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piffindia.com PIFF 2016 World Competition : 4th Pune International Film Festival

Organization : Pune Film Foundation
Festival Name : 4th Pune International Film Festival 2016
Competition Name : PIFF 2016 World Competition
Application Last Date : 15th November, 2015

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Website : piffindia.com/rules-regulations.html
Entry Form : piffindia.com/entry_login.php

Related :
Pune Foundation PIFF 2016 Marathi Feature Film Competition : www.contest.net.in/1379.html

4th PIFF Pune International Film Festival 2016 World Competition :

The following is an explanation of rules and regulations (“Rules and Regulations”) governing the submission of a film (hereafter called the “Film”) to Pune Film Foundation (hereafter called the “PFF”) for consideration for the 2016 Pune International Film Festival (hereafter called the “PIFF”).

Event Date : 14th to 21st January, 2016

By agreeing to the Terms And Conditions, the person submitting the Film (hereafter called the “Applicant”) acknowledges that he or she has obtained consent from any and all owners, creators, writers, Producers and/or other authorized representatives of the Film (hereafter called the “Film’s Owners”) whose consent is required to submit the Film to PIFF, and has read and understood the submission rules and regulations set forth below:

A. Number Of Films For The Section:
Maximum 14 distinguished feature films by cinematic, thematic and aesthetic, excellence will be selected in accordance with the conditions and procedure laid down below.

B. Eligibility Conditions:
** Films must be a feature length film.
** Films entered for the competition section in “WCFFC” must have been completed between 1st January, 2014 and 15th November, 2015.
** Films must have Censorship visa / certificate of the country where the film has been produced.
** Films that have been screened in earlier editions of “PIFF”, previously screened publicly in Pune or aired on Indian television prior to the Festival are NOT eligible.
** Dubbed/ remade versions are not eligible for entry.
** Maximum of two entries would be allowed from an applicant.
** All entries must be either in English or with English subtitles. Non-English entries submitted without English subtitles are not eligible.
** In case any of the requirements mentioned in this part of the regulations are not completed by the applicant, the entry is liable to be rejected summarily.

C. Procedure For Entering Films:
(Material For Pre-Selection Stage):
** Applicant can submit the entry form online through our website www.piffindia.com and a hard copy can be sent with Preview screener/ DVD (NTSC or PAL) with English subtitles and watermark. The production’s title must be on each case and DVD.
** The last date for receipt of applications along with preview DVD’s is 15th November, 2015 if it is a holiday, the next working day will be treated as the last date for receipt of DVD’s/ entries. Applications received after the last date would be rejected.
** Courier Services if used will be paid by the Applicant. DVDs may also be sent through diplomatic channels.
** Entries marked with captions such as “Preview copy” channel logo etc. can be sent for preview to selection Panel but the screening copy must be clean and clear of above caption/logos, if any and must be in the formats prescribed in these regulations.

D. Guidelines For Films Selcted For The “WCFFC”:
** Once selected, the screening copy of the films must be submitted in DCP format with English subtitles.
** Applicant will allow usage of video clips and printed material for promotional use in medias and at live Festival events.
** Applicant must agree that if their film / films wins any award at PIFF, all screenings and publicity thereafter, will acknowledge the Award(s) on the film itself.
** PIFF does not pay any screening fee, if the films are selected in competition section.
** PIFF will invite any one of the representatives of the film the Director/ Lead actor/ Producer to present the film in competition section. The festival will offer to & fro economy class air ticket, 3 days accommodation and local transport.
** Films which are not selected for the Competition section may be shown in the Global Cinema non-competitive section with the consent of the Applicant.
** The Festival Director has the discretion to accept late entries.

E. Selction Of WCFFC:
** The world cinema feature films will be selected by a duly constituted selection committee. The selection committee for selection shall comprise of at least 3 members (including the chairperson).
** Any person directly or indirectly associated with any of the entries shall not be eligible to serve on any of the selection panel.
** The Director of PIFF / his /her nominee may be present at the time of deliberations of the panels regarding the entries. They shall not participate in any of the deliberation.
** The decision of the selection panel shall be final and no appeal or correspondence regarding their decision shall be entertained.
** Preview Copies of films not selected will not be returned to the applicant submitted for the WCFFC.
** On receipt of the acceptance on screening of the films from the applicant the films cannot be withdrawn from the Festival.
** Programming is at the sole discretion of the heads of each festival section and their decision is final and irrevocable.

