.

Send submissions to
Send queries to

Note: No prior registration is required.

Contact Details:
Raghvendra Pratap Singh (+91)-9918007079
Deepti Bajpai (+91)-9838278261
Raj Shekhar (+91)-8933870934

This post was last modified on August 21, 2024 3:17 PM

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