Coca-Cola Meet Diljit Dusanjh Promotion 2016 Punjab, Haryana & Himachal Pradesh

Organization : Coca-Cola India Private Limited
Competition Name : Coca-Cola Meet Diljit Dusanjh Promotion 2016
Applicable For : Individuals residing in Punjab, Haryana & Himachal Pradesh
Applicable States : Punjab, Haryana & Himachal Pradesh
Competition Last Date : 30th May, 2016

Website :

Meet Diljit Dusanjh Promotion :
The Coca-Cola Meet Diljit Dusanjh (“Promotion”) is a consumer promotion sponsored by Coca-Cola India Private Limited (“CCIPL”) in the states Punjab, Haryana and Himachal Pradesh , wherein individuals residing in Punjab, Haryana and Himachal Pradesh  will have the opportunity to win a ‘Meet and Greet session with renowned actor and singer Diljit Dusanjh.

Related : Coca-Cola India Thums Up “Ride Your Thunder” Contest :

Meet Diljit Dusanjh Promotion :

** This Promotion will commence at 00:00:01 hrs Indian Standard Time (IST) on April 20, 2016 (“Start Date”) and will continue until May 30, 2016 23:59:59 hrs IST (“End Date”). The Period between the Start Date and End Date shall be called the “Promotion Period”).
** The valid timings for receiving entries (SMSs and call-ins) for the Unique Code Component are between 00:00:00 hrs and 23:59:59 hrs each day of the Promotion Period (“Promotion Timings”).
** Any entries received outside the Promotion Timings shall not be considered for the Daily Winners. Only entries received between the Promotion Timings during the Promotion Period shall be considered for the Daily Winners for that particular day, and shall not be carried forward to the next day.

Eligibility Criteria :
This Promotion is valid in the states of Punjab, Haryana and Himachal Pradesh only. Entry and participation in this Promotion is open to Indian citizens currently residing in the Promotion Territory only, who satisfy each of the following criteria (“Eligible Persons”):
** are of the age of 18 (eighteen) years or above, own a valid cellular GSM or CDMA phone connection that is accessible at all times.
** have a valid PAN Card
** have not been arrested for or convicted of any crime or been the subject of any criminal investigation.
** bear a good moral character and have not been implicated or named in any legal proceedings (either Civil or Criminal).
** are not management, employees, directors or contractors, or the family of the management, employees, directors or contractors of CCIPL, ONE97, the Travel Agency and CA, their related entities or other agencies, firms or companies associated with or related to the Promotion (including suppliers of Prizes).

Prize and How to enter the Promotion :
** Under the Unique Code Component, the CA will shortlist 5 (five) Participant each day during the Promotion Period through a computerized random selection process, from amongst the eligible entries received during that day and such participant shall be declared the eligible winner for that day (“Eligible Winner”). Accordingly ONE97 will shortlist 210 (Two Hundred and Ten) Eligible Winners during the Promotion Period.

** The 210 (Two Hundred and Ten) Eligible Winners short listed by a computerized random selection process to win a chance to meet and greet renowned celebrity and artist Diljit Dusanjh. To enter the Unique Code Component of the Promotion, Participants must purchase 500ml, 600ml or 1.25 L PET bottle of Coca-Cola and submit the 9 (nine) digit Unique Code printed behind the label through an SMS to a short code as specified below.

Participating in the Promotion :
(i) As a first step, Participants are required to SMS the 8/9 digit Unique Code to 0-9871323070 from any SM or CDMA mobile phone connection anytime of the day during the Promotion Period.
(ii) The format of the SMS is as follows:
(iii) an SMS is received either before the commencement of, or after completion of the Promotion Period, the Participant will receive a message requesting him/her to apply during the appropriate period and time.
(iv) If the Participant sends an SMS which is not in the prescribed format, or contains an invalid code he/she will receive an SMS informing him of the required format along with a request to reapply.
(v) If the Participant sends an SMS containing a Unique Code which has already been entered using the same or different number, he/she will receive a response SMS informing him/her to re-apply with a valid unused Unique Code.
(vi) If the Participant sends a valid SMS in the prescribed format, he/she will receive a message confirming his entry in the Promotion(“Valid Entry”)

Please note that premium SMS charges will apply. (Up to a maximum of Rs.3/ (Rupees Three only) – per SMS). However, these rates are not fixed and may be subject to change, and may vary from operator to operator. We recommend that the Participants confirm the applicable rates and charges with their respective telecom service providers.

Selection of Winners and Prizes:

(i) ONE97 will transmit all the Valid Entries daily, till the end of the Promotion Period to the CA appointed by CCIPL.

(ii) The CA will conduct a lucky draw through computerized random selection each day during the Promotion Period from amongst the valid Unique Code Entries received to select 5 (five) Eligible Winner for that day (“Eligible Winner”). The CA will also shortlist two(2) more Participants as secondary winners (back up)on a daily basis who will be contacted in the order of their selection and be declared as Daily Eligible Winners, in the event the first selected Participant is unavailable, unreachable, does not respond or cannot be contacted for any other reason.

However, if all seven shortlisted Participant cannot be contacted, or are unavailable the Daily Winner slot for that day shall not be carried forward to the next day and shall be declared as “Vacant”. In addition the CA is not under any responsibility or obligation to conduct any further selection to fill up such Vacant slot/s. Accordingly the CA will short list up to a maximum of 205 (Two Hundred and Five) Eligible Daily Winners by the end of the Promotion Period.

(iii) The Participants will be eligible to receive the Prize subject to the Terms and Conditions detailed herein.

This post was last modified on August 2, 2023 5:11 PM

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