Design Competition 2016 Old City Bus Stand Redevelopment : Davanagere DSCL

Organization : The Davanagere Smart City Limited (DSCL)
Competition Name : Old City Bus Stand Redevelopment Design Competition 2016
Competition Last Date : 25/07/2016

Website :
More Details : davanagerecity [dot] mrc [dot] gov [dot] in

Make Your City Davanagere Smart :

The Davanagere Smart City Limited (DSCL) invites Design proposals from reputed individuals / firms / institutions with technical skills in blue print and project report regarding Redevelopment of the Old Bus Stand at P.B Road with development of Integrated Command Centre for Davanagere Smart City as part of the design Competition being organized for Old City Bus Stand Redevelopment with Integrated Command Centre.

Related : Davanagere City Corporation Essay Writing Competition :

The three best designs shall be awarded with prize money as follows:
** Winning Design 50,000 :Rs. In figures (Rupees Fifty thousand only)
** First Runners Up 20,000 :Rs. In figures (Rupees Twenty thousand only)
** Second Runners up 10,000 :Rs. In figures (Rupees Ten thousand only)

Interested participants may submit their entries on or before 25/07/2016 by 5 Pm. The participants shall make a power point presentation of the design to the Jury, constituted by the DSCL from 26/07/2016. The date of presentation will be intimated later.

** The participant maybe an individual / group of individuals / firm / institution with technical skills in blue print and project regarding Redevelopment of the Old Bus Stand at P.B Road with development of Integrated Command Centre for Davanagere Smart City.
** Relevant proof of qualification / registration with Technical Councils (E.g. Council of Architecture) will have to be submitted at the time of proposal submission.
** While the competition is open to national and international participants, site visit is highly recommended.
** A maximum of one entry maybe submitted by on participant (individual/firm/ institution).
** Participants must provide their identity information, in a separate information sheet, which will be kept confidential and will not be shared with evaluators. The name of the ‘Author’ to whom the prize money will be awarded (if selected) must also be indicated.

Submission Guidelines:
** The participants shall submit hard copies of CAD drawings in 1:100 or bigger scale to explain the concept design. Only conceptual / architectural drawings maybe submitted without detailed working / engineering drawings.
** The entries shall be submitted on or before 25/07/2016 by 5 Pm at the following address Commissioner, City Corporation, Davanagere.
** The participant shall also prepare a Power Point presentation (maximum 10 slides) explaining the Design Concept, and upload the same on the same on the MyGov portal by the above mentioned date and time.
** Participants may also separately indicate in a sealed cover the cost for providing detailed working / engineering drawings of their proposal.
** For winning entries the SPV will have complete right to decide if the PMC or the winning individual / firm / institution will prepare the working / engineering drawings.
** Winning entries will not have automatic right to prepare the working / engineering drawing just because they have won the competition.
** If, no quote is submitted with the proposal it will be presumed that the individual/firm/institution is not interested in preparing the working / engineering drawings.

Selection Process & Prizes:
Short listing of entries will be done on the following basis :
** Assessment of entries by a team of experts set up by the ULB/SPV 80 % weightage
** Citizen polling on MyGov portal 20 % weightage
** Shortlisted entries will be presented before a Technical Committee constituted by the ULB/SPV for final selection.
** The shortlisted participants shall make a power point presentation of the design to the Technical Committee, from 26/07/2016 and onwards for selection. This presentation will also be used for citizen polling on MyGov.

This post was last modified on August 21, 2024 11:53 AM

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