NCERT Yoga Olympiad For School Children 2016

Organization : National Council of Educational Research & Training
Olympiad Name : NCERT Yoga Olympiad For School Children 2016
Applicable For : All Government & Government-Aided Schools Students from Class 6th to Class 10th
Applicable States/UTs : All India
Last date of submission of Nominations to NCERT : 20th May, 2016
National Level Olympiad: Third Week of June, 2016 at New Delhi

Website :

Yoga Olympiad For School Children:

1. Introduction:
National Curriculum Framework 2005 (NCF-2005) highlighted yoga as an essential component which contribute to the physical, social, emotional and mental development of a child. Yoga has been integrated as an essential component of Health and Physical Education.

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NCERT has already developed textual material on Yoga for Upper Primary and Secondary stage titled “ Yoga-A Healthy Way of Living” for Upper Primary and “ Yoga-A Healthy Way of Living” for Secondary stage. Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) through National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) is taking multi dimensional initiative to promote Yoga in curriculum and transaction in Schools.

2. Theme of Yoga Olympiad:
The theme for the Yoga Olympiad will be ‘Yoga for Health and Harmony’.

3. Yogic Practices to be covered in Olympiad:
The following Yogic practices will be covered into ‘Yoga Olympiad’:
i. Asanas
ii. Pranayama
iii. Kriya (Cleansing Process)
iv. Bandha (Secondary stage only)
v. Surya Namaskar (Optional)

4. Syllabus:
Syllabus for Class VI to VIII (Upper Primary Stage) and Class IX & X (Secondary Stage) developed by NCERT. The syllabus of NCERT is available on in the Department of Social Sciences. The textbooks are also available on this website which gives postures of different Yogic practices.

5. School Participating:
All government, government-aided schools are eligible to participate.

6. Target Group:
Yoga Olympiad will be conducted for both Girls and Boys separately. Also Separately teams for Girls and Boys and for Upper Primary stage and for Secondary stage . Schools /Authorities may ensure that students with special needs have active participation in Yoga Olympiad.

Upper Primary Stage:
Upper Primary Stage comprise students’ from Class 6th to Class 8th

Secondary Stage:
Secondary Stage comprise students’ from Class 9th to Class 10th

7. Level of organization of Yoga Olympiad:
Block Level: This is the first level of Yoga Olympiad where all individuals / schools can send their entries. (However if appropriate and convenient, authorities / organizers may opt / decide to have ‘Yoga Olympiad’ at district level directly depending upon number of schools participation and availability of resources etc).

Four winning girls and four winning boys (I, II, III position winners as main participants and IV position winner as Substitute / Extra) at the upper primary and similar number at the secondary stage will participate at the district level.

District level: This is the Second level of Yoga Olympiad where only the Block level winners will participate.
State/UT level: This is the Third level of Yoga Olympiad where only selected winners from district level will participate.

National level: This is the final and culminating level of Yoga Olympiad where the best of State / UT entries will showcase their performance. Four winning girls and four winning boys of State/UT level (I, II, III position winners as main participants and IV position winner as Substitute / Extra) at the upper primary and similar number at the secondary will participate at the National Level.

In all 16 students (4 boys and 4 girls from Upper Primary Stage and 4 boys and 4 girls of Secondary Stage) from each State/UT will participate at the National Level in this Olympiad.

8. Language:
Hindi or English will be the medium of instruction or expression at the national level.

9. Awards at the Yoga Olympiad
Merit and Participation certificates will be provided at each level (for details please see the Scheme)

10. Time Schedule of Organization of Yoga Olympiad:
Block / School Level : Complete by 30th April, 2016
District level : Complete by 05th May, 2016
State/UT level : Complete by 15th May, 2016
Last date of submission of Nominations to NCERT : 20th May, 2016
National level : Third Week of June, 2016 at New Delhi

Nominations and Report of ‘Yoga Olympiad” to be sent to NCERT:
Nominations of the team and a formal report of the organisation of Yoga Olympiad at State/UT level should reach to NCERT by 20th May, 2016. The nomination should include Names and Addresses including Phone / Mobile number and email etc. of students, and Escort teachers.

The report should include the following:
i. Dates and venue of Yoga Olympiad at District and State level.
ii. Number of schools participated and students, teachers participated.
iii. List of participants at the State/UT level.
iv. Highlights of the Yoga Olympiad including other activities and participation of other organisations.
v. Panel of judges for evaluating the Yoga Olympiad at State level.
vi. Number of visitors to the Yoga Olympiad at State/UT level.

Nomination and Report be sent to:
Prof. Saroj Yadav,
Dean (Academic),
Zakir Hussain Block, NCERT,
Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi, 110016
011-26592247, 26536040, 26592109

This post was last modified on February 24, 2021 11:29 AM

Categories: Olympiad

View Comments (3)

  • How can I send my nomination for participation as our schools are closed till 20th June 2016?

    • From the Website :

      Syllabus for Class VI to VIII (Upper Primary Stage) and Class IX & X (Secondary Stage) developed by NCERT. The syllabus of NCERT is available on in the Department of Social Sciences. The textbooks are also available on this website which gives postures of different Yogic practices © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map