CBSE World Environment/ Oceans Day 2016 Activities/ Competitions

Organization : Central Board of Secondary Education
Competition Name : World Environment/Oceans Day 2016 Activities/Competitions
Applicable For : Students Classes I to XII

Website : http://cbseacademic.in/
Contest Details : https://www.contest.net.in/uploads/12967-final.pdf

Let’s Celebrate Nature 2016:

Environmental awareness is a global issue, be it the greenhouse effect or global warming, all are caused due to human activities, ultimately resulting in the overall climate change that is drastically affecting our environment.

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CBSE Celebration of 2nd International Day of Yoga 2016 : www.contest.net.in/12653.html

The link for submitting the on-line report with respect to Circular No. Acad-18/2016 dated 23rd May,2016 will be available after 5th June, 2016

05th June 2016: World Environment Day 2016, Theme: ‘Go Wild for Life’
08th June, 2016: – Let us celebrate World Oceans Day as an opportunity to sensitize our students about the importance of oceans that cover nearly two – third surface of the earth supporting a vast world of aquatic life.
17th June, 2016: Let us celebrate World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought to sensitize students about the core environmental challenges related to land that are effected by desertification and drought.

The global celebration of these days is an opportunity of reminding the growing generation about the importance of conserving and protecting all natural resources and the environment at large for humanity’s own survival. School heads are requested to motivate their students and teachers to make the celebrations as learning opportunities for all.

Some Suggested Activities Are :

Classes I to V:
1. Select a small area in your school garden/home garden for developing your own garden by planting any of the seasonal vegetable you like.
2. Make a small pit in your garden (under the guidance of an elder) and put all the kitchen wastes there to form compost. The compost so formed may further be used in your garden.
3. Prepare eco-friendly bags (under the guidance of an elder at home or the Arts teacher in the school) with a tag ‘Go green’.
4. Place water filled bowls at various open places in your house for the birds, to help them bear the severe heat. Ensure that water is changed every day.
5. Poster making on ‘A glimpse of ocean life’.

Classes VI to VIII:
1. Birds make various kinds of nests that always attract us. Observing and collecting the pictures of the nests of various birds with relevant information and making a collage of the same.
2. In Ancient India, various methods of storing water in water reservoirs were used. Explore, how these methods in their originality or with modifications may be utilized in today’s world for conserving water.
3. Our surroundings should be clean to prevent the spread of a number of diseases, especially during summer. Prepare a poster along with a message for it.
4. Wild life is an invaluable treasure but is being exploited due to illegal trade of many of its species. Identify and collect information about such species and present it in the class.
5. Organize a class discussion on ‘Healthy Oceans, Healthy Planet’.

Classes IX to XII:
1. Suppose you are given the responsibility of maintaining a clean environment in your colony or your residential area. Write a report on the initiatives taken by you in this regard.
2. Recently a massive forest fire was erupted in hilly areas of our country. Collect information about it and prepare a Power Point Presentation covering various aspects like its causes, effect and prevention.
3. Some areas of our country are being affected by severe drought. As a responsible citizen, discuss about the practices we should follow in our daily life to conserve water.
4. Organise a seminar on ‘Wildlife Protection Act and its importance’.
5. Find out the success stories from real life about how a barren land is converted into an agricultural land and present it in the class.

** The above said activities are suggestive and the concerned teachers are requested to brief and guide their students regarding the conduct of the same. To reduce the generation of plastic wastes, it is suggested that the use of bottled drinking water should be avoided during any function / seminar / workshop etc. conducted at the school level.

** The photographs or videography related to the above said activities, along with name of school and complete address with affiliation number, may be sent to Mrs. Archana Thakur, Assistant Professor & Deputy Director at cbse.archana@gmail.com.

** The CBSE requests all School Heads to take the opportunity to share this very important message of celebrating nature 2016 with their teachers and students, through the conduct of the suggested activities in their schools in the month of June, 2016 or within first ten days after opening of their schools.These activities are suggestive and may be modified as per requirement.

For any clarification, please contact: Smt. Archana Thakur, Assistant Professor & Deputy Director on: 011-23230328/e-mail to: cbse.archana@gmail.com.

This post was last modified on August 2, 2023 5:05 PM

Categories: CBSE

View Comments (7)

  • Some areas Of our country are being affected by severe drought. As a responsible citizen discuss about the practice we shall follow in our daily life to conserve water.

  • Some areas are affected by drought in our country citizen discus about the practice we should follow to conserve water.

  • Some area of our country are being affected by severe drought. As a responsible citizen, discus about the practice we should follow in our daily life to conserve water.

  • The next generation may not be able to see elephants as we have not seen dinosaurs. Think ABOUT IT.

  • Theme let's celebrate nature - 2016 . Suppose your given the responsibility of maintaining a clean and environment in your colony or your residential area. Write a report on initiative take it by you in this regard.

  • Suppose you have given the responsibility of maintaining a clean and environment in your colony or your residential area. Write a report on initiatives take it by you in this regard .

  • Report on "Wildlife is an invaluable treasure but it is being exploited due to illegal trade". Identify and collect information on such species.

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