IFC Miss India Worldwide India 2015 Online Registration : squaremissindia.in

Organization : IFC
Competition Name : Miss India Worldwide India 2015 Online Registration
Applicable For : 18-27 of age Female Citizens
Applicable States/UT : All India

Website : http://www.squaremissindia.in/
Register Online : http://www.squaremissindia.in/contestant-registration

Related :
Palaash Miss India 2015 Online Registration : www.contest.net.in/1419.html

Miss India Worldwide India 2015 :

Beauty is not just skin deep, it penetrates further and becomes the essence of your being.

The contest is open for single, unmarried, not engaged female citizens of India.

Miss India Worldwide India 2015 is celebrating this beauty globally.

The pageant is a part of famous Miss India Worldwide contest where Indian beauties from 40 countries participate. Miss India Worldwide India 2015 will be a platform of inspiration, learning and stardom for a common girl – coming from different parts of the country.

Pageant Details:

We are looking for 20 contestants who are not just beautiful but have a unique quality that would make them stand out from others.

The 20 contestants will be judged on the basis of following four rounds:
** Evening gown
** Indian costume
** Talent
** Question and Answer

The grand finale will be on 23 january 2016 at New Delhi.

Eligibility Criteria:

** Height (5’2″ and above) and 18-27 of age (as of 31st May 2015)
** Never Married and never had a child
** Resident of India and born in India

Important Documents:
** Aadhar card/ Voter Id Card/ Passport/Driving license

** Rs 1500/- non refundable Processing Fee (taxes included) – Now or ar the time of audition.

Terms & Condition:

These Rules & Regulations (hereinafter referred to as the “Rules & Regulations”) are applicable to all the participants of “Miss India Worldwide India, 2015” (hereinafter referred to as the “Pageant”) organized by Square Communication.

1. Registration:
a. The Registration for the pageant shall begin on 26th June 2015 at 0900 hrs. Participants shall be required to fill the Application Form for participation online at www.squaremissindia.in along with non-refundable, non- transferable application processing fee of Rs. 1,500/- (Rs. One thousand five hundred only) which includes of service tax applicable at the time of submission. This fees can be paid either online while filling the registration form or at the audition.
b. Please note that registration is mandatory and all participants are requested to carry their photo identity, address and date of birth proofs, (copy of passport, copy of PAN Card, Aadhaar Card, Voter ID Card, School leaving certificate, Date of birth certificate, Driving License etc.) along with two color post-card size photographs.
c.In case fake identification details are submitted, the concerned participant shall be disqualified immediately from the event. The organizers shall not be responsible for non-receipt of any registration form. The organizers do not take any responsibility for any errors arising out of incorrect or incomplete entries made in the registration forms. Incomplete/incorrect forms shall be summarily rejected.
d. If the audition in a particular city is cancelled or postponed for any reason, the organizer shall update reschedule venue, date and time through the website www.squaremissindia.in. There shall be no legal responsibility of the organizer beyond that.
e. Your Registration confirmation will be sent via an email. This confirmation needs to be printed and shown at the audition counter on the audition day.
f. If you do not receive a confirmation number (in the form of a confirmation page or email) after submitting payment information, or if you experience an error message or service interruption after submitting payment information, it is your responsibility to confirm the same form your Credit Card company or Bank whether or not your payment has been processed. Only you may be aware of any problems that may occur during the payment process. Square Entertainment will not be responsible for losses (monetary or otherwise) if you assume that an order was not placed because you failed to receive confirmation
g. The organizers shall not be responsible in any way for failure/delays of any backend/IVRS technology and the resultant inability of a participant to send in her entry or register/participate in the pageant.
h. Registration does not qualify as being short listed for participation in the pageant and the organizers reserve the exclusive rights to reject any registration form and/or disallow any participant from participating without assigning any reason whatsoever and without any prior notice.
i. In all the cases you will need to produce 16 digit payment code received during online registration.

2. Eligibility :
a. Age between 18 to27 Years only as on June 26th, 2015. The candidate should be natural born Female. Participation is purely voluntary.
b. The minimum height requirement to be eligible to compete at the Miss India Worldwide India is 5’ & 2” (Five feet and two inch).
c. The applicant must be a resident & citizen of India and born in India. All relevant documentation regarding the age and residential status and address of the participant must be submitted to the satisfaction of the organizers, in order to meet the eligibility and participation requirements.
d. Only persons of good health, sound mind and having no medical history of any mental illness can participate.
e. The applicant does not have any cases (criminal or civil) registered against her.
f. The payment of non-refundable application processing fee of Rs. 1,500/- (Rs. One thousand five hundred only).
g. The application form must be filled online on our website www.squaremissindia.in

