portal.e-yantra.org : e-YRC 2015 Robotics Competition For Engineering Students

Organization : e-Yantra
Competition Name : e-Yantra Robotics Competition e-YRC 2015
Applicable For : Engineering Students
Applicable States/UT : All India
Registration Starts : 1st August, 2015

Website : http://portal.e-yantra.org/

Update  : e-Yantra Robotics Competition eYRC 2016 : www.contest.net.in/14956.html

e-Yantra Robotics Competition e-YRC 2015 :

eYRC is a competition that is open to students studying engineering in one of the engineering colleges in India. It is a group competition where students in a team program a given robotic platform to solve a given problem in 12 – 15 weeks.

Related :
India Stem Foundation IRO 2015 Largest Robotics Competition :

The emphasis is on systematically applying one’s mind to solving the problem with given resources and solving the problem by successfully implementingthe best solution. Several tasks are assigned to the teams during the course of the competition to take them through the project lifecycle in a systematic manner. A lot of emphasis is placed on understanding and exploring the problem, documentation and presenting the results.

A video presentation of the solution is used to short-list the Finalists in the competition. Final scores for the teams are decided using a scoring system that uses individual scores for the tasks assigned. The format of the competition not only tests the theoretical and technical knowledge of the team members but also the communication skills and team player skills of the students.

Is there a fee to participate :

You pay NOTHING to participate– it is open to college students FREE of charge. In fact, e-Yantra provides the team with a robotic kit, which is used in the competition. e-Yantra will provide sensors and actuators (as part of the Robotic kit) to the participating teams. However, if the problem assigned requires accessories to build structures on the robot, the team will have to bear the cost of such accessories. The team will need to make their own arena (usually an inexpensive “flex sheet” based passive arena) for the task assigned to them. Teams selected as Finalists to participate in the Grand Finale which is conducted at IIT Bombay in February – March, every year have to bear the cost of to and fro travel and some incidental expenses to participate in the finals (train fares permissible as per the competition rules will be reimbursed to the team members on arrival to participate in the competition).

Do we REQUIRE the college to support us?:
It is ESSENTIAL to have college support since the goal of the e-Yantra project is to help colleges develop labs with better equipment and skills. You may work at home for the sake of convenience but it is advisable to work in a college environment where others may get inspired to emulate your work and excitement. In fact that’s what we go to college for – isn’t it?

What is this competition about?:
It is all about getting a robot to solve a useful problem. The emphasis is on the software side or programming as all participating teams are provided the same robot. However, there could be an element of building external features as required by the assignment expected from participants but this will be of a very basic level – doable by ANY engineering student.

Do we have to build a robot for this competition?:
NO – this is what makes us different from ALL other robotic competitions. All participants are given a robot of the same kind and expected to PROGRAM it to achieve the task goal..

I don’t know anything about robotics – how can I participate in this competition?:
As long as you are a keen programmer or know some programming in “C” language you can get going. It is important that you have the desire or aptitude to learn whatever skills are required to complete the given task. e-Yantra team will provide adequate instructions as required.

Terms and conditions:

1. Failure to comply with any of the rules, terms, and conditions of the competition may result in disqualifying the the participating team.
2. All participants consent to allow their names and photographs to be used for publicity purposes by e-Yantra during and after the competition is implicit.
3. e-Yantra holds the intellectual property rights for all materials submitted by the participating teams for the competition.
4. e-Yantra will not be responsible for submitted material lost in transit.
5. All material submitted must be the participant’s original work.
6. Any kind of plagiarism is strictly prohibited and will lead to disqualification of participants. Remember Plagiarism is cheating. Provide proper citation for the source of any idea or words taken from anyone else. Provide references for the material used in your work.
7. e-Yantra’s decision is final and no appeals will be entertained.
8. e-Yantra reserves the right to modify or amend the prizes, rules, terms and conditions of the competition at any time.

This post was last modified on February 22, 2021 12:42 PM

Categories: Robotics

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