Oriflame India Find Your Selfie Contest 2016

Organization : Oriflame India
Competition Name : Find Your Selfie Contest 2016 ( #FindYourSelfie)
Competition Last Date : 29 June, 2016

Website : http://in.oriflame.com/
Contest Page : https://www.facebook.com/oriflamein/
Contest T&C: https://www.facebook.com/notes/oriflame/tc-findyourselfie/1181979718508282

#FindYourSelfie Contest :

Can you spot your selfie in today’s Oriflame cover?

Related : Oriflame India Love Your Selfie Contest 2016 : www.contest.net.in/13459.html

Share a screenshot in the comments below and win a special Oriflame hamper.

Contest Terms & Conditions:
** The participant of this contest should be a fan of the Oriflame India Facebook page, from India.
** The contest will last for 3 days from 27 June to 29 June, 2016
** The participants must find their ‘Selfie’ from our ‘Cover Picture’ which will get updated each day during the contest
** The participants must share the number on their selfie, a screenshot of it, along with the hashtags #FindYourSelfie and #LoveYourSelfie in the COMMENT section of the contest post of the day
** Any entries posted on the wall, other posts or cover picture will not be considered valid
** To participate, the participants have to submit their entries in the comment section of the particular day’s contest post only
** The winners will be chosen randomly
** 3 lucky winners will stand a chance to win an Oriflame Hamper
** The winners will be announced by 30th June
** The final right to choose the winner rests with Oriflame India and their decision shall stand final
** If any entry is found to have abusive or profane language, or an attempt to attack the integrity, personality of any individual or an entity or where there is any attempt to harass any individual or entity or doing/having anything which in our view is demeaning or derogatory, such entry shall stand disqualified from the contest
** Acceptance of an entry is subject to the discretion of Oriflame India
** Gratification is not subject to exchange or replacement or redeemable for cash or kind

This post was last modified on July 15, 2021 12:52 PM

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