CBSE Expression Series On Sh.Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay Chatterjee 2016

Organization : Central Board of Secondary Education
Competition Name : CBSE Expression Series on Sh. Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay (Chatterjee) 2016
Applicable For : Students Classes I to XII
Event Dates : 27 and 28 June 2016

Website :
Submission Form :

CBSE Expression Series :

The Central Board of Secondary Education proposes to organize CBSE Expression Series on Sh. Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay (Chatterjee) on the occasion of his birth anniversary on 27 June. The ‘Series’ will be held on 27 and 28 June 2016.

Related / Similar Contest :
CBSE Expression Series On Sh.Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay Chatterjee 2016 Result

Following are the details of the ‘Series’:
i. Participation is voluntary.

ii. The three categories of participation are:
a) Classes I to V, b) Classes VI to VIII and c) Classes IX to XII

iii. Topics are given in Annexure 1.
iv. Students may submit their entries as Essay/ Poem/Drawing.
v. Entries may be submitted in any of the 22 scheduled languages and English.
vi. Students may submit their entries from schools/ home/ any place as per their convenience.

vii. Entries may be submitted using any of the three following modes:
a) Online mode through the link. (Details given in Annexure II)
b) Uploading only the jpeg/ jpg/ doc file of the entry through the link. (Details given in Annexure II)

c) Mobile App:
(i) Through the link which will be activated on 27.06.2016 at
(ii) Using the numbers given below (details given in Annexure III).
For classes I to V 7065963925
For classes VI to VIII 7065963926
For classes IX to XII 7065963927

viii. To cater to the need of schools where the internet connectivity is limited, the Board has devised a registration-cum-response sheet (Annexure-IV), which may be downloaded, printed, photocopied for distributing to participants. After completion of activity, schools/ participants may scan/ click an image of the entry and send it through Mobile App. Images without clear details may not be considered.

ix. Entries submitted through email/ by post will not be considered.
x. The links and Mobile App for submission of entry shall remain activated from 09:00 hours on 27 June till 24:00 hours on 28 June 2016.
xi. Best 36 entries, 12 in each category, shall be awarded a cash prize of Rs. 2500/- and a Certificate of Merit.
xii. Each participant will get an online Certificate of Participation.
xiii. Selection of best entries will be on the basis of originality of content and creative expression. Students may be contacted telephonically on the phone numbers provided by them to ascertain the originality of the entry submitted.
xiv. Plagiarism check may be done and the entry will be liable to disqualification if found plagiarized at any point of time.


Classes I to V:
Participants may submit Essay (250 words)/ Poem/ Drawing on any one of the following: i. Ten best things that I know about Sh. Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay (Chatterjee) ii. My tribute to Sh. Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay (Chatterjee)

Classes VI to VIII:
Participants may submit Essay (500 words)/ Poem/ Drawing on any one of the following: i. According to me, the greatest contribution of Sh. Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay (Chatterjee) was… ii. Sh. Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay (Chatterjee): an inspiration to the Indian freedom fighters

Classes IX to XII:
Participants may submit Essay (700 words)/ Poem/Drawing on any one of the following: i. Contribution of Sh. Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay (Chatterjee) in the cultural revival of Bengal ii. Sh. Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay (Chatterjee): the literary genius

All participants willing to participate may refer to following instructions:
1. Entries sent through email will not be entertained at all.
2. Students are required to register only once as multiple registrations may lead to disqualification.
3. The entries should not exceed the word limit as mentioned.
4. The entries/writings must be original.
5. If at any stage the entries submitted are proven to be plagiarized or are without the registration details, the entry will be disqualified. Plagiarism, if detected any point to time, will lead to withdrawal of the prize.
6. Entries received on the numbers other than the ones prescribed for a class category may be disqualified.
7. Students can refer to as many resources as they can avail, however the entries submitted must be in their own language. 8. Entries shall be selected by a panel of experts. Decision of the experts will be final. No further communication will be entertained in this matter.
9. Each page of the entry submitted by the participant MUST HAVE the contact details as given in the Annexure-IV. Entries without proper details on each page may not be considered.

