NVOK Vijay TV Neengalum Vellalaam Oru Kodi 2016 Season III Registration & Audition

Organization : BIG Synergy Media Limited & Vijay TV
Competition Name : Neengalum Vellalaam Oru Kodi 2016 Season III Registration & Audition
Applicable For : All Viewers
Phase-I General Round Dates : April 14th, 2016, to April 19th, 2016

Website : nvok.in
Contest Rules: https://www.contest.net.in/uploads/11683-nvok.pdf

Neengalum Vellalaam Oru Kodi:

“Neengalum Vellalam Oru Kodi – Season III” is a quiz based game show primarily in the TAMIL language which is being produced by BIG Synergy Media Limited (“Producer”) for initial exhibition on VIJAY TV (“Channel”), which channel is owned by Vijay Television Private Limited (“Company”).

Procedure To Participate In The Competition:
The competition will be conducted in different Phases. The Company shall at its sole discretion roll out the next Phases of the Competition

Phase – I:
Phase-I will comprise of General round only:
General Round:
** One competition question having four multiple choice answer options will be aired each day during the promotions of the show beginning from April 14th, 2016, to April 19th, 2016 for all BSNL landline telephone and all mobile telephone subscribers, excluding any calls made from a public call office (PCO). For clarification the last competition question for April 14th, 2016 shall be aired upto April 19th, 2016 ending 08:00:00 hours.

** The promotions will be aired inviting all viewers to register for the Competition. The telephone lines and the mobile phone lines and SMS acceptance shall be open for Twenty Two hours (22:00:00 hours) i.e. beginning from 10:00:00 to next day 08:00:00 hours only. Detailed entry mechanism/ timelines are as below:

Registration Through “SMS”:
Step- 1:
Contestants can register his/her number to participate in the competition via SMS by texting:
“NVOK” <space> “YOUR ANSWER OPTION” [A/B/C/D] to 554567 – for IDEA NETWORK USERS

Step- 2:
On receiving the SMS in the aforementioned format, contestant will be sent a text message thanking him/her for completing STEP 1 of the registration process and will now be asked to enter:

“GENDER” <space> “AGE” <space> “PINCODE”.

The Contestant shall have to respond within 20 (Twenty) minutes with the above entries. The accuracy of the information entered is at the sole responsibility of the contestants.

Step -3:
On receiving the SMS in the prescribed format, contestant is sent another text message “Thanks! We will inform you if your entries are eligible. For terms and conditions long on to “nvok.in”. And this completes the registration process through the SMS for that particular question.

In case of error in SMS format, the response message will be sent “Invalid format”. Reply with the first letter of your gender <space> age <space> pincode. Example M 25 600043, if you are a 25 year old Male and the pincode of your residence is 600043

The charges for per- SMS to 554567 will be of Rs. 5 per message

For complete details, refer the PDF given above.

This post was last modified on July 30, 2021 1:33 PM

Categories: Vijay TV
Tags: nvok.in

View Comments (94)

  • I got call from PCO and also we answered for three questions too. But after that we didn't get any response from your side. What does it mean?

  • I have answered the questions. But few days the answer not accepted. Reply message said the time was closed. I answered the questions immediately after program. But wouldn't accepted.

  • I attended the audition at Chennai on 4th July 2016. I am waiting to participate. When will you call me?

  • How to participate and what to do for that? I am doing my final year DME. If I got opportunity to participate it will be helpful for my studies.

  • I am from Dindigul. I am very interested in participating in the show. Please tell me the process regarding for selection. I don't know whether to answer play from home questions or any other questions. If any other questions when will be the next phase questions?

  • I have not received any information from nvok team. Kindly confirm me if my entry is correct.

  • I got a call on Aug 1 answered IVR questions correctly. They told audition is on Aug 6 and we will call back. Yet now I didn't receive any call.

