Myntra Indian Fashion League Game Offer 2016

Organization : Myntra
Offer Name : Indian Fashion League Game Offer 2016
Competition Last Date : 4th May 2016

Website :

Indian Fashion League Game :

This is a mobile application (“App”) only game, which shall take place on Myntra App on 14th April (15:30 PM), 2016 till 4th May 2016 (11:00 AM). This game shall be active only between 12:00 AM till 11:59 PM (“Offer Period”).

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The game can be played by registered users only. The game shall run in two phase i.e.

14th April till 17th April:
Registration phase- In this phase user can register/create profile for IFL-team (Indian Fashion League) & upload their fashionable images/shots/photos to support their city. User can register in the game only by selecting team (no other info. req.).

18th April-4th May:
Live-matches & Registration phase- In this phase, user can play multiple matches to support their city, register/create profile for IFL team & upload images. User can also vote in other team’s matches to earn points or support any other team of IFL.

How to play the game:

** The game is a city fashion war. There are 8 city based teams. These teams will play matches with each other to win the league.
** In order to play the league, as a first step user needs to choose a team to play with.
** User needs to upload his/her images/pictures/shots in “Post a shot” section. These images will be moderated by Myntra-internal team & will be shown-up in the live-matches. User will also get certain defined points in the game by uploading shots daily.
** Users need to play live-matches against other teams & win matches in order to win the fashion league. For playing matches and winning matches, user will get points in IFL.

Team-matches will proceed with three round of matches:-
A. Qualifier round:
In this round each team will play match against all other teams i.e. 7 matches per team. There will be two matches live-everyday and any users can play any match to support their team or any other team.

B. Semi-finale round:
This will be a knock-out round. 4 qualifying teams (teams which wins the qualifier round) will play against one team only i.e. one team will face only one team to qualify finale match. Two teams who would lose the match will be out of the league & Two winning teams will enter in finale round.

C. Finale round:
** Two teams will play finale match against each other & the winning team will be announced as IFL league winner.
** User can play live-matches on IFL screen by clicking on “Play” button, The user needs to play the matches by clicking/voting on shots displayed in the city-match.
** During live-matches (18th April – 4th May), user can play city-matches via voting/liking on the images of city-matches.
** In city-match, user will see two images (one from each match-city) at a time & s/he can like/vote one of the image.
** In order to play one match, user needs to like/vote on 11-player’s images to support his/her city.
** The live-matches (of all rounds) can be played by users. There is no restriction on any user to play any specific match. Users can play matches to support their city or earn points in the game.
** A user can play-matches any number of times they want but, they will get point for playing only two different matches in one day. However, if a user is playing match multiple times, their votes will be counted in city-score for the match.

A user will get points in the game throughout 14th to 4th May through various activities in the IFL-game. All the activities are mentioned below:
Activities to earn points in IFL are mentioned below:-
** Uploading images/shots/photos (1-50 images) every day.
** Play city match (all the matches at least once) everyday.
** Today’s activity: Completing today’s activity every day results in getting higher runs
** Playing matches during “Power-up”: User can play live-matches during Power-up hour everyday to earn double points only if, they have not played matches at least once the same day.

This post was last modified on June 13, 2020 11:52 AM


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      Playing matches during "Power-up": User can play live-matches during Power-up hour everyday to earn double points only if, they have not played matches at least once the same day. © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map