ibsc.raoiit.com India’s Best Student Contest 2015 : Rao IIT Academy

Organisation : Rao IIT Academy
Announcement : India’s Best Student Contest 2015
Last Date : 13th August 2015

Online Registration : http://ibsc.raoiit.com/register-ibsc.php
Home Page : http://ibsc.raoiit.com/index.php

Update : Rao IIT Academy IBSC India’s Best Student Contest 2016 : www.contest.net.in/15699.html

India’s Best Student Contest 2015

Eligibility Criteria :

Students of Std 9th & 10th (Any Board or School)

Test Dates : Students can choose any one date from 15th or 16th August 2015.

How To Register :

1. Registrations will start from 25th July 2015 08:00AM on ibsc.raoiit.com
2. Click Register link at the top of the web page.

Individual Registration for Students :
1. Email id of student/parent is required to register & they have to choose a password for login.
2. Fields marked with * on the registration page are mandatory to be filled.
3. Choose the Test Location & Test Date carefully.
4. Make sure that student/parent are aware of the Terms & Conditions of the contest.
5. After filling all the required fields click Agree & Submit button to complete the registration.
6. Once registered go to the Login page and login using email id and password chosen while registration.
7. After login upload the following documents of the student:
a) Passport Size Photograph
b) Photo Identity Proof
c) Latest available school marksheet.
8. Once these documents are uploaded student can take a printout of the confirmation page cum admit card.
9. Students have to bring the confirmation page cum admit card on the test day. They also have to submit a copy of the confirmation page signed by the student & parent. If the student reaches till Stage 3 all the original documents uploaded have to be brought for verification.
10. Individual student registrations will end on 13th August 2015 11:59PM.

Bulk Student Registration for Schools :
1. Schools can do a bulk registration for the students of Std 9th & 10th. They will have to download the sample registration template in Microsoft Excel format.

2. Registrations from Schools will end on 11th August 2015 11:59PM. Student Roll Numbers, Test Papers and OMR Sheets will be sent in soft copy to the email id given by the school.

3. Once the test is over schools will have to send back the scans of OMR sheets to ibsc@raoiit.com by 17th August 2015.

Sample Test Paper :
Sample test paper for stage 1 is available inside the online login for the contest or collect from nearest Rao IIT study centre.

Syllabus :

Test paper will involve Science & Maths of Std 9th & 10th + Logical Reasoning & Mental Ability. Test paper will be common for students of all Std. Note that test papers of 15th & 16th August will be of similar difficulty level with different questions.

Contest Stages :

1. Stage 1 – All the registered students will appear for the test on 15th August OR 16th August 2015. Test paper will be of 2 hours and objective question type pattern with no negative marking.

2. Stage 2 – Top 10,000 students selected from Stage 1 will be declared on 19th August 2015 and these students will appear in Stage 2 test on 23rd August 2015. Test paper will be of 2.5 hours and objective question type pattern with negative marking.

3. Stage 3 – It will be conducted in Mumbai. Top 100 students selected from Stage 2 will be declared on 26th August 2015 and these students will compete in the final round on 30th August 2015. This will comprise of personal interview of the student with eminent personality from Science & Technology along with a written test. The final result will be announced by 6th September 2015. Note: Every student along with 2 parents from outside Mumbai will be provided 2 tier AC train fare and hotel accommodation.

Terms And Conditions :

1. Students studying in Std 9th & 10th can appear in the contest.

2. The prize money will be given to the students when they complete 18 years of age. Till then prize money will be with the academy as a deposit.

3. Once the winners are declared the students and their parents will have to sign a MOU with academy. The basic idea of the MOU will be that the student will have to pursue Std XI & XII coaching with Rao IIT Academy only. In case of any other academy or institution claiming the student’s admission or results for Std XI & XII JEE or Medical-UG coaching the student/parents will forfeit their claim for prize money.

4. It should be clearly understood that the winner students will have to take admission for 2 year course at Rao IIT Academy. Rao IIT Academy will provide free hostel facility, coaching and junior college fees to all the 3 toppers.

5. For any student in Std 9th who is among the top 3 winners free admission in Rao IIT Academy courses will be awarded from the present Std of study till Std XII.

6. Sample MOU will be shown only to the parents of top 100 stage 3 students on demand. However, no printouts of the same will be allowed.

7. If a student wants to withdraw from the MOU at any stage of coaching he will be free to do so by renouncing his claim on the prize money by giving a written declaration.

8. Participation certificate will be given to all the stage 3 students. Final rank certificates will be awarded only to the students who are willing to sign the MOU.

9. These awards are irrespective of the student’s performance in Std XII JEE or Medical-UG entrance examinations. These awards will be separate and student has equal chances of winning other awards also.

10. For any disputes or controversies arriving at any stage of the contest Rao IIT Academy’s decision will be considered final.

Declaration By Student And Parents
1. I hereby certify that the information given in the application form is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief.
2. I do hereby provide consent to abide by the ‘Terms & Conditions’ as required to appear in India’s Best Student Contest 2015.
3. I do hereby declare that the contest registration fees once paid by me will not be sought for refund in any condition.
4. I do hereby agree to receive alerts via Call, SMS & Email from Rao IIT Academy

This post was last modified on June 23, 2022 11:12 AM

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