  • My request to NVOK core team is please give some chance to farmer. I am a farmer. I am also waiting for your call. My intention is not intervene your decision. This is my humble request. I participated NVOK audition in Chennai. I have not get any result. Again I request you to please give chance to farmer.

  • I don't know how to download Amazon app. The next day my son came from Coimbatore. He taught me how to download the app. So I answered only 5 questions. If I get a chance surely I will prove my knowledge.

  • I have tried all the season of NVOK unfortunately, I didn't get chance till now.
    How many times I have to answer your query for getting a chance in NVOK?

  • I am a PH.d student. I have problem to pay my course fees. After registerering, 5 years get completed. Due to pending of fee payment, I am not able to complete my course.
    If you given a chance for me it is very helpful for me to complete my course.

  • I got a call from nvok cce. He didn't told the audience venue . Can you please let me know the venue detail?

  • I don't know how to download the Amazon app. The next day my son came from Coimbatore and helped me to download the app. So I answered only five questions. Daily I sent the SMS. If I get a chance I will try to prove my knowledge. Thanks.

  • Friends please update about status of July 10 audition held at Coimbatore. If any one already called for shooting please post here. Because daily expecting call from NVOK and getting disappointed. It is my kind request good hearted ones please update at least shooting for audition held on July 3(Chennai) and July 10(Coimbatore). Expecting positive reply.

  • I installed Amazon app and answered to all questions. Got call from Vijay tv and they told to come for audition. May I know what to prepare in common? On what basis you will shortlist?

  • I tried to participate in nvok from season 1 to season 3 and I got a chance but unfortunately I missed it and now also I am trying to participate. So please give me another chance once again.

  • Now I am living in Chennai. So I sent 600042 pincode but in my proof 600032 is my pincode. Will it make any issues?

  • I am only 13 years old but I answered all the answers correctly. Please give me a chance.

  • I received a call confirming my details from amazon nvok. After that it was connected to IVR. The call got disconnected when I was about to answer my 2nd question. Our current income is not sufficient to run a family, especially my 9-months kid's expense is unmanageable. So I am in need to participate in this contest. Please give me a call again. Thanks.

  • I got call from you in with 30th July. He told audition will be held on 6th August in Chennai. I didn't get any confirmation call from you. Please give a chance to me. I lost my parents. I have one younger brother. Please give the opportunity. This will help for us.

  • I had answered all the 6 questions on Amazon app from 23rd July to 28th July. When will I receive a call to participate in nvok? I didn't receive any call till now. Am I got selected or not? I am very interested and excited to participate in Neengalum Vellalam Oru Kodi. My age is 78.

  • I attended audition on July 10th in Coimbatore. Could anyone tell whether shooting started for Coimbatore auditionees. What about the status of auditionees? If anyone called for shoot at least post here because daily waiting for NVOK call and getting wexed.

  • I lived in thatched house. It is very damaged. So I participate the game to win low amount. Also I had to build my house.

  • Basically I am a poor family. I want to build a own house. We have not a sufficient amount. So I want to participate nvok. Then I am very interested to see Mr.Arvindsamy. So please consider my application.

  • I have registered to this contest. When I will get call from cce of nvok and what kind of a questions will be asked and how I want to answer?

  • I have answered for many questions through the Facebook. But there is no any information to me. I am very interested to participate in this program but I can't participate. Please say me any suggestions as how to participate and please give a response by message.

  • I have one small doubt. I answered three questions in this week. Still how many questions I have to answer?
    Remaining questions when will be asked in TV at what time?

  • I got a call on 27th June 2016 from Vijay TV, The CCE asked the details about me and confirm my details like age area pin code and name and others, and they told me that I was selected for 3rd July 2016 audition and rules and regulations and thereafter they asked 3 (recorded) questions and answered the 3 questions correctly and they told me that, we will call back you in short time, but I didn't get any calls upto this time. I was very happy when I received a call from vijay tv, but I am in more tension. What is the mistake I made? Am I get selected or not? Atleast vijay tv may inform the applicants as the applicants got selected or not? Anyhow, I am eagerly waiting for the call from vijay tv with more confident.

