upes.ac.in ‘Enervions’ International Essay Writing Competition 2015 : University of Petroleum & Energy Studies Dehradun

Organization : University of Petroleum & Energy Studies
Competition Name : ‘Enervions’ International Essay Writing Competition 2015
Applicable For : B.A., LL.B. / LL.M. / Ph.D. / M. PHI & Any UG/PG (Other Than Law) Students
Applicable States : All India
Competition Last Date : July 31, 2015

Website : https://www.upes.ac.in/
Notification 2015 : https://www.contest.net.in/uploads/130-Upes.pdf

‘Enervions’ International Essay Writing Competition 2015:
Eligibility criteria:
The competition is open to students who are pursuing their B.A., LL.B. / LL.M. / Ph.D. / M. PHIL or any other undergraduate or master course (other than Law) in any university across the world.

If any student of UPES is positioned amongst the top three, he/she will not be eligible for the top 3 prizes but will be felicitated in recognition of his/her performance with the special prize by the Surana &Surana International Attorneys, Chennai.

Theme for the Essay:
Convergence of energy and environment sectors: legal perspective.

Hydraulic fracturing of oil and gas: challenges and proposed legal framework.
Oil and gas exploration in the Arctic: a case for sustainable development model.
Environmental disaster and accountability of oil companies: lessons to be learnt from BP oil spills: legal solutions.
Fukushima incident: revisiting human and environmental safety.

Guidelines for submission:
** Essays to be submitted in .doc/.docx format only with 12pt font size and 1.5 line spacing on Times New Roman Font. Footnotes shall have 10pt font size and no line spacing.
** Essays (including footnotes) should be not more than 4000 words.
** Participant shall submit the essays electronically at enervions@ddn.upes.ac.in
** Last date for receiving essays and participation form is July 31, 2015.
** The essays will be put through a plagiarism test and further assessed by a 10 member jury. Length of the essay
** The submission of essay on one single .doc/.docx format file shall consist of an abstract, essay and bibliography.
** The content of the abstract should not be more than 200 words including the title and keywords.
** Footnotes must conform to authoritative standard rules of legal citation and must include a description of each authority adequately to allow a reasonable reader to identify and locate the authority in a publication of general circulation.

Format requirement:
** Font size shall be 12 points in Times New Roman.
** 1.5 interlinear space.
** A footer numbering pages as “page a of y” on the right side of each page.

Electronic Submission:
The participant should send three attachments in mail Essay in MS Word format with subject “Essay Competition: Enervions 2015”- Name of Author(s)
** Scanned copy of Registration form
** Cover page containing name of participant, Nationality, address, e-mail-id, contact number, Course and class presently attending and name of college/University with address.
** Submission must be mailed at enervions@ddn.upes.ac.in
** The essay must be written in English.
** Only one submission is allowed per author. (Submissions both as co-author and single will be treated as multiple submissions. In case of such submissions the single submission will be rejected and disqualified as an entry to the competition).
** Co-authorship to a maximum of two authors is permitted.
** Only original essays will be considered for the competition. No part of it should have been published earlier nor should it be under consideration for publication or a contest elsewhere. Any form of plagiarism will result in disqualification of essay and notification of the same on website.
** Identification mark must not be found in any part of essay.
** Scanned copy of completed Registration form is to be sent along with essay. The registration form mustbe signed along with seal by the head of institution / University (For registration form, see the last page).

Submissions must be mailed at enervions@ddn.upes.ac.in

** First prize: 25,000 rupees.
** Second price: 20,000 rupees.
** Third price: 10,000 rupees.
** Consolation prize: Rs.1000 each for 12 selected essays.
** The name of the winner will be displayed on UPES website. Separate intimation will also be sent to each of the winner. The winner will be given the prizes on the prize distribution function, exact date and location to be announced later. Certificate of participation will be awarded to all participants.

Top 15 selected papers will be published in the form of an edited book with an ISBN number. The list of the selected papers will be displayed on UPES website. Author (s) of the selected essay will begiven a consolation prize of Rs. 1000 each (except the winners of the competition).

** The administration of the contest including determination of eligibility of a participant or essay, standard of essay, evaluation of essay and awarding of the prizes is within the sole and absolute discretion of College of Legal Studies, Dehradun.
** CoLS assumes no responsibility for delayed or incomplete entries or a technical malfunction of server, traffic congestion or a combination thereof.
** Certificates not collected in person during the prize distribution ceremony will be posted at the respective author’s university address only.
** The rights of submitted essay including rejected and disqualified submission will vest solely with Surana & Surana International Attorneys, Chennai and College of Legal Studies, UPES, Dehradun.

This post was last modified on February 17, 2021 8:20 PM

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