3. Preliminary Rounds:
a. Please do not fix any other engagements for the audition day as the audition round would take until late evening to finish. Please carry dry snacks with you for the day.
b. Preliminary round Auditions shall be held at venues in Delhi, Chandigarh, Mumbai, Lucknow, Bangalore and Kolkata presently decided by the organizer or as may be decided by the organizers and intimated from time to time on our website www.squaremissindia.in. Organizer will not be responsible for any communication gap; the applicant must be visit to our websitewww.squaremissindia.in time to time for up gradation of latest information.
c. The nominated judges shall conduct the preliminary rounds at the designated venues and select participants for the final rounds to be held in Delhi.
d. The selected participants for the final round shall be required to come to Delhi at such venue as may be intimated by the organizers in advance to select the winner of the pageant.
e. The organizers in their sole discretion may decide to change the number of participants to be selected for each round. The participants for each round for the pageant shall be selected at the sole discretion of panel of judges. Decision of the judges with respect to selection of participants shall be final and binding upon all the participants.
f. The organizers reserve the right to change the venue, format or timing of the rounds the same will update on website www.squaremissindia.in for the participants information. The organizers reserve the right to extend or to cancel, or change the manner in which the rounds are to be organized or discontinue the rounds at any time or to accept or reject any or all participants at their absolute discretion without giving any prior notice and without assigning any reason whatsoever.

4. General:
a. The participant must behave in a manner befitting the title of Miss India Worldwide India. Moreover, the participant candidates shall behave in a disciplinary manner and shall not consume any alcoholic beverages, use illegal drugs or publicly smoke during the course of the entire pageant.
b. Only the applicant will be allowed inside the designated venue of the preliminaries.
c. The applicant or the applicant’s immediate family should not be related to any person employed in Square Entertainments, Square Communications (P) Limited Company, or any other company of the Square Group, contest sponsors, and their sub – contractors, or any of the judges as informed to the applicant at any stage. In case of such a relation, the applicant must disclose the same immediately.
d. The participants will be judged in such categories as may be decided by the organizers and intimated to the participants through promos / advertisements before the start of the preliminary rounds.
e. The organizers shall not be responsible for the participants or any of her personal belongings.
f. In case a participant drops out at any stage of the pageant or withdraws her participation for any reason whatsoever, the organizers shall have the absolute right to nominate another participant. The decision of the organizers in this regard shall be final and binding.
g. The decision of judges with respect to selection of the winner(s) shall be final and binding on all participants.
h. Though the organizers shall make every effort to declare the results of the pageants/rounds on the due date/hour or organize the pageant as scheduled, they shall not be responsible for any delay in announcing winners of the respective rounds or the pageant arising out of reasons beyond its control.
i. Prizes shall not be substituted for cash or for other gift hampers/items at any stage of the Contest. The Prize shall not be transferable and no such requests shall be entertained by the organizers at any point.
j. The winner is solely responsible for all expenses/taxes related to the acceptance and participation in the pageant.
k. As per Govt. of India rules & regulations, Winner(s) shall be liable to bear an amount equivalent to Tax Deducted at Source (TDS) as may be applicable from time to time. In order to claim the prize, winner(s) shall submit a demand draft in favour of the organizer payable at Delhi for an amount equivalent to Tax Deducted at Source (TDS) within 7 days from the date of declaration of winner(s)/intimation by the organizers.
l. In the event of the winner choosing not to accept a prize(s) or forfeit any and/or all claims qua the prize, then the organizers shall have the absolute discretion to deal with such prize as it deems fit and/or select an alternative winner.
m. The Organisers are not responsible if the sponsors do not make good the prizes promised by them.
n. The organizers shall not be responsible for any loss or damage (whether direct, incidental, consequential, punitive or indirect) suffered by the participant while participating in the pageant. The Organisers are not responsible for any loss or physical injury that occur to the applicant on account of their participation in the event. The applicant will participate at her own risk and can have no claim against Square Entertainment or any other Square group company in any regard.
o. All traveling expenses/ costs for reaching the venue for the registrations/participation shall be borne by the participants only and the organizers shall not provide any reimbursement for the same nor shall the organizers provide any pick-up/drop-in facilities. The participant is solely responsible for all expenses related to the participation in the pageant. However the organizers shall bear the cost of stay in Delhi of the finalists selected from the preliminary rounds to be held in the designated centers across India. Moreover, the organizers shall also bear the cost of a round trip tickets from wherever to wherever for the winner, to participate in the Miss India Worldwide pageant (final round)

In case of any difficulty, Contact us at 011 41315001 or Email at registration@squaremissindia.in

This post was last modified on June 16, 2021 1:44 PM

View Comments (9)

  • Numbers are not working. Please upload another number to confirm. I want to participate in square miss India worldwide beauty contest.

  • I have paid Rs. 1500 as registration fees in month of June, 2015 and till now I have not received any call from your side. Please share your contact details and your website is also not working since last month.

    • As it is stated above, beauty is not just skin deep. An average Indian woman's height lies between 5"2' and 5"6'. This page does not bias beauty solely on the fact that some women are not blessed with an over-the-top height.


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