  • I have participated in 3rd level audition held at Coimbatore on 10th July 2016. I have 100% confident that I will be selected. Please let me know whether I am selected or not.

  • I am a farmer. I participated in NVOK audition in July 3. NVOK team treated us very good manner. Could you tell me any farmer get chance to play in NVOK season three. If any farmer get chance to play in NVOK I will be happy. But NVOK team give opportunity to everybody. Nvok competition is very tough so farmer like me could not win the race.

  • My area pin code 600057. I received a call on 27.06.2016 at 4.20 PM from CCE, Vijay TV and I gave my details what they want and continuously they asked 3 questions and I answered the three questions (recorded) correctly what they asked? Finally, they told me that "we will call you back in short time, but upto this date I didn't get any calls from them. Now I am preparing myself to participate through reading more GK books everyday. Am I selected or not? I am confused and in more tension. Please reply am I selected or not?

  • My audition was over on July 3rd. Can anybody say about the status? Can admin say something about the status whether they have selected the final list or till when we can except the call from NVOK, so that we can live in peace of mind & may try for next chance & do our work. Please admin do the needful.
    Just give a message on behalf of NVOK so that we don't waste our time.

  • I answered 19 June. Then I had replied message from NVOK. That message has content of thanks. We will inform you if your entries eligible. Further I don't have received SMS. When will be next audition?

  • I participated on 3rd July. When will be result?
    Will I be selected in 1st level? CHN-GW / 2 / 054



  • I have been selected for the second level and was asked 3 questions on 26.06.2016. But the second and third question asked were the same question. I have not received any communication so far. I am afraid as I have been asked two same questions to filter me out. I am sure I have replied correctly. Whether I will get an entry for the competition or will I get a communication and if so when?

  • I have answered all 5 questions between June 19,2016 and June 23,2016. But till now I have not received any calls from vijay tv. I am eagerly waiting for call from NVOK team.

  • On 26/06/2016 I have received a call from NVOK Team. They asked 3 questions through IVR. I answered for that all three questions. I want to know am I eligible for the next level of audition? Please reply.

  • Everything is on. Concentrate on your daily schedule which will take you to high places. Just think of the time we have wasted for a month. Rather to believe in those media people and luck let's believe in hard work and perspiration.. Don't forget that its a business and no one will come and take you to hot seat.

  • Can you please confirm as results got announced? If that is the case others need not to wait for results. Can you confirm still we can expect calls from Vijay TV?

  • I got a call from Vijay TV. They ask some questions in recorded voice and they told you are selected and audition date is May 1st or 18 but till no phone call or information. Please inform.

  • I attended Audition 8th may @ Coimbatore. I answered all 10 questions correctly during Audition. But till date I have received no information for next stage of audition @ Chennai. Now everything is over or I have to wait? Please confirm.

  • It seems they have finalized the final contestants. So request you all not to wait for the results. Even my heart beat was pumping for the results. Finally came to know shoot date has been announced. Let us try next time. Hard luck guys.

  • When will the Audition result (name list) be announced? How?(over phone or online or tv) and When? Till which date, shall we wait for result? Please clear my doubts.

  • I have received a phone call a month before regarding audition on may 1st and may 18th. But till now no re-call has been received. Will I receive any calls??

    • On May 1st and May 8th auditions were completed that are second level auditions. If we got selected in 2nd level audition only we will get call for shooting.

  • I am eager to participate, for sintilating villain Arvindswamy. Just tell when will they inform the result for May 8th perks audition?

  • Information conveyed to successful contestants to be ready for shooting at madras between 24 to 30 may 2016 ,today. This is for your information

  • Have you announced the finalists for nvok? Because we didn't get any calls from your side.. Can you please let us know about the details?

