Star Pravah VKU 2016 Vikta Ka Uttar Audition/Contest

Organization : Star India Private Limited
Competition Name : Star Pravah VKU 2016 Vikta Ka Uttar Audition/Contest
Applicable For : Citizen of India
Audition Centre: Nagpur, Mumbai, Pune, Nasik and Kolhapur
Contest Last Date : July 20, 2016

Website :

Vikta Ka Uttar :

The Program is a reality quiz show based on general knowledge and bargaining skills. In this Program there are 2 (two) types of Contestants participating, the Players  and the Traders . The Players come to win money by correctly answering general knowledge based questions asked during the Program in accordance with the format therein.

Related :

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The Traders are there to sell the answer in exchange of money from the Player in case he/she does not know the correct answer to any question asked during the Program.

Principal Rules:

1) The Contest will commence from July 2, 2016, and conclude on July 20, 2016 (“Contest Period”) (both dates inclusive). Star reserves all rights to make amendments to the Contest Period or such other terms and conditions stated herein, without giving any prior notice.

It shall be the sole responsibility of the Participant(s) to check the Terms and Conditions for the Contest on the Website from time to time. Star also reserves the right to cancel and/or postpone the Contest and /or any Levels of the Auditions without any prior intimation to the Participant(s).

2) The Company shall promote the Competition and registration process through on-air (promos, astons, bugs etc.), radio, online (“Channel”) and any other manner as the Company may deem fit, at its sole discretion, stating the mechanism in which the Contestant(s) can participate in the Auditions and /or Program.

3) For avoidance of doubt it is clarified that to participate in the Contest and to be eligible for selection and /or to qualify as Show Player(s) and/or Show Traders, the interested Participant(s) shall be required to successfully clear all the Levels of the Competition based on the terms and conditions more particularly stated herein below.
4) The Auditions for the Contest shall be conducted at the Audition Centre in the manner as detailed below.

Level One:
i. One competition question having four multiple choice answer options (“Level 1 Question”) will be aired each day during the promotions of the Show on the Channel beginning from July 2, 2016 at 19:30 hours to 9th July, 2016 at 18:30 hours (“Promotional Period”) for all mobile telephone subscribers.

ii. The lines for submission of answers to Level 1 Question of the Contest will commence from July 2, 2016 at 19:30 hours to 9th July, 2016 at 18:30 hours (“Level 1 Call Period”)as more particularly detailed below:

Question timelines for LEVEL 1:
iii. To participate in Level 1 of the Contest, all persons interested in participating and /or Participants/ Contestants shall be mandatorily required to do the following during the Level 1 Call Period through the mechanisms as set out below:

i. To correctly answer the Level 1 Question, triggered on the Channel on a daily basis during the Promotional Period, the Participant shall send an SMS from his/her mobile number (“SMS Number”) in the following format during the Level 1 Call Period:

“VKU<space>YOUR ANSWER OPTION[A/B/C/D]” to 57827 (“Level 1 SMS Answer”);

ii. It is clarified that it is mandatory for the purpose of participating in this Level and for qualifying further, the Level 1 SMS Answer should contain the respective keywords followed by <space> followed by their options <A/B/C/D> for the Level 1 Question. It is clarified that the Level 1 Question triggered shall vary on a daily basis during the Promotional Period;

Level 1 SMS Answer shall be deemed to be received when the mobile/network operator records the relevant information upon the Participant(s) sending the SMS in the mode as stated hereinabove and the Participant(s) receiving a thank you message on the SMS Number through 57827 from the mobile /network provider stating “Thanks! Pls reply with VKU<space>1st letter of your Gender <space>Age<space>Pincode.

Eg. VKU M 25 400013 if you are a 25 year old male & your pincode is 400013. Valid proofs for these details need to be submitted during auditions. Pls respond in 20 min”. Such message shall also require the Participant to provide his/her Personal Information through another SMS to 57827 in the following FORMAT:


iv. The interested Contestant shall respond from the SMS Number with his /her relevant Personal Information within 20 (Twenty) minutes of receipt of the same. The accuracy of the information entered shall be the responsibility of the Contestants.

This post was last modified on January 2, 2023 1:19 PM

Categories: Audition/Voting

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