CASE Wiz Season 3 TCS Case Study Competition 2015 : Tata Consultancy Services

Organization : Tata Consultancy Services
Contest Name : CASE Wiz Season 3 TCS Case Study Competition 2015
Applicable For : B-Schools Students
Applicable States : All India

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CASE Wiz Season 3 TCS Case Study Competition 2015:


The world economy today is in the midst of a tectonic shift from the Internet Economy to what we call the ‘Digital Consumer Economy’. This has profound implications for enterprises in every major industry.

Registration Last Date : 1st August 2015

Enterprises that adapt quickly to the implications from the shift will emerge winners. The five key technologies, which may be referred as the Digital Five Forces are maturing and further precipitating the shift. These are Mobility and Pervasive Computing, Big Data, Social Media, Cloud, and AI-Robotics. These forces are increasingly being used in various permutations and combinations to reduce the overall cost and increase revenues. To remain competitive in the market, companies have to continuously “Reimagine” its business and the industry they operate into.

This involves leveraging a combination of the Digital Five Forces to reimagine the enterprise along with one or more of the below six dimensions of business : Business models, Products and Services, Customer Segments, Channels, Business Processes, and Workplaces. Keeping in view, today’s changing World economy, the theme for this year’s TCS Case Wiz has been chosen as “Reimagine Business in the Digital Era”. It has separate case studies for 1st and 2nd year students. 1st year students will be given a case study in the Manufacturing domain whereas 2nd year students will have an option to choose between Manufacturing and BFS domains. Within BFS domain students will have a choice to choose their sub domain. The Case studies would be a simulation of real life business challenges that companies in these domains face. As a consultant, participants will have to understand these challenges and provide a solution by choosing to focus on all or certain dimensions of the business. Participants will have to do a primary and secondary research, trend analysis in the domain of their choice, make necessary assumptions and devise a digital strategy to help the company overcome its challenges.

The contest:

The contest will have a team structure. Each team will necessarily have 2 members. Participants will have to form their team in Campus Commune. A participant can be part of only one team.

2nd year students will have an option to choose their domain. There will be 3 separate case studies based on the theme for 2nd year students, one in Manufacturing domain and other two in BFS domain.

The contest will be hosted on social collaboration platform of TCS called “Campus Commune.” All stages of the contest right from registration to submissions will happen through campus commune. Participants are requested to create their profiles in and click on Campus Commune tab

Registrations and team formation for the contest will begin first. One team can register for only one case study. Synopsis on the case study will be available on campus commune for reference to choose a domain during registration phase. Detailed case study will be uploaded post closure of registration phase.

Institutes which can participate:

Students from below accredited CAT1 institutes only are eligible to participate in the contest.
** IIM Ahmedabad (PGP course)
** IIM Bangalore (PGP course)
** IIM Calcutta (PGP course)
** IIM Lucknow (PGP course)
** IIM Kozhikode (PGP course)
** IIM Indore (PGP course)
** SP Jain institute of Management and Research (PGDM Course)
** SP Jain School of Global Management (Global MBA course)
** XLRI (BM course)
** NITIE (PGDIE and PGDIM course)
** Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management (MMS course)
** Xaviers Institute of Management (PGDM course)
** Great Lakes institute Management (PGPM course) {Students need to register as 2nd year students}MDI, Gurgaon (PGPM)
** Faculty Management Studies (MBA course)
** Indian institute of Foreign Trade (MBA International business)
** ISB (PGP) {Students need to register as 2nd year students}

Eligibility Criteria:

** Students from premier B-Schools in India mentioned above can participate in the contest
** Students with HR specialization are not eligible participate

Rounds for the contest:

Round 1:
In the first round participating teams are required to submit their work in a prescribed format which will be available in Campus Commune post closure of registration phase.

At the end of this round top 10 teams will be declared. In case of 2nd year top 10 teams for each domain viz Manufacturing and BFS will be announced.

Round 2:
This round will be conducted on VCon and will involve presentations by each shortlisted team. Shortlisted students can join VCon either from their college or they can come to the nearest TCS office for a VCon.

In case of 2nd year, at the end of this round top 3 teams will be declared for each domain viz Manufacturing and BFS. These top 3 teams from each domain will be the finalists.

In case of 1st year, the VCon round will be the final round. Top 2 teams will be announced as winner of the contest.

Round 3 (Grand Finale for 2nd year students):
Grand Finale will be conducted in one of TCS offices. Winning teams of round 2 will have to come to the venue for presentations. TCS will take care of travel and accommodation.

Prizes :

Prizes for 2nd year students:
1st Prize: INR 2,00,000
2nd Prize: INR 1,00,000
Certificate of appreciation to remaining finalists

Top 3 teams of Round 2 will get PPO whereas business units can offer Pre Placement Interviews (PPIs) to remaining teams based on recommendation of the panelists.

Prizes for 1st year students (For Manufacturing – ITG group only):
1st Prize: INR 75,000 + Summer Internship
2nd Prize: INR 50,000 + Summer Internship
Certificate of appreciation to remaining finalists

Top 2 teams will get Summer Internship offers. Apart from this business unit can also offer Summer Internships to other teams based recommendation of panelists.

This post was last modified on April 8, 2022 4:19 PM

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