: Sanctuary Asia Wildlife Photography Awards 2015

Organization : Sanctuary Asia
Competition Name : Sanctuary Wildlife Photography Awards 2015
Applicable States/UT : All India

Website :

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Sanctuary Asia All India Environmental Journalism Competition 2015 :

Sanctuary Wildlife Photography Awards 2015:

The Sanctuary Wildlife Photography Awards were instituted to showcase the contributions of India’s best wildlife photographers.

Competition Last Date : October 15, 2015

Every year we receive a vast pool of stunning photographs, which reinforces the urgent need to conserve India’s wildlife.

All entries go through a strenuous judging process, designed to distill the very best from scores of hopefuls. Judges for this year include one of the world’s finest wildlife photojournalists Steve Winter, renowned filmmaker Shekhar Dattatri, birding aficionado Sumit Sen, scientist and conservation photographer Nayan Khanolkar, and the Sanctuary editorial team.

1st Prize – Rs. 1,50,000
2nd Prize – Rs. 75,000
3rd Prize – Rs. 25,000
Special Mentions- Rs. 2,500 each

Pre- Qualification Criteria:

1. Images taken in the wild that best depict Sanctuary’s descriptor: ‘Call of the Wild’.
2. The entrant must be the sole author and owner of the copyright for all photos entered. By entering the contest, the entrant certifies that the entries do not infringe on the copyright, trademark or intellectual property rights of any other person or organisation.
3. Only images from the Indian subcontinent (India, Nepal, Pakistan, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Afghanistan) will be eligible.

Terms & Conditions:

1. Judging:
Winners will be chosen by a panel of judges, appointed by Sanctuary Asia, whose decision will be final. In the event the entries do not meet the judges’ standards, the organisers reserve the right to refrain from making an award.

2. Ownership:
The entrant must be the sole author and owner of the copyright for all photos entered. By entering the contest, the entrant certifies that the entries do not infringe on the copyright, trademark or intellectual property rights of any other person or organisation. A maximum of five images may be submitted by one participant. The last date for submission of all entries is midnight, October 15, 2015, Indian Standard Time.

3. Submission of images:
Please submit photographs preferably in digital (jpeg/raw) format only. Scans of negatives, transparencies or photographic prints are acceptable; the photograph need not be taken with a digital camera. Note: Only on special request will prints (8″x10″ or larger) be accepted. For prints, negatives may be required at a later stage. Each print must be clearly labelled with the photographer’s name and full contact details including the postal address and cell/landline numbers.

4.Digital photographs: Submit your photographs by email ( or online ( or send them to us on CDs/DVDs. Clearly mention your name, postal and email address and telephone number. Image file names should include “photographer’s name_species name_location’. For example “Arjun Singh_Tiger_Ranthambhore.jpg”. Captions (refer to point no. 12) must be added to each image’s Properties Summary (Windows) or File Info (Photoshop) or as a separate Word or RTF file.

5. Large files:
Files (collectively larger than 25 MB) may be sent to us through online submission ( or by CD/DVD.

6. Compatibility and format:
Images must be submitted as Windows PC-compatible JPEG/JPG at highest compression quality (setting 11 or 12 in Adobe Photoshop) files. Files must be ideally full-size without borders, watermarks or signatures.

7. Size:
Images for submission should be 1800 pixels (along the shortest dimension) to a maximum file size of 10 MB. Once shortlisted, entries may have to be resubmitted at 3200 pixels/300 dpi (along the shortest dimension).

The original capture as it was recorded by the camera with no manipulation applied may be requested at any stage of the competition and must be sent to us when requested.

8. Manipulation:
The faithful representation of a natural form, behaviour or phenomenon must be maintained. Images may be cropped (by 20 per cent) before submission, and limited digital manipulation such as cleaning, sharpening, adjusting levels, curves, colour and contrast is permissible when applied to the image as a whole. Adding or removing elements is absolutely not permitted, nor is the combination of two different images (composites) allowed.

9. HDR and Panorama:
High dynamic range images (HDR), stitched panoramas are acceptable, under the condition that the elements in the image are not subjected to any addition or removal. The faithful representation of the natural/original moment captured through the technique of HDR and panorama is expected. The RAW versions of HDR and panorama images have to be submitted at the initial stage. Any discrepancy found in terms of manipulation of the original capture will lead to image disqualification.

10. Colour space:
Images should ideally be colour profiled/corrected using accurately calibrated monitors and utilising Adobe RGB (1998) colour space.

11. Subjects:
Only images from the Indian subcontinent (India, Nepal, Pakistan, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Bangladesh, and Afghanistan) will be eligible.

12. Camera-trap images:
Camera-trap, remote-triggered (stationary and moving) images are eligible. Location, date and time must be mentioned. Such images if taken by a group/organisation (government/non-government) must be accompanied by an ownership letter and a certificate stating that the image was legally obtained.

13. Captions:
All photographs must be accompanied by detailed captions indicating clearly the equipment used, location, season, brief description of the subject and how the image was taken. Failure to provide these details could render the entry ineligible for selection.

14. Ethics and restrictions:
Sanctuary has zero tolerance for unethical practices that put the subjects at risk. No Great Indian Bustard (GIB) photographs shot after April 1, 2013 are eligible, since this highly endangered bird is extremely susceptible to disturbance. Also, for this reason, the MoEF has banned its photography during the breeding season. Family pets, garden flowers, hand-reared animals, those in captivity or restrained in any way and / or photographs of nesting birds will be disqualified. Please carefully read and sign the declaration that must accompany each entry. (I hereby declare that the shooting of this image adheres to the ethical standards stipulated by Sanctuary Asia in letter and spirit.)

15. Duration:
Photographs that have previously won an award in the Sanctuary Asia Photography Contest (The Call of the Wild) or any other national or international photography contest at the time of submission are not eligible. Photographs may be sent as entries to other photography contests as well. However, in the event of such an entry winning a prize in another contest, the photographer must inform Sanctuary Asia before the results of the Sanctuary Wildlife Photography Awards are announced. Otherwise, Sanctuary Asia retains the right to disqualify the entry.

16. Return of entries:
If prints are sent, a self-addressed stamped envelope must accompany the submission, which should be packed in a secure, waterproof envelope. Prints will be returned only after December 20, 2015.

17. Liability:
While every care will be taken of submissions, the organisers cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage.

18. Copyright and use of images:
Copyright, even over winning images, will remain with the photographer. Sanctuary Asia magazine, however, reserves the right to reproduce entries in its print and online pages with due credit to the photographer. Images may also be used elsewhere in connection with the promotion of the contest.

This post was last modified on February 22, 2021 12:43 PM

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