vodafone.in : #VodafoneCampus Selfie Star Contest 2015 Punjab

Organization : Vodafone South Limited
Competition Name : #VodafoneCampus Selfie Star Contest 2015
Applicable States/UT : Punjab Service Area
Competition Last Date : 28th Aug 2015

Website : https://www.myvi.in/music-videos-and-more/competitions-tnc

Vodafone Selfie Contest 2015:
The Vodafone Selfie (hereinafter “Contest”) is organized by Vodafone South Limited (hereinafter referred to as ‘Vodafone’) in the Punjab Service Area subject to the terms and conditions (hereinafter referred to as “Terms”) mentioned herein under

1. The Contest shall be open for participation from 22nd July to 28th Aug 2015 (“period when the Contest is open for participation”). The Subscribers (defined hereinafter) agree to abide by these Terms in its entirety. If any Subscriber does not agree to any of the Terms, such Subscriber shall not participate in Contest. Vodafone and/ or Organiser, reserve the right to modify the Terms at any time, without notice. The Contest is valid for pre-paid as well as post-paid subscribers (“Subscribers”) of Vodafone South Limited in Punjab Telecom Service Area only. By participating in the Contest the Subscriber warrants that he is acting voluntarily, using his own time and resources to participate in the Contest, solely at his own risk. For the purposes of these Terms, wherever the context so requires “You” and “Your” shall mean any natural person who is a Subscriber participating in the Contest.

2. The Subscribers may participate in the (hereinafter ‘Participants’) Contest in the following manner:-
a) Subscribers shall click a still photograph .
b) Subscribers shall log on to their respective Facebook account.
c) Subscribers shall upload a still photograph in their respective Facebook account and tag it with #VodafoneCampus.
d) Subscribers shall try to get maximum ‘likes’ in his/her uploaded still photograph in their respective Facebook account.

3. Top (10) Participants or such number of Participants as Vodafone may decide who accumulate the maximum number of ‘Likes’ during the period when the Contest is open for participation shall be eligible to be selected as Winners (hereinafter ‘Winners’).

4. If any Winner is not able to provide sufficient evidence to show that he/she is the rightful & genuine subscriber of Vodafone Mobile connection, Vodafone reserves the right to award the Prize (defined hereinafter) to the next eligible Winner or to forfeit the prize or to deal with the same in any manner Vodafone deems fit, at its/their sole discretion.

5. The Winners shall be eligible for one of the following “Prizes”:
Top 10 participants with maximum ‘Likes’ will win the opportunity to get their picture published in posters & or hoarding in college premises basis availability

6. The Value, make and all other details of all the Prizes shall be solely decided by Vodafone, and the same shall be final & binding on all Participants. For the purpose of clarification and avoidance of doubt, Prize does not include any personal expenses incurred by the Winners and the Winner shall be solely responsible for all the expenses whether additional or incidental, required to be incurred to avail his/her Prize

7. The complete Terms & Conditions of this contest is available at https://www.myvi.in/international-roaming-packs competitions-Punjab (website)

8. The following conditions are required to be satisfied for any prepaid and/or post paid Vodafone mobile subscriber to participate in this Contest. The Participant has to be:
i. eighteen (18) years of age or above;
ii. Active and existing Prepaid or postpaid Subscriber of Vodafone South Limited, Punjab Service Area ;
iii. Not convicted for committing any criminal offence or abetment thereof;
iv. Not suffering from any legal disability e.g. insolvency, restraint by court etc;
v. Not have any outstanding dues payable to Vodafone on account of the mobile connection.
vi. Not an employee and relative of Vodafone.
vii. The Subscriber shall only capture their Selfie moments in the uploaded still photographs.
viii. The Subscriber shall not put him/herself at risk while taking still photographs or shooting for videos.
ix. The Subscriber shall avoid vulgarity in the still photographs/videos.
x. The Subscriber shall not use profanity in his/ her posts, comments, hashtags, etc.
xi. The Subscriber shall not depict any illegal activity or violence in the still photographs/videos.
xii. The Subscriber shall not depict alcohol, smoking, drugs, or anything objectionable in his/her still photographs/videos.
xiii. The Subscriber shall not post still photographs/videos that violate any other person’s privacy.
xiv. The Subscriber shall not modify his/her still photographs/videos using Photoshop.
xv. The Subscriber shall not modify his/her still photographs/videos once uploaded for the Contest.
xvi. The Subscriber shall avoid posting offensive comments about other participants.

9. The selection of the Winners shall take place within 10 business days or such other number of days as practically
possible by Vodafone at its sole discretion from the date of closure of the period of the Contest.

10. The Winners shall be chosen by Vodafone and decision of Vodafone shall be final and binding on the Subscribers.

11. In the event, if Winners are unable to submit the required documents to avail the Prizes, such Winners shall forfeit their right to claim the Prizes. Vodafone shall shortlist more Winners for each Prize, who will be offered the Prizes subject to submission of all the required documents.

12. Winners will be informed through SMS or through Phone calls or in any other manner as Vodafone may deem fit to the concerned mobile number after the selection of the Winner about their winning of Prize. Participants can also visit #VodafoneCampus page to get the information about the Winner. In case contact cannot be established with the Winner for any reason or after having contacted the Winner do not follow the instructions in regard to date and time of meeting the Vodafone officials etc, then Vodafone shall be at liberty to cancel and forfeit such Prize without assigning any reason.

13. The documents required to be submitted along with the claim by the Winner shall include the following (the document list is only inclusive and not exhaustive) and Vodafone, at its sole discretion may insist on such further proof as it may deem fit:
a. Identity Proof
b. Address Proof
c. Letter of Compliance with rules and regulations etc. in the manner prescribed.
d. Submission of acknowledgement letter (as per the format that shall be provided by Organizer) on receipt of the Prize(s)
e. PAN Card copy

If the Winners are unable to provide the required documents, the Prizes shall be offered to next shortlisted Participants.

