Native Planet Nature Photography Contest 2016

Organization : Native Planet
Competition Name : Nature Photography Contest 2016
Competition Last Date : June 15, 2016

Website : http://www.nativeplanet.com/travel-guide/nature-photography-native-planet-photography-contest-002076.html

Nature Photography Contest:

Share this on your social network: Facebook Twitter Google+ Pin it Comments Photography is a part and parcel of every traveller’s life; capturing those lovely moments through lens and flaunting it to your kith and kin is fun.

Related : DJMPC DJ Memorial Photography Contest 2016 : www.contest.net.in/12997.html

Team Native Planet is bringing an exciting opportunity to showcase your photography skills this “June 15th 2016”. Take part in the amazing “Nature Photography contest” on the Nature photography day and get a chance to win a free shopping voucher.

Contest rules and guidelines:
1. Themes: Landscape / Seascape / Wildlife
2. You have the luxury to submit 2 photographs per theme.
3. The contest will commence on June 13, 2016 and will get over on June 15, 2016 – midnight.
4. All photographs to be sent to npphotos@oneindia.co.in with the subject Native Planet – Photography Contest – or one can upload the images on our Facebook page – facebook.com/nativeplanet/ or @reply to us on twitter, our handle is @NativePlanetIN
5. Please include the below details in the body of the email or while uploading it on Facebook or Twitter: Name Theme
6. Participants should like our Facebook page and follow us on @NativePlanetIN before joining
7. Participants must use our #tag #NPPhotoContest on FB and Twitter
8. We do not accept work of your neighbours or your friends or a website piece – the photograph has to be your own work.
9. We do not want people in any of the photographs – We are just fine with seascapes (water bodies), landscapes (sceneries) and animals.
10. Photographs should be of “Indian Destinations” only
11. Software processed images would not be considered as part of the contest – Do send the original images only.

Terms and Conditions:
** Total 3 winners will be announced on Friday June 17, 2016
** Winners will be chosen by Native Planet panel
** Winners will get a free shopping voucher
** All winners will get their prize within 15 working days
** Photos submitted as part of the contest shall be used by nativeplanet.com with the credits given to the photographers

This post was last modified on February 22, 2021 5:55 PM

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