F. Jury & Awards:
** The Jury for the World Cinema Competition will be composed of minimum five members [including the chairman] of which a majority will be from outside India.
** Decisions of the jury will be reached by an absolute majority of votes. The jury can evolve its own methods for assessment of the entries. The Director of the Festival will attend Jury deliberations but will take no part in the voting.
** No person in any way connected with the production or commercial exploitation of competitive entries will be a member of the jury. All Members of the jury will refrain from releasing any articles or reviews to the press concerning the films submitted for their judgment until after the jury’s decisions have been formally published.

G. The Following Prizes Will Be Given Away:
** Government of Maharashtra “Prabhat” Best International Film in world cinema competition section, a cash prize of ’10, 00,000/- (‘ Ten Lacs) equally divided between the Director and Producer. The Best Film Trophy will be given to the producer of the film.
** Government of Maharashtra “Prabhat” Best International Film Director in world cinema competition section, a cash prize of ‘.5, 00,000/- (‘.Five Lacs) along with the trophy.
** Special Jury Award [non cash]: The Jury will decide the categories in world Cinema. (Beneficiary should submit all the necessary documents for the cash Awards. All Transfer charges and other Taxes will be borne by beneficiary).

H. Prints:
Prints (Screening material) of films selected for exhibition in the Festival must reach the Festival office at Pune, India on or before December 20, 2015. This dead-line is imperative.

A stand-by [Blu Ray] of each film with English subtitles must be provided to PIFF along with the print.

The title(s) of the film(s) sent, the number of reels, shipping details including the dates of dispatch and the air consignment number must be emailed to the programming team on: print.piff@gmail.com , piff@piffindia.com

I. Insurance:
** The Insurance of prints in transit from the country of origin to the Film Festival Office and from the Festival Office to the country of origin will be the responsibility of the Applicant, the Festival Office will insure the prints against damage, partial and total, by fire, theft or any other unnatural causes from the moment it takes delivery of the print to the moment it hands them back to the concerned airline/ agency for dispatch. The insurance value will be the print cost as specified in the Entry Form, supported by documents from the concerned laboratory. Damage to the print, if any, should be certified by an independent agency at the cost of sender.

J. Freight And Other Charges:
** “PIFF” will take care of to and fro freight charges of the screening copy if film selected in the “WCFFC” through official courier Partner.
** If film selected in noncompetition section, the screening copy should be sent “freight pre-paid” i.e. at senders cost. After the Festival, the screening copy will be returned to the senders by air freight or official courier agency at the cost of PIFF.
** It may also please be noted that the “PIFF” cannot reimburse any freight or other charges on foreign currency, unless previously agreed in writing. PIFF will not bear freight or any other charges for unsolicited films, videos / DVD sent to it, if these are not selected for screening in the Festival.
** The special arrangements made by the “PIFF” for clearance through Indian Customs in Mumbai are applicable only in the case of consignment directly air-freighted on request and addressed to this Festival Office. In the case of the publicity material, etc. sent pre-paid by Courier Services or through agents in India. The concerned courier service/agent should be instructed to deliver the material directly to the PIFF office in Pune. PIFF shall not be responsible for any material that is diverted to some other city or festival in India, also the freight for the same will be paid by the concerned party or festival.

K. Screening:
** Entries to the Festival other then Indian films shall be exempted from censorship. The Festival proposes to have a maximum of 3 screening of each film. PIFF agrees not to hold any screenings other than the three screening allowed by the International Regulations.

L. Excerpts For Television:
** For promotion of films entered in the Festival on television, producers/authorized Applicant are requested to supply four excerpts of the film(s) entered, each of a maximum duration of three minutes, to the Festival Office.

M. General:
** Films not presenting sufficient technical qualities for good public screening can be refused after checking of the prints by the Print Checking Unit of the Festival.

N. Correspondence And Shipping Address
Dr. Jabbar Patel,
Chairman/ Director
Pune International Film Festival.
Flat No 1, Sarjai Building,
Near Sai Baba mandir,Mukund Nagar,
Pune -Satara road,
Pune – 411037,India
Tel: +91 20 24264747
E-Mail: piff@piffindia.com, Website: www.piffindia.com

O. Use Of World Cinema Films:
WCFFC films will initially be screened at the WCFFC section of the PIFF provided that no claim of any kind would lie against the PIFF for their inability to screen a film due to technical or any other unforeseen reasons.

P. Arbitration:
** The Chairman of the PFF has the power to settle all cases not covered by the present rules and regulations. The venue of arbitration shall be at Pune, India.

** Participation in the PIFF implies acceptance of all the aforementioned regulations and respect of pre-selection conditions.

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Add a Comment
  1. Babudas

    What is the duration of the short films and how can i send the short film?

  2. Manoharan

    Last date for submission of short film in Pune 2016?
    Time period of short film?

    1. Admin

      Application Deadline : 15th November, 2015

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