Whatsurskill Click India Photography Competition 2016

Organization : Whatsurskill
Competition Name : Click India Photography Competition 2016
Competