CII i3 8th India Innovation Initiative 2016

Organization : AICTE, DST and CII
Competition Name : i3 8th India Innovation Initiative 2016
Applicable For : Indian citizens, between 18 to 45 years
Entries Last Date : 15th July 2016

Website :
Register Now:

India Innovation Initiative :

AICTE, DST and CII are jointly organizing India Innovation Initiative 2016 to promote entrepreneurship in the country by sensitizing, encouraging and facilitating innovators for commercialization of their innovations.

Related : CII SR Kaizen Competition For Operators :

Eligibility for Participation:
CII invites applications from Indian citizens, between 18 to 45 years, that include individuals or teams from academia, government laboratories, non-government R&D institutions and laboratories, incorporated early-stage start-ups and other non-incorporated entities.

All applications must fulfil the following criteria:
** An innovative product or technology, beyond the idea stage, solving at least one industrial or social challenge.
** The potential to commercialise within 2-3 years.

Rules And Guidelines:
** Applicants must read the following rules and guidelines and adhere to them throughout the entire duration of the challenge from the time of the application till its completion:

** All applications must be submitted online, that is, through the India Innovation Initiative website Given the sheer volume of applications received and sensitivity of the information and documentation to be submitted, it is not possible to accept physical applications.

** However, in case, the applicant is unable to access the internet, the complete application, written in English language and in hard copy form must be sent by post to CII Gurgaon office before the closing date for receiving applications. See Contact us page for details

** All applicants are required to read and sign the Certificate/Undertaking form that is attached as part of the Application Form. If selected, this Undertaking will be required to be submitted by the applicant in order to participate in the i3 National Fair 2016.
** The mode of conducting India Innovation Initiative 2016 is English. Hence, all applications must be submitted in standard written- English.

** Due to limitations of resource, applications in language(s) other than English will not be accepted.  Only those applications that are complete in all respects can be submitted. All documentation, as required and specified on this website, should be provided by the applicant to ensure successful submission.

** Information once submitted as part of the application cannot be changed later on and no requests for change(s) in a submitted application will be entertained. This includes, names, titles of project, age, number of participants in a team, etc. Only requests for change in contact details and official or residential addresses will be attended.

** The decision of the i3 Jury at both stages – Online and National Fair – shall be final and binding. All participants have to abide by the decision of the jury.No interim or later communication with regard to the decision or its veracity shall be entertained and shall be viewed seriously.

** Innovations which participated in the i3 competition for last 3 years (2013, 2014 & 2015) are not eligible to take part in the India Innovation Initiative 2016 challenge. In case such innovations get detected at any stage of the competition, the concerned innovation shall immediately be disqualified and no appeal shall be entertained related to the disqualification.

** Dates pertaining to this challenge are subject to revision. CII reserves the right to revise the date(s) according to its discretion. In such case, CII will notify the change on this website.
** CII may take necessary action as per its discretion against the participant, in the event of violation of the rules and terms and conditions as stated above.

For queries, please contact:
Team i3

This post was last modified on June 21, 2021 3:00 PM

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