  • We got to know the show starts on 30th May 2016. Its been only 18 days from today. So please let us know the results.

  • When will you inform the selected registrants? Please give as soon as possible. We are waiting eagerly.

  • Did you tell the selection list in Vijay TV? Already ads going on i.e.may 12 7 pm. We finished audition on may first. Waiting for result. Did you play audition video on may 12?

  • On April 22nd I received call for verification and to attend Trichy audition on April 30th. After that I attended 3 questions through IVR. But after that i didn't received a confirmation call. What to do?

  • From the Website :
    Selection of Contestants:

    The correct valid entries will be shortlisted by the randomizer on a daily basis from the valid entries received for each day.

  • They called and asked details for Chennai audition but still now no confirmation cal came. Please call and ask me details for final participation.

    • From the Website :

      Audition Period:
      The STAGE 1 of Auditions will be conducted from the period commencing from April 30th, 2016 through May 07th, 2016


    • From the Website :

      The STAGE 1 of Auditions will be conducted from the period commencing from April 30th, 2016 through May 07th, 2015 (“Audition Period”). The timings for registration of Auditionees will be intimated, and cannot be changed or modified to suit Auditionees’ requirements.

  • I am selected for May 1st auditions. Anybody knows what type of questions they will ask? Or refer any websites or books.


  • Yesterday I got call form NVOK I was answered three questions again today I got call from NVOK but unfortunately I am unable to pick call. Can you call me again?

  • I got a call from Vijay T.V and the operator told that I am selected for the audition which will conducts in Coimbatore on 8th May at Perk's Hr.sec.school. But the admin told the audition dates are from April 30 to May 7th only. So I am confused. Please clear my doubt.

  • I got a call and answered 3 IVR questions correctly today for May 8th Audition. Still I have not got a call back again for address verification. When will they call for confirmation?

  • I got phone call , We could not listen voice clearly by network problem, I answered right for all question, please, can I get call to participate in may 1 audition?

    • From the Website:

      Company is not responsible if the call-back is not successful due to including but not limited to any of the following reasons:
      a) Line being busy/dead/out of service
      b) Network Congestion
      c) No answer received
      d) Number does not exist
      e) Number has been disconnected
      f) Out of coverage area/Number not reachable
      g) Phone Switched off
      d) Poor call conditions / unclear reception
      e) Number busy
      f) Call drop
      g) Other reasons that could render a call unsuccessful or terminate it.

  • Is any body here to answer my question? Please tell me the date and time of Coimbatore audition. I couldn't hear clearly the opearator's voice because I was in heavy traffic at that time.

    • From the Website:

      The Call Centre Executives will inform the Registrants about the Audition date and venue and will confirm his /her availability on the Audition dates and shoot dates. Further, they shall be asked to re-confirm first that they will comply with the rules (and be advised of where to obtain copies if required). In the event the Registrant is not available on those dates, the Registrant will not be permitted to continue with the registration process.

  • Are you still making calls for the first stage of audition or is it over? When is the last date?

  • My Husband got a call from NVOK team and completed IVR round.He was informed that auditions will be on May 1st. Today again he got the call twice, when he was in office. He was not able to attend the call. What should he do now?

    • From the Website:

      Company is not responsible if the call-back is not successful due to including but not limited to any of the following reasons:
      a) Line being busy/dead/out of service
      b) Network Congestion
      c) No answer received
      d) Number does not exist
      e) Number has been disconnected
      f) Out of coverage area/Number not reachable
      g) Phone Switched off
      d) Poor call conditions / unclear reception
      e) Number busy
      f) Call drop
      g) Other reasons that could render a call unsuccessful or terminate it.

  • I have received call from NVOK team and they noted my contact details.and also connected for voice call and am answered 2 out of 3 questions are correct. Is am I selected for audition? Please suggest.

  • I thought there was only one question. I was unaware of consecutive questions. I answered only two, first day and last day. Will I be called for audition?

