Star TV GOT 6 Moments On SWP Contest 2016

Organization : Star India Private Limited
Competition Name : GOT 6 Moments On SWP Contest 2016 (#GOT6MomentsOnSWP)
Competition Last Date : 27th June 2016

Website :

#GOT6MomentsOnSWP Contest:

The following are the terms and conditions governing the “#GOT6MomentsOnSWP” contest (“Contest”) hosted by Star India Private Limited (“Star India”) on @SWPremiere Twitter profile (URL: (“Twitter Page”) for the promotion of the program “Game of Thrones Season 6” (“Series”) to be aired on the channel Star World Premiere HD (“Channel”) in India on 28th June 2016.

Related : Star TV Tomorrowland On Star Movies Contest 2016 :

The Contest invites interested person’s to participate in the Contest by tagging the Twitter handle @SWPremiere (“Twitter Handle”) and using the GOT6MomentsOnSWP hashtag (“Hashtag”) to respond with your answers to the trivia based questions posted during the Contest Period in the manner stated below. (“Participant(s))”. The Contest shall be conducted between 10:30 am to 4:00 pm (IST ) on 27th June 2016 (“Contest Period/ Period”).

Principle Rules:
1. To participate in the Contest the Participant(s) shall follow the procedure as detailed below:
a) Participant(s) must be citizens of India and of 18 (eighteen) years of age or above at the start date of the Contest Period. The Participant(s) should not have criminal conviction or an arrangement or a contract that prevents the Participant(s) from participating in the Contest.

b) Employees of and/or consultants of and/or persons hired on contract by Star India and the members of their immediate family are ineligible from participating in the Contest.

c) All Participant(s) must have a valid Twitter account to be eligible to participate in the Contest. For the sake of clarity, it is hereby agreed to and confirmed by the Participant(s) that the same does not include a Twitter account opened and operated by a family member and/or friend of the Participant(s).

d) Ten (10) questions will be asked during the Contest Period. Participant(s) must tweet correct answers to each question[DD(I1], using the Hashtag and must tag the Twitter Handle (“Entry/ies”). Failure to comply with the same shall render the Participant(s) Entry invalid.

e) At the end of the Contest Period, out of all the Entries received within the Contest Period, Participant(s) who have replied with correct answers in tweets with the Hashtag, for any of the questions asked in the contest is qualified to be shortlisted and Ten (10) Shortlisted Participants shall be randomly selected via a randomizer, and such Participant(s) shall be eligible to win the Contest (“Shortlisted Participant(s)”).

f) It is the sole responsibility of the Participant(s) to ensure that the Entry submitted does not infringe the rights of any third party including rights in any intellectual property and shall be original in form. Further, duplicate Entries or/and two of more identical entries shall be disqualified from the Contest.

2. The Shortlisted Participant(s) will be contacted via Direct Message (“Private Message”) to provide their name, age, email id and phone number (“Contact Details”) to within 24 (twenty four) hours of such Private Message failing which their Entry shall be invalidated.

3. Upon receipt of the Contact Details, Star India shall contact the Shortlisted Participants via email to submit (including but not limited to) scanned copies of their identity proof, age proof and address proof (eg. Birth Certificate, 10th Class leaving Certificate/ School certificate/ passport/any other valid ID for verification including parents’/legal guardian photo id and relationship proof) (“Documents”) within 24 (twenty four) hours of such email.

In the event, any Shortlisted Participant(s) fails to submit the Documents his/her participation shall be invalidated and shall forfeit his/her chance to win the Prize. It is clarified that Star India shall not be obligated to shortlist another Participant(s) in place of such forfeited Participant(s).

4. Star India shall make only 1 (one) attempt to reach the Shortlisted Participant(s). In case such Shortlisted Participant(s) fails to revert, his/her selection shall be invalidated and Star India shall not be liable to such Shortlisted Participant(s) in any manner whatsoever.

5. Upon verification of the credentials only those Shortlisted Participant(s) that are in compliance with Terms and Conditions requirements stated herein, shall be contacted via “Direct Message” option on Twitter, informing them that they are the winner(s) (“Winner(s)”). The total number of Winner(s) shall under no circumstances exceed 10.

General Rules:
1. Star India reserves all rights to make amendments to the existing Terms and Conditions or withdraw the Contest without giving prior notice. It shall be the sole responsibility of the Participant(s) to check the Terms and Conditions of the Contest on the website of Star India i.e.

2. Star India may at its sole discretion extend or curtail the Period of the Contest or may suspend or abandon the same at any time without any prior notice of the same.
3. Entries sent after the Period will not be considered for the Contest and shall be deemed null and void.

This post was last modified on January 2, 2023 1:19 PM

Categories: Star TV

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