3rd National Legal Essay Competition 2015 : Law School Delhi

Organization : Amity Law School
Competition Name : 3rd Amity National Legal Essay Competition 2015
Applicable States : All India

Website :
Notification 2015:

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3rd Amity National Legal Essay Competition 2015

Amity Law School, Delhi has been granted affiliation by the Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi for running a 5-year Integrated LL.B (H) programme and the affiliation is approved by the Bar Council of India in 1999.

Competition Last Date : 15th July 2015

Amity Law School Delhi (ALSD) has the unique distinction of being the first Law School in Delhi/NCR to start a 5-year integrated LL.B (H) programme. The Law School was established under the Ritnand Balved Education

Foundation (RBEF) to achieve worldclass legal education in the country. Dr. Ashok K. Chauhan, the President of Amity Law School, Delhi and Founder President of RBEF is a great philanthropist and the man behind the establishment of the Amity Law School. The Amity Law School Delhi has been consistently ranked as one of the top ten Law Schools in the Country.

About Essay Competition- 2015:

ALSD has been organizing Essay Competition every year. The theme of the essay competition 2015 is ‘Emerging trends in Consumer Protection Law’.

The contemporary world under the aegis of liberalization, globalization, freemarket and open trade has led to limitless industrial development and has turned the whole world into a globalvillage market. The free market system has led to manifold un-ethical and unfair trade practices resulting in the exploitation of the entire segment of consumers both in the developed and developing world. Consumer protection law finds its inter-relation with several other aspects like that of IPR,

Competition Law, Cyber law, etc. In India, the consumer movement is as old as trade and commerce. Consumers have always remained a game changer for economic activities and therefore treated as the king in changing business scenario. But in reality, they are the victims of unscrupulous and exploitative practices such as misleading advertisements, selling of defective goods, deficient services by the service providers, hidden costs of the products, food adulteration and many more.

Therefore, the consumers need awareness and protection and this can only be ensured by effective implementation of the existing legislation and enactment of new legislation if required. Further, evaluation of current issues and identification of future challenges is also necessary.

Sub Themes:

1. Unfair Trade practices/ restrictive Trade practices
2. Misleading advertisements
3. Consumer Protection and Service Sectors
4. Consumer Protection and Competition Law
5. Inter-relation between Consumer Protection and Intellectual Property Rights
6. Consumer Protection in construction Industry
7. E-commerce and Consumer Protection
8. Consumer Protection (Amendment) Bill, 2011
9. Role of Independent bodies in Consumer education and awareness
10. Effectiveness of regulatory and policy framework

Submission Guidelines:

1. The word limit of the essay shall not exceed 4500 words (including footnotes)
2. The language of the essay shall be English only.
3. Co-authorship of up to 2 authors is permitted provided they are from the same institution.
4. All entries shall be in MS word format only.
5. The main body and footnotes shall be in Times New Roman. For the main body the font size shall be 12, with 1.5 line spacing. The footnote font size shall be 10 with line spacing 1. The margin of 1 inch must be left on all four sides.
6. The essay should not be plagiarized or published earlier. Such a case will result into disqualification.
7. The cover page of the submission shall contain the following details only:
** Title of the Essay
** Abstract of the Essay (250 words)
8. The cover page and/or main body of the essay should not carry any mention of the name, contact details, or the name of the institution. In any other case, it shall lead to immediate disqualification.
9. The footnotes shall conform Bluebook 19th Edition rules of citation.

Submission Last Date:
1. Soft copy of the essay must reach on or before 15 July 2015.

2. Every participant must also submit 3 hard copies of the single side printed essay in a sealed envelope with “ 3rd Amity National Legal Essay Competition 2015” mentioned on it on the address mentioned below:
Professor (Dr.) B. P. Singh Sehgal
Amity Law School, Delhi
(Affiliated to GGSIP University, Delhi)
F-1 Block, Sector 125,
Amity University Campus,
Noida – 201303


Registration Fee for the competition is 500 INR (per author) which is to be sentthrough Demand Draft in favour of “Amity Law School, Delhi” payable at Delhi.

Miscellaneous Rules
1. Copyright to all the essays sent as entries for this competition shall rest with Amity Law School, Delhi, however, authors shall be given due credit in the by-line.

2. The Organizing Committee reserves the absolute rights to cancel, defer, or postpone indefinitely, the competition in the event of the accruing of any incident, natural or man-made.

3. In case of any dispute, decision of the Organizing Committee shall be final & binding.

Evaluation Process:

1. A unique submission number will be assigned to each entry before evaluation to ensure anonymity.
2. The first stage of evaluation consists of plagiarism check on the essays.
3. At the second stage, a panel of professors and student representativesof organizing team will evaluate the essays. Max. 20 to 30 essays will be shortlisted for the subsequent evaluation.
4. A panel of experts will do final stage of evaluation. 3 winners will be selected by the astute judgment of the experts.
5. The result will be declared on 21st August, 2015.
6. Best two essays will be published in ALSD Student Journal.


Winner: Rs. 10,000
1st Runner-up: Rs. 7,500
2nd Runner-up: Rs. 5,000
A certificate of participation will be awarded to all the participants.

Contact Details:

For other queries, you may contact:
Faculty Coordinators:
Ms. Reeta Garg: +919818833843
Ms. Gurpreet Kaur: +91-9718744555

Student Co-ordinators:
Dhruv Chawla: +919971897143,
Akshit Mago: +91-9899168987,
Parul Jagota: +91-9555553108

This post was last modified on February 18, 2021 7:04 PM


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