The Collective Spirit of a Stylish Holiday Contest 2016

Organization : The Collective
Competition Name : The Spirit of a Stylish Holiday Contest 2016
Applicable For : All participants aged 18 years and above
Competition Last Date : 20th June 2016

Website :

The Spirit of a Stylish Holiday Contest Terms & Conditions :

** For participating in this contest, the participant should send the write up which shall not exceed more than 100 words to The Collective and the write up should describe ‘The Spirit of a Stylish Holiday’.

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Esri India Story Map Contest 2016 :

** The contest is open to all participants aged 18 years and above, excluding employees of The Collective, the whole of Madura and all its brands, Pantaloons, More, its partners, or anyone professionally connected with the promotion and their immediate families.

** A Participant can send only one entry for the contest. If multiple entries are sent, only the first one will be considered valid.
** Participants should submit their write up on the above mentioned subject on The Collective’s Website from 20th April 2016 to 20th June 2016. Entries for two best write up will be awarded with couple tickets to Amsterdam.

** The winners shall be selected from all the entries received between 20th April 2016 and 23rd June 2016 by a panel of judges (who shall be from any of the brands of Madura). The winner announcement will be made on 24th June 2016 on The Collective Website.

** The winner will be contacted via the email address, phone number or Facebook . The winner must confirm acceptance of the Prize within seven days of being contacted by The Collective. Failure to do so will result in reselecting the winning entry.
** By entering the contest, a participant automatically agrees to the Terms & Conditions of the contest and the prize.

There will be two couple winners and the prize consists of:
** Two return tickets to and from Amsterdam.
** Winners will be able to select the arrival and departure from Mumbai and Delhi airports.

Terms & Conditions for the Prize:

** The prize is valid for travel within the period 1st July 2016 to 31st October 2016, subject to availability.

** The flights must be booked at least 30 days prior to departure. Travel cannot be changed once the booking has been made. The return flight must be booked at the time of booking the flight departing India. Flights are non-transferrable and non-refundable.

** The winner and their guest must be over 18 years of age. The Collective reserves the right to request proof of age (any valid Government Identity Card, Pan card, Passport etc) residency and identity of the prize winner.
** If a winner cannot provide proof of age, residency and identity to The Collective to its satisfaction, the winner’s entry will be deemed invalid and The Collective reserves the right to reselect the winning entry.

** Winners must ensure that they have valid passports, visas, travel insurance at the time of travel. No responsibility will be taken if the winners are unable to travel due to insufficient documentation. The prize does not include travel costs to and from the departure airports, travel insurance, visas, vaccinations, meals, ground transportation or any other costs of a personal nature not stated (including spending money) for the winner and their companion.

** The prize must be taken as stated and no compensation will be payable if a winner is unable to use the prize as stated.
** Compliance with any health or other government requirements is the responsibility of the winner. It is the responsibility of the winner to enquire about local issues and conditions at destinations before travel.

** The Prize winner consents to The Collective announcing their name publically as a Prize winner exploiting the entry and any rights in relation to the entry for any purpose and without compensation and the Prize winner must, at The Collective’s request participate in any marketing and promotional activity in relation to the prize draw, free of charge.

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