CBSE World Day Against Child Labour 2016 Project Competition

Organization : Central Board of Secondary Education
Competition Name : World Day Against Child Labour 2016 Project Competition
Applicable For : Students of classes VI-X
Competition Period : Between 12th June to 12th August 2016
Entries Last Date : 26th August, 2016

Website : http://cbseacademic.in/
Circular : https://www.contest.net.in/uploads/13432-Labour.pdf

Project Competition:

The Central Board of Secondary Education looks towards joining hands with affiliated schools to raise awareness among students and their local community about the fact that, this violation of child rights is preventable, not inevitable.

Update :

World Day Against Child Labour Competition 2016 Result  : www.contest.net.in/18226.html

The best way to counter this social problem is through better understanding of its underlying causes, and addressing them at every opportunity.

About the competitions:

School-based projects to be done between 12th June to 12th August 2016

I. Getting information and Planning Well Ahead:
i. Set clear, practical goals to promote eradication of child labour in their community.
ii. Develop empathy for the less fortunate children.
iii. Conduct meaningful interactions with peers, teachers and community leaders.
iv. Draft a timeline to carry out the activity. Keep records.
v. Spread the message among school mates and community with enthusiasm.
vi. Gather relevant data for your report/s and photographic evidences, your script/skit/report should reflect analysis, deeper understanding of the issues involved and constructive action taken by the school to sustain the project/s.
vii. Collaborating as a team with a whole hearted commitment to the project is essential.
viii. Evaluate your achievements, both qualitatively and quantitatively, so that they can be observed by your school mates and the local community.

II. Get involved and sustain the project/s:
10-15 students each , as the Core Team , taken from classes VI-X, under the supervision of a teacher or counselor

III. Projects to include the following:
Choose any two of the following activities/projects:

1. Human Rights and social Justice for child workers.
** A nukkad natak /skit scripted and performed by students. The theme: Human Rights and social Justice for child workers. Time: 12-15 minutes. The performance may be at school, during a special assembly/ or in the presence of local community at school /community centre.

** The performance is to be videographed, submitted along with a 500 word report containing names of participants, hardcopy of the script [Hindi/English] about how the group worked to gather, and staged the performance. Audience feedback is a must, to be included in the report.

2.Child Labour in the Supply Chain:
** The school forms a Media Project Team, to work on the theme: Child Labour in the Supply Chain. Identify the type/s of Child Labour found in your locality from the list / or add your own. Illustrate on chart/flex boards, and show how you and the community can help improve their lives.

** Get at least 1000 signatures from students, staff, parents and your local community members, to raise awareness about this issue. Submit clear photographs, up to 10 clearly, along with a 500 captioned word report about the identified issue/s , and what your school is doing to help those children to make a lasting difference.

3. Literacy Project for Child Workers:
Students, through their school, have to start and sustain a Literacy Project for Child Workers, where they can receive tuition and/or opportunities for skills development inside or outside the school premises, after working hours /week-end and parents’ counseling on site /extend the project if your school already has one, Submit a detailed 500- word report [include how the team went about working on the project/s, the challenges, opportunities and outcomes observed by them], along with a maximum of 10 photographs, clearly captioned, that show what the team / school is doing.

IV. Mode of submission:
a. The total length of each project report is to be 10 – 15 A4 size pages, 20 lines per page, on both sides in about 500-600 words.
b. The project should be neatly typed or handwritten. Credit will be awarded for practical, yet unique ideas, including photographs, well written without plagiarism, duly captioned with the name of the event/s, date/s of the activities/interviews, enclosed with the report.
c. A school may any two entries, in the form with theme clearly indicated.

Reports/scripts, to be sent only as HARD COPY, along with duly filled, attested registration form [ see annexure ]. The photographs may be compiled in a CD, duly marked with the full name of the school and theme of the project/event.

All entries are receivable on or before Friday 26th August, 2016, addressed to:
Ms. P. Rajeswary , Education Officer [Academic]
Shiksha Sadan , 17, Rouse Avenue
New Delhi – 110 002.

This post was last modified on August 2, 2023 5:05 PM

Categories: CBSE

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