14. No substitution or exchange of the Prize shall be allowed at the request of the Winners However, Vodafone reserves the right to substitute and/ or change the period of the Contest and/ or Prize, without any prior intimation or notice to the Participants and/ or Winner as the case may be. The Terms and Conditions can be amended or varied from time to time or withdrawn and therefore, please visit the Website www.vodafone.in to keep Yourself updated and informed.

15. Vodafone shall not be liable for any delay or loss that may accrue in the delivery of the Prize.

16. Vodafone shall provide the Prizes to the Winner within 30 days or such number of days as Vodafone may decide at its sole discretion from the date of the close of the period of the Contest. However, the Winners shall personally come to the organizer’s office to claim the Prizes within 15 days (or such number of days as Vodafone may decide at its sole discretion) from the date of draw and the Winner shall be solely liable to bear any cost that may be incurred by him / her, in collecting / availing the Prize. In case contact cannot be established with the Winner for any reason or after having contacted the Winner do not follow the instructions in regard to date and time of meeting the Vodafone officials etc, then Vodafone shall be at liberty to cancel and forfeit such Prize without assigning any reason.

17. The Winner shall be entitled to the Prize subject to the Winner complying with all Terms contained herein, as required by Vodafone. Any failure on the part of the Winner to comply with the any of the specific Terms contained herein, shall disqualify such Participant from being entitled to the Prize.

18. The Contest is subject to applicable laws and guidelines/ directions issued by applicable local and central laws, regulations framed by Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (‘TRAI’), directions issued by Department of Telecommunications (DOT) or any other applicable direction/regulation passed by any competent statutory authority from time to time.

19. By participating in the Contest, the Subscriber confirms and waives the applicability of rules and regulations of the National Do Not Call registry and agrees to receive promotional messages and alerts under the current Contest and upcoming Contests from Vodafone, as it may in its sole and absolute discretion decide.

20. The Winner shall not be entitled to the Prize, in case he/ she fails to clear all outstanding dues payable to Vodafone India and / or is not an active Subscriber of Vodafone on the date of claiming the Prize/s.

21. Vodafone reserves the right to extend, cancel, discontinue, prematurely withdraw, postpone, change, alter or modify the Terms of the Contest or any part thereof including the eligibility criteria at its sole discretion at anytime during it’s validity as may be required in view of business exigencies and/or changes by / directions issued by any authority including by TRAI, Department of Telecom (DOT) and/or in view of any statutory changes and the same shall be binding on the participant.

22. The existence of a dispute, if any, regarding the Prize shall not constitute any claim against Vodafone.

23 In matters relating to the Contest hereto, the decision of Vodafone shall be final and binding in all respects.

24. The Contest is subject to force majeure circumstances i.e. Act of God or any circumstance beyond the reasonable control of Vodafone. Vodafone shall not be liable for any failure to comply with its obligations where the failure is caused by something outside its reasonable control. Such circumstances shall include, but not be limited to, weather conditions, fire, flood, hurricane, strike, industrial dispute, war, hostilities, political unrest, riots, civil commotion, inevitable accidents, supervening legislation or any other circumstances amounting to force majeure.

25. Vodafone shall not be responsible for any for any lost, late or misdirected network, electronic failures of any kind or any failure to receive entries owing to transmission failures or due to any technical reasons and/or other conditions beyond its reasonable control.

26. The Prizes are non-transferable, subject to availability and there will be no cash alternative.

27. Vodafone is neither responsible nor guarantee the quality of the goods / services being provided as Prizes nor is it liable for any defect or deficiency of goods or services so obtained/availed, by the Subscribers under this Contest.

28. There shall be no roll-over of Prizes in case the Winner/s is/are not eligible. A Subscriber shall not be considered eligible if he/she does not conform to the Terms as stipulated above.

29. Income tax, gift tax or any other statutory taxes, duties or levies as may be applicable from time to time, arising out of free Prize, which shall be solely borne by the Organizer for the all Prizes.

30. Vodafone will not be liable for any damage or loss (including but not limited to indirect or consequential loss) arising from personal injury or death, or damage to property, which is suffered or sustained in connection with or arising out of this Contest.

31. Winners shall be intimated by Vodafone directly. Vodafone shall not entertain any questions, correspondence, enquiries on the manner of conducting the Contest and grant of Prizes from any person, whatsoever.

32. Apart from the entitlement to the Prize, the Winner or his/her legal heirs will have no other rights or claims against Vodafone.

33. In case of any dispute or difference in respect of this Contest, the decision of Vodafone shall be final and binding on all concerned.

34. These terms and conditions are governed in accordance with the laws of India. Any dispute shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of courts in MOHALI.

35. Participation in this Contest implies acceptance of all the terms and conditions of this Contest. Acceptance of the Prize by the Winner constitutes permission for Vodafone and its affiliates to click photographs of the Winner and use the Winner’s name, photographs, likeness, voice and comments for advertising and promotional purposes in any media worldwide for purposes of advertising and trade without any additional compensation whatsoever.

36. Any attempt by a Subscriber to deliberately undermine the legitimate operation of the Contest is a violation of laws and should such an attempt be made, Vodafone reserves the right to seek damages from any such Subscriber to the fullest extent permitted by law.

37. Vodafone reserves the right, at any time, to unconditionally disqualify a Participant who tampers with or who in any way abuses the process or Terms and Conditions of the Contest. Failure by Vodafone to enforce any of the Terms in any instance shall not be deemed to be a waiver of those Terms and shall not give rise to any claim by any person.

This post was last modified on August 2, 2023 5:07 PM

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