Economic Times ET Cartoon Competition 2016

Organization : Economic Times
Competition Name : ET Cartoon Competition 2016
Competition Last Date : May 1, 2016

Website :

ET Cartoon Competition

The terms and conditions for participating in the competition are as follows:
1. The last date for submission of entries is May 1, 2016. Only those entries shared before the Last Date will be considered for the competition.

Related : Economic Times ET Markets Quiz 2016 :

2. All entries should be submitted in JPEG, TIFF, bitmap or PDF formats only.
3. The resolution of the drawing should be 300 dpi or higher. The size should be 297mm x 420mm

4. The submission can be composed of one cartoon or a series of maximum 6 boxes. Entries via third parties and automated entries are not permitted but a person may make as many entries as they wish to before the Closing Date of May 1, 2016.

5. Along with the drawing, each participant should share their full name, date of birth, address, email ID and mobile number.

6. The entries must be original and should not violate inter alia any provision of the Copyright Act, 1957 and the Copyright (Amendment) Act, 2012. Anyone found plagiarising or infringing on others’ copyright would be immediately disqualified from the contest. BCCL does not bear any responsibility for copyright violations and/or infringements of intellectual property rights done by the entrants and will not be made partially or fully liable for any non-original work submitted by entrants.

7. By submitting a contest entry, you represent, warrant and undertake to BCCL that your entry:
a) Is exclusively your own work and does not comprise or incorporate any copyright or other intellectual property rights owned by any other person;
b) Is not defamatory or immoral; and
c) Does not infringe any third party rights and/or any agreements to which you are a party.

8. By submitting your contest entry and any accompanying material, you agree that, you hereby (with effect from the date of submission of your competition entry):
a). Assign to BCCL all your copyright/intellectual property rights with full title guarantee; and
b). Waive all moral rights

c). Hence, all contest entries shall become the exclusive property of ‘Bennett, Coleman & Co. Ltd.’, the company that owns and publishes ‘The Economic Times’ and will not be acknowledged or returned under any circumstances. In view thereof entry in this contest constitutes your irrevocable permission and consent to BCCL and/or its publications to use, distribute, license, sublicense or reproduce the entries, in whole or in part, without any further compensation.

9. Pursuant to Article 8 hereinabove, if you are adjudged as the winner of this contest, you agree that, if requested by BCCL, you will take such steps and actions (including, but not limited to, signing and execution of relevant documents) as BCCL may request in order to ensure that BCCL receives full benefit of perpetual assignment as set out in Article 8 of these terms and conditions.

10. The winner will be chosen by professional artists and editors from ‘The Economic Times’ and BCCL’s decision shall be final and binding. The winner will be formally notified (by e-mail, post or telephone) within 7 days of the Closing Date i.e. May 1, 2016. No correspondence shall be entered into by BCCL in relation to the binding and indisputable decision of the contest.

11. The prize must be claimed within 30 days of formal declaration of results failing which such prize shall perpetually and irrevocably stand forfeited in favour of BCCL without any further obligation towards the winner or anyone else. Notwithstanding the foregoing, BCCL reserves the right to extend the contest Last Date at its sole discretion which would be duly published in BCCL publications and/or their website thereof.

12. BCCL may ask shortlisted runner-up entrants and/or contest winners to provide documentary proof of their identity and/or address for establishing their credentials before delivery of prize. The use of false name or address would disqualify such entrants from claiming or winning any prize.

If the selected winner fails to furnish relevant documents sought by BCCL, then BCCL may, at its sole discretion, cancel the entitlement of the said winner and may award the prize to the second winner.

13. Under any circumstances, the prize shall not be substituted for any other gratification in kind – either in whole or in part. The prizes in the contest are non-negotiable and non-transferable.

14. The winner shall exclusively bear any levies, duties, registration, insurance cost and taxes, wherever applicable, on the prize. The winner shall be solely liable for any other expenses related to the acceptance/use of the offer or participation in the contest.

All/any Government taxes on prize money (as applicable), shall be borne by the winner(s) and all deductions, such as tax deduction at source (“TDS”), wherever applicable, shall be made by BCCL in accordance with the Income Tax Act, 1961.

This post was last modified on February 22, 2021 12:54 PM

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