IPU Inter College B.Tech Major Project Competition 2016

Organization : University School of Engineering and Technology, GGSIPU
Competition Name : Inter College B.Tech Major Project Competition 2016
Applicable For : All University Schools of Studies (USS) offering engineering programmes & all Affiliated Engineering colleges under USET.

Website : http://www.ipu.ac.in/
Competition Details : https://www.contest.net.in/uploads/12623-Major.pdf

B.Tech Major Project Competition :

University School of Engineering and Technology, GGSIPU announces this year’s “Inter College B.Tech Major Project Competition 2016”. The final year projects in B.Tech play an important role in shaping the overall career of a student.

Related : Galgotias University PROWAR Project Competition : www.contest.net.in/11443.html

** The students apply their entire conceptual ideas for developing practical and innovative models. To encourage the students, GGSIPU holds an Inter College Project Competition every year in several disciplines. This practice was started way back in 2003 with the first batch and continued since then.

** Some of the projects got appreciated and awarded at All India level in National Design Competitions organized by Institute of Engineers (India). The project competition gives an opportunity to the students to showcase their talent, research orientation and untapped potential.

** The goal of this competition is to prepare the future generation of engineers to be innovative leaders, responsible citizens and problem solvers. Thus, there is need of recognition of the amount of hard work by the students. Every year, various affiliated colleges organize Inter College B.Tech Major Project Competition in coordination with the University.

The following Institutes are the local hosts who shall coordinate and conduct the Project Competition for various disciplines.
1. Tool Engineering DITE -May 14, 2016 Saturday
2. Electrical & Electronics Engineering MAIT-May 16, 2016 Monday
3.Power Engineering- NPTI May 16, 2016 Monday
4. Civil Engineering NIEC – May 18, 2016 Wednesday
5 Instrumentation & Control Engineering BVPCOE- May 18, 2016 Wednesday
6. Computer Science Engineering MSIT- May 18, 2016 Wednesday
7. Mechanical & Automation Engineering ASET- May 18, 2016 Wednesday
8. Electronics & Communication Engineering HMRITM – May 18, 2016 Wednesday
9. Information Technology BPIT-May 19, 2016 Thursday
10. Environmental Engineering CBPGEC- May 19, 2016 Thursday

The competition will comprise of the following stages:-
** At the first stage the students’ projects are examined during the End Semester Practical Examination held at each Institute, where the External Examiners help in selecting the best three projects of each discipline.
** In these examinations, the External Practical Examiners are usually experienced well known Professors from Engineering & Technology streams such as IITs, NITs, GGSIP University, DTU/DCE, Jamila Millia Islamia etc., appointed by the University.
** The best two entries from each college are eligible for the second stage.

** Colleges responsible for the conduct of the competition (discipline wise) for the above mentioned disciplines will choose a coordinator.
** He/She will be responsible for organizing the entire competition (for the Discipline chosen) in his/her college by attracting the best project entries from all the affiliated colleges.
** He/She will also give a list of judges to be appointed for screening of the projects during the competition. The Dean USET shall finalize TWO judges out of the list provided.
** The judges should be experienced professors from academia or professionals from industry.
** All the participating institutes are required to send the summary and presentation of their best projects to the hosting Institute(coordinating institute, discipline wise) and a copy of the same to HMRITM (the Hosting Institute) on or before 16/05/2016.
** The coordinating institute shall conduct the project competition presentation and evaluation before the Judges appointed for the discipline authorized (as per the table above).

In this stage, the Certificate Distribution Ceremony will be organized by the University/ HMRITM.

To enhance the prestige of the University and make it a part of University calendar, these projects need to be highlighted at the Certificate Distribution Ceremony:
1. Each coordinating institute will send three best Projects recommended by the judges in Stage-II of each discipline and one best project in case the Institute is offering only one branch (e.g. Tool Engineering).
2. The certificate for each branch are categorized as First, Second and Third for all branches except where only one Institute is offering stand alone course. In such case, there will be only one certificate.

3. For the best projects, students will have to submit two pages of the report giving:
a. Introduction
b. Summary
c. Concluding remarks
4. The selected Projects will be the property of the University.

Procedure For Competition:

1. The competition is open to all University Schools of Studies (USS) offering engineering programmes and all Affiliated Engineering colleges under USET.
2. Each group of the selected Project will be sending the summary and projects to the Coordinating Institute.
3. Each group will be given at least fifteen minutes for presentation and show the working the project. If the hosting institute does not give requisite time for presentation, the institute will black listed.

4. There will be two judges for evaluation:
a) One judge should be a Professor with more than fifteen years experience.
b) The second judge may be renowned person from industry or a professor. The Institute coordinator will finalize the judges and request them for this work after the same is duly approved by Dean, USET.

5. Every Institute has a coordinator who receives the entries and arrange for Presentation/ viva-voce for deciding the winners. He compiles the results and sends the same to the main project coordinator. He will also arrange payment of fees, transport to the judges and send the bills to Main Project Coordinator.

6. The main Project Coordinator shall A) coordinate the entries from different Institute B) Compile the results and arrange for Certificate Distribution Ceremony to be held in the University or in any Institute. He shall also be responsible to arrange mementoes, certificates, photographs, Bouquets for dignitaries.

7. The respective guides/supervisors who have guided the students shall be given a certificate.
8. Secretarial assistance is to be provided to the project coordinator.
9. Certificate Distribution Ceremony will be held at the University/ HMRITM in the presence of other dignitaries and invitees.

This post was last modified on April 11, 2018 10:49 AM

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