  • I am from Bangalore. I have answered all 5 questions correctly, but still now i didn't received a call from you. Can you confirm other state numbers are eligible or not? Then why messages are accepted?

  • From the Website :

    Means the ground Auditions held at various locations on certain dates as informed by the Company or the Producer to select Participant(s).

    The STAGE 1 of Auditions will be conducted from the period commencing from April 30th, 2016 through May 07th, 2016 (“Audition Period”). The timings for registration of Auditionees will be intimated, and cannot be changed or modified to suit Auditionees’ requirements.

  • I have received a call from NVOK team and they asked me that whether I am available on may 1 for the auditions in Chennai and asked to come with partner and forwarded to IVR to answer three questions and I answered it correctly. Is that the confirmation to participate ?

  • I have received a call from Vijay TV but I have not attended(missed the call) last night. How will I again get a call or which number should I call?

  • suppose "A" is an auditionee himself with his wife as co-contestant or jodi. Can "A" become a jodi or co-contestant with his son or daughter, if the audition is on the same day

    • From the Website:

      Refers to the co-contestant of the Registrant who shares the Permitted Relationship with the Registrant and who shall be above 12 years of age.

      Permitted Relationship:
      Refers to the relationship of either (i)Husband-wife or (ii) parent-child or (iii) siblings or (iv) grandparent – grandchild or (v) Father in law – Son in law or (vi) Father in law – Daughter in law or (vii) Mother in law – Son in law or (viii) Mother in law – Daughter in law

  • I have answered their Question on April 14. But I didn't get any call. I am unlucky same thing happened for past two seasons. Do we need to answer their question daily ?

  • In case suppose if we miss to attend the IVR call will they call back is NVOK team started the IVR calls?

  • I received a call from NVOK team and they noted my name details. And connected for 3 questions. I replied 3 out of 3 answer are correct. Am I select for Audition?

  • This is Thiruvikraman. I got a call from Vijay TV executive and I gave correct answers for all the three questions. When can I expect/ receive the call for future events?

  • I received call from NVOK team and they noted my contact details. And connected for 3 questions. I replied 3 out of 3 are correct. Am I select for audition?

    • I have received a call today 19.04.2016 around 6.30 pm. and I gave the details of mine. When they told about audition on 30.04.2016 at Trichy. I informed my in ability of attending due to exam duty in government from 28.04.2016 to 30.04.2016. The executive informed to participate in the next season. I thought i will be given a chance another day. Could I attend the audition if i complete my exam duty earlier. What to do? Please let me know

      • From the Website :

        The STAGE 1 of Auditions will be conducted from the period commencing from April 30th, 2016 through May 07th, 2016 (“Audition Period”). The timings for registration of Auditionees will be intimated, and cannot be changed or modified to suit Auditionees’ requirements.

  • I got a call today and gave my details and also completed with IVR round which has 3 questions.Will there be any confirmation post that?

  • After the answering process completed, again a message will receive isnt? for which how shall we reply, either "NVOK M 25 600001" or "M 25 600001"? Which one is correct?

  • I have answered correctly for questions for each day and have sent my details correctly. But, no any calls I have received. Did every persons who have answered correctly will receive the call?

  • I got a call today from Vijay TV.They informed me that it was jodi season and two people must participate. I immediately said my father will participate with me .But they didn't get any details about him. Now I would like my mother to participate with me. Can I change the preference? Is it possible else I will participate with my dad himself?

    • From the Website:

      Refers to the co-contestant of the Registrant who shares the Permitted Relationship with the Registrant and who shall be above 12 years of age.

      Permitted Relationship:
      Refers to the relationship of either (i)Husband-wife or (ii) parent-child or (iii) siblings or (iv) grandparent – grandchild or (v) Father in law - Son in law or (vi) Father in law - Daughter in law or (vii) Mother in law - Son in law or (viii) Mother in law - Daughter in law

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