CBSE WAD World Astronomy Day 2016 Competitions

Organization : The Central Board of Secondary Education
Competition Name : WAD World Astronomy Day 2016 Competitions
Applicable For : CBSE Students
World Astronomy Day :14th May, 2016

Website :

World Astronomy Day Competitions:

We live on earth that is just a small part of the Universe and Universe is much vast beyond that. Many of its areas are yet to be explored and a continuous study and research is going on in various fields associated with it.

Related :

CBSE TERI Green Olympiad 2016 :

Astronomy is related to the study of Celestial bodies. World Astronomy Day, 2016 is to be observed on 14th May, 2016. It is an occasion that may be utilized to provide an opportunity to our students to explore Universe in their own way.

Some suggested activities for the day are :
Primary Level:
** Poster/Model making of a Solar system.
** Drawing the sky on the full moon night.
** Identifying the different constellations and their relation with Zodiac signs.
** Essay writing on ‘Chandrayan-I, India’s first mission to moon’

Upper Primary Level:
** Collecting information about any Astronaut of Indian origin and displaying the same in the form of a collage.
** Class- discussion on ‘Earth and other planets’.
** Imagining yourself travelling through space/living on another planet, write an imaginary essay on it.
** Organising Space Quiz.

Secondary and Senior Secondary Level:
** Organizing Seminar on ‘Exploring the Universe’.
** Presenting a power point presentation on ‘New discoveries in the area of space’ and presenting the same in the Class.
** Exploring the information about the astronomical heritage monuments in India.
** Finding information about how Astronomy helps in improving quality of resources on Earth.

** The Central Board of Secondary Education requests all School Heads to take this opportunity of making their students a part of this day, by participating in various activities that further help them in familiarising with multiple facets of Universe and coming closer to it.

** The day may be observed in their schools on any day of the week closing on 14th May, 2016 or on any of the day (within first fifteen days) after opening of their schools (as the schools might be closed on 14th May, 2016).

For further clarification, you may contact Mrs. Archana Thakur at Tel. No.011-23230328.


This post was last modified on August 2, 2023 5:05 PM

Categories: CBSE

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