For any query, you may call at 011-23215130 or e-mail at

This post was last modified on August 2, 2023 5:05 PM

Categories: CBSE

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  • Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay or Bankim Chandra Chatterjee(26 June 1838–8 April 1894was a Bengali writer, poet and journalist. He was the composer of India's national song Vande Mataram, originally a Bengali and Sanskrit stotra personifying India as a mother goddess and inspiring the activists during the Indian Independence Movement. Chattopadhyay wrote thirteen novels and several 'serious, serio-comic, satirical, scientific and critical treaties' in Bengali. His works were widely translated into other regional languages of India as well as in English.

    Born to an orthodox Brahmin family, Chattopadhyay was educated at Hooghly Mohsin College founded by Bengali philanthropist Muhammad Mohsin and Presidency College, Calcutta. He was one of the first graduates of the University of Calcutta. From 1858, until his retirement in 1891, he served as a deputy magistrate and deputy collector in the Government of British India.

    Chattopadhyay is widely regarded as a key figure in literary renaissance of Bengal as well as India.Some of his writings, including novels, essays and commentaries, were a breakaway from traditional verse-oriented Indian writings, and provided an inspiration for authors across India.

    When Bipin Chandra Pal decided to start a patriotic journal in August 1906, he named it Vande Mataram, after Chattopadhyay's song. Lala Lajpat Rai also published a journal of the same name.
    Chattopadhyay's earliest publications were in Ishwar Chandra Gupta's weekly newspaper Sangbad Prabhakar.Following the model of Ishwar Chandra Gupta, he began his literary career as a writer of verse. His majestic talents showed him other directions, and turned to fiction. His first attempt was a novel in Bengali submitted for a declared prize. He did not win the prize, and the novelette was never published. His first fiction to appear in print was Rajmohan's Wife. It was written in English and was probably a translation of the novelette submitted for the prize.He couldn't gain any praise by writing his novel in English, realizing the fact that he couldn't have a smooth literary career if he wrote in English, he turned his attention towards Bengali literature. Durgeshnondini, his first Bengali romance and the first ever novel in Bengali, was published in 1865.

    Kapalkundala (1866) is Chattopadhyay's first major publication. The heroine of this novel, named after the mendicant woman in Bhavabhuti's Malatimadhava, is modelled partly after Kalidasa's Shakuntala and partly after Shakespeare's Miranda. The hero of this novel was Nabakumar. However, the partial similarities are only inferential analysis by critics, and Chattopadhyay's heroine may be completely his original. He had chosen Dariapur in Contai Subdivision as the background of this famous novel.

    His next romance, Mrinalini (1869), marks his first attempt to set his story against a larger historical context. This book marks the shift from Chattopadhyay's early career, in which he was strictly a writer of romances, to a later period in which he aimed to stimulate the intellect of the Bengali speaking people and bring about a cultural renaissance of Bengali literature.

    Chattopadhyay started publishing a monthly literary magazine Bangadarshan in April 1872, the first edition of which was filled almost entirely with his own work. The magazine carried serialised novels, stories, humorous sketches, historical and miscellaneous essays, informative articles, religious discourses, literary criticisms and reviews. Vishabriksha (The Poison Tree, 1873) is the first novel of Chattopadhyay that appeared serially in Bangodarshan.

    Bangodarshan went out of circulation after four years. It was later revived by his brother, Sanjeeb Chandra Chattopadhyay.

    Chattopadhyay's next major novel was Chandrasekhar (1877), which contains two largely unrelated parallel plots. Although the scene is once shifted back to eighteenth century, the novel is not historical.

    Chattopadhyay was married at a very young age of eleven, he had a son from his first wife, who died in 1859. He later married Rajalakshmi Devi. They had three daughters.

    And as the great novelist was suffering from diabetes so he died after 2 years of retirement , on April 8 , 1894.

  • Essay about the same topic is there in online. Shall I copy down it from the net and I send it for the competition? Please reply. © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map