Ladakh Marathon 2016

Organisation : Ladakh Marathon Hub
Competition Name : Ladakh Marathon 2016
Last Date : 15th July 2016

Register online here :
Website :

Ladakh Marathon :

Race Day for the 5th edition of Ladakh Marathon is Sunday 11th September 2016 and registrations have opened.

Related : Airtel Hyderabad Marathon 2016 :

Race day consists of four races:

Last day to register for all races except the 07km race is 15th July 2016.

Eligibility Criteria :
AGE ELIGIBILITY as on 11th September 2016 for various races is:
Run Ladakh for Fun (07 KM): 12 years
Half Marathon (21.1 KM) : 16 years
Marathon (42.1 KM) : 18 years
Khardung La Challenge (71.12 KM) : 20 years
Veterans (all races) : 48 years

Besides the age limit Runners should be in good physical condition to adapt and be able to run at high altitude.

The following criteria is mandatory for Runners of Marathon and Khardung La Challenge. Entries for these two categories will be screened and if you do not fulfil the requirement the organiser has the right to reject your application.

Marathon :
Runner must have run one full marathon or two half marathons in the past two years

Khardung La Challenge :
Runners who have completed two prior full marathons during the past three years under 5 hrs OR have run any two ultra marathons over 70 kms are eligible to register for this race. The Organizer reserves the right to disallow / disqualify any participant who is known or suspected to be physically unfit to participate in this race.

**  Please read sections on APPLICATION FEE AND TERMS & CONDITIONS before completing the registration form.
**  You can apply either online or send us completed application form through post mail.

Registrations for the 5th edition of Ladakh Marathon open on 19th March 2016

This is open only until 15th July 2016 for all races except the 07km Run Ladakh for Fun.

Step One:
Click here to download the Application Form.
Step Two:
Please fill in the form with “Risk & Indemnity Agreement” duly signed. The requisite entry fee is to be sent through post mail to:
Ladakh Marathon Hub
Hotel Kanglhachen Complex
Opposite to Police Station and CMO’s office
Leh, Ladakh – 194101,
Jammu & Kashmir, India
Tel: + 91 1982 253348, 253257

Incomplete application forms will not be accepted, so please ensure that you have filled in all the necessary details.

Runners who live in Ladakh have the option to drop in their completed application forms at the following location(s) in Leh:
** Ladakh Marathon, Khagshal, Gonpa Road, Leh, Ladakh – 194101, Jammu & Kashmir, India
** Ladakh Marathon Hub, Hotel Kanglhachen Complex, Opposite to Police Station & CMO’s office, Leh, Ladakh – 194101, Jammu & Kashmir, India


** Age limits – These must be adhered to strictly and the organizer has the right to verify the age of runners before, during and after the race.
** Please do not apply more than one entry per person. Multiple applications will be rejected.
** Before sending in your application, please ensure that all information as requested in the form has been provided with else your application will not be accepted.
** Runners of the Marathon and Khardung La Challenge are to provide details of previous marathons along with timing certificates

** All applicants must agree and sign the “Risk and Indemnity Agreement”. And if an applicant is below the age of 18 years, the guardian has also signed the ‘waiver’ and written his/her relation with the applicant.

** Entries not accepted: Participation in the event is subject to entry confirmation. If your entry is not confirmed for any reason, the application fees paid by you will be refunded after deducting a processing fee of Rs 200/-

** There will be no refunds for cancellations. However the registration fees can always be transferred for the next Ladakh Marathon”.

** Transfer or change of race categories is permitted, but participants will be charged Rs 500 (Indian Nationals) and US$10 for Foreign Nationals towards processing charges. There are no refunds of fee if you transfer / change races or categories.

** BIB number and collection of bibs:
** Your official race BIB number is important. Therefore please ensure that it is displayed during the entire race.
** Do not alter the Bib number in any manner
** Bib numbers are not transferable
** No one else may wear your bib number
** The bib number must be pinned properly to the front of your t-shirt and clearly visible
** Folding or covering any part of your bib number may result in disqualification
** Do not forcefully bend, crease or fold your bib

Timing Chips:
** Ladakh Marathon will use a timing chip for the timed races (Half Marathon and Marathon)
** Timing chips must be attached to your BIB to score the race as per instructions provided
** This timing chip must be worn on the race day, attached properly to the BIB
** The chip must be attached from Start to Finish in order to be recognized as completing the race and receiving an official finish time
** The timing chip identifies your bib number and should not be worn by any other entrant

Should the event be cancelled due to circumstances beyond the control of the Organizer or force majeure, a refund of 50% of the registration fee will be made before 30 November 2016, and the Organizer shall have no further responsibility and/or liability thereafter.

** All confirmed participants are required to come to Leh to collect their running number bibs (and timing chips). No running number bib or timing chip will be posted to individual mailing address. It is mandatory for participants of the categories 42 KM Marathon and Khardung La Challenge to collect their running number bibs and timing chips in person.

This post was last modified on August 20, 2024 4:12 PM

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