PepsiCo Chase The Tomato Contest 2016

Organisation : PepsiCo India Holdings Private Limited
Competition Name : Chase The Tomato Contest Facebook/Twitter
Applicable For : Indian citizens of 18 years of age or above
End Date : 23rd April 2016

Download your admit card here :
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#ChaseTheTomato Contest Terms & Conditions :

1. #ChaseTheTomato Contest (‘Contest’) is brought to you by PepsiCo India Holdings Private Limited (‘Organizer’).

Related :

LG Food For Love Facebook Wall Post Contest 2016 :

2. The Contest is open to all Indian citizens of 18 years of age or above having a valid Facebook or Twitter, residing in India except the employees of Organizer and their family members, Organizer’s associate companies, its bottlers, its joint venture-partners, its co-packers, its distributors, its agents, its advertising and promotional agencies and its auditors and their associate companies (‘Participant’).

3. Contest is valid from 1 P.M. on 21st April 2016 to, 6 P.M. on 23rd April 2016 (“ContestPeriod”). The Organizer may in its absolute discretion curtail or extend the Contest Period, as it deems necessary without any liability whatsoever; and no communication in this regard will be entertained.

4. By participating in this Contest, a Participant unconditionally and irrevocably accepts and agrees to be bound by all these terms and conditions as stated herein at all times without any exception whatsoever.

5. No purchase or consumption of Organizer’s products is necessary to participate in the Contest.

6. To participate in the Contest, the Participant has to follow the steps as detailed hereinbelow:
** Be a registered Facebook and/or Twitter user;
** Follow Quaker India’s Facebook page ( hereinafter referred to as “Facebook Page”, and/or Twitter page ( hereinafter referred to as “Twitter Page”.
** Organizer will be posting contest questions on social media on Facebook Page and Twitter Page.

** Participant must answer each question asked correctly on Facebook Page and TwitterPage on the location of tomatoes across India, based on the clues provided in the questions.

** Participants who have answered first 3objective questions will also need to answer the final qualitative question–‘Tell us what you would do if you had India’s Tastiest Tomatoes?’

** Eligibility criteria is as follows –
i) Answer must be submitted/posted with the hashtag – “#ChaseTheTomato”, irrespective of the social media platform it is submitted/posted on.
ii) The decision of the Organizer with regard to validity of the answer shall be final and no claim or communication with respect to that post by the Participant shall be entertained by the Organizer.
iii) To qualify – a Participant has to answer correctly the first 3 questions and provide a unique and creative answer to the 4th question.

7. Only such submissions of Participants meeting the criteria in Clause 6 above, shall qualify for the Contest and shall hereinafter be referred to as ‘Valid Entries’. The decision of the Organizer with regard to validity of the entries shall be final and no claim or communication with respect to that entry by the Participant shall be entertained by the Organizer.

8. By becoming a follower of the Facebook Page and/or Twitter Page, the Participant gives his/her free consent to abide by the rules, regulations, policies and obligations as mandated by Twitter/Facebook, as the case may be.

9. It is strictly prohibited to upload content (picture/text/video/any other content) of any kind that contain expressions of hate, abuse, offensive images or conduct, obscenity, pornography, is sexually explicit or against any religious sentiments or against any caste, creed or race or any material, which is offensive to women or any material that could give rise to any civil or criminal liability under applicable law or regulations or that otherwise may be in conflict with these Terms and Conditions or the Advertising Code.

It is also clarified that any entry which, in the reasonable opinion of the Organizer, is obscene, offending or hurtful shall be rejected immediately; and appropriate action will be taken against the said Participant.

10. Participant, without any exception and at all times during the Contest Period shall follow all instructions given by the Organizer in its entirety. Any failure to comply with the instructions of the Organizer will result in the disqualification of the post/submission made by the Participant.

11. The Participant sending the entries after the Contest Period will not be eligible for the Prize (as defined hereinafter).
12. A Participant can participate multiple times in the Contest during the Contest Period but can be chosen as a winner only once under this Contest.

13. Subject to the first three answers of the Participant being correct, the entries to the last and 4th question will be judged on the basis of the creativity and uniqueness of the answer to the question posed by the Organizer.

14. The total winners will amount to 10 (ten). Five each from Facebook and Twitter respectively. It is clarified that the Organizer’s commitment under this Contest is subject to the number and nature of entries received and the Organizer may reduce the number of winners depending on the number of Valid Entries received.

15. The winners chosen by the independent judge shall be final and binding and no communication or claims will be entertained in this regard.

16. Declaration of winners:
** The winners will be declared on Facebook Page, Twitter Page on 25th April, 2016.
** Each Winner will win an Air Fryer worth Rs.5500/- (Rupees Five Thousand Five Hundred only)(“Prize”).

This post was last modified on July 14, 2021 1:22 PM

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