STAR TV PC Chandra Shona Mukh Contest 2016

Organization : STAR India
Competition Name : PC Chandra Shona Mukh Contest 2016
Applicable For : Participation by viewers/users of the Channel in the State of West Bengal only.
Competition Last Date : 26th June, 2016

Website :

PC Chandra Shona Mukh Contest:

These terms and conditions (‘Terms’/’Terms and Conditions’) govern the contest titled “PC Chandra Shona Mukh Contest” (‘Contest’) organized, conducted and brought to you by STAR India Private Limited (‘STAR India’) in respect of its Bengali television channel “STAR JALSHA” (‘Channel’).

Related : Star India Modern Day Fairytale Contest 2016 :

Viewers of the Channel are invited to take part in the Contest by voting for their favourite on screen female protagonist on the Channel, as per the details set out below. The Contest will open on 17 March, 2016 at 09:00 AM IST and end on 26th June, 2016 at 01:00 AM IST (‘Contest Period’).

Principal Rules:

1. The Contest will be announced and promoted tentatively starting from 17th March, 2016 through Promos and Astons on the Channel or any other means at the sole discretion of STAR India, and such promotion will continue till 26th June, 2016, based on the sole discretion of STAR India. STAR India may promote the Contest, based on its sole discretion, reasonably in advance (in the manner stated above) so that the Viewers may familiarise themselves in respect of the method and manner of casting their Votes.

2. The Contest will be divided in three phases. In the first phase (‘Phase I’) the Viewer(s) will have a chance to vote for their favourite on-screen female protagonist from the Channel (“Female Protagonists”) from a list of 8 (eight) Female Protagonists nominated by STAR India at its discretion.

The winner of the Prize will be determined on a random selection basis from amongst the Viewers who have fulfilled the aforementioned criteria. The Viewer to win the Prize on a random selection basis (“Winner”) selected in the manner as stated hereinabove shall be declared the winner during the third phase (“Phase III”) in a manner as deemed fit by Star India.

3. Phase I of the Contest will be from 17 March, 2016 to 17 April, 2016 (‘Phase I period’); Phase II of the Contest will be from 29 April to 3 June, 2016 (‘Phase II period’); and Phase III of the Contest will be from 5 June, 2016 to June 26, 2016 (‘Phase III period’).

STAR India reserves the right to change the Contest Period or the Phase I period and/or Phase II period, at its sole discretion and all such decisions shall be final and binding. The Viewer is responsible and suggested to regularly check the terms and conditions to apprise himself/herself of any change in the Terms herein

4. During Phase I the Viewers can cast their Vote for their favourite Female Protagonist and during Phase II the Viewers can cast their Entries for the Shortlisted Female Protagonists so as to vote for the winner by calling 8100250000 (“Contest Number”) and voting in the manner as set out below. An IVR mechanism will guide the Viewer through the voting process on the call, at the end of which his/her Vote/Entry will be registered. The Contest Number is a toll free number.

5. To participate the Viewers have to call the Contest Number and register their Votes/Entries in the following manner:
On calling the Contest Number, the Viewer’s call will be registered, then disconnected and the Viewer will receive a call back on the number that (s)he has used to make the call. On receipt of the call, the Viewer will be guided through the call by a voice over message which, purely for the sake of example, will say the following

(i) For A- Please press 1;
(ii) For B- Please press 2;
(iii) For C- Please press 3;
(iv) For D – Please press 4;
(v) For E- Please press 5;
(vi) For F- Please press 6;
(vii) For G- Please press 7;
(viii) For H – Please press 8.

Each Female Protagonist will have a unique number. The Viewer may record his/her Vote for his/her favourite on-screen Female Protagonist in Phase I by pressing a number corresponding to his/her choice (“Vote”). In Phase II as well on calling the 8100 250 000, the Viewer’s call will be registered then disconnected and the Viewer will receive a call back on the number that (s)he has used to make the call.

This post was last modified on January 2, 2023 1:19 PM

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