Celkon Mobiles SIIMA Vote2Win Contest 2016

Organization : Celkon Mobiles
Competition Name : Celkon SIIMA Vote2Win Contest 2016 (#CelkonSIIMAvote2Win)
Applicable For : Citizens of India
Competition Last Date : 30th June 2016

Website : http://www.celkonmobiles.com/
Contest Page : https://www.facebook.com/CelkonMobiles/
Contest T&C: https://www.facebook.com/notes/celkon-mobiles/celkon-siima-vote2win-contest-terms-conditions/1086639321378928

Celkon SIIMA Vote2Win Contest:

Here is your chance to win #CelkonSmartPhones #Contest #CelkonSIIMAvote2Win. Contest goes live on 29th June morning and Ends 30th June 7pm!

Related : Vote4Silk Contest/Vote 4 Silk Promo 2016 : www.contest.net.in/14012.html

Login to Celkon Mobiles page and Vote for your favourite #SIIMA awards nominated stars. Please note you need to Vote with your option on the Comment section of 5 contest posts available on the timeline.

Contest Terms & Conditions:
1. The contest will be open from from 29th June to 30th June 8pm and only for citizens of India. No purchase from, or payment to, of any kind is required from Celkon Mobiles in order to enter this contest.
2. The contest is not valid for employees or agents of Celkon Mobiles or their respective families.

3. In order to take part in the contest: 
** Participants have to Like the Celkon Mobiles Facebook Page/Follow their Twitter Accounts. All Contest questions will be posted on the 29th June.
** Answers must be given in the comments section of the 5 different contest post On Facebook and Quote Tweet on Twitter. The participant must answer the contest question before the end of contest.
** No entries will be entertained for the question after the end time of the contest.
** Answer to the question need to be in way of by selecting the option given in the post. Each contestant is allowed to select only 1 option in each post.

4. Anybody found to have made use of illegitimate/unethical ways to maximize their chances of winning the contest will be disqualified and banned from taking part in any contest organized by Celkon Mobiles.

5. The winner, to be decided by Celkon Mobiles in its sole discretion shall be contacted by email, and be required to submit all information that is reasonably required by Celkon Mobiles within 7 days of the date of the announcement.

In a case the winner is not able to provide all the above details then he/she will not be eligible for further gratification. Celkon Mobiles shall not be responsible in the event of non-delivery of email or the Gratification.

6. The participant(s) agree to the reasonable use of their names for advertising, trade and publicity purpose on the Celkon Mobiles page.
7. The participant(s) release and agrees to hold harmless Celkon Mobiles from any and all liability for any injuries, loss or damage caused during the participation in the contest, or from the use of any prize.
8. Celkon Mobiles reserves the right of absolute discretion to modify any terms of this registration or extend or close it without any prior notice.
9. If any dispute arises out of or with respect to this contest, it shall be subject to the courts of Hyderabad.
10. Participation in the “Celkon SIIMA Vote2Win” will be construed as an acceptance of the Terms and Conditions stipulated herein and of any rules and regulations already announced.
11. The 15 Winners of the contest “Celkon SIIMA Contest” will win a smartphone & will receive their gratification within 45 days of announcement of the winners.

This post was last modified on August 21, 2024 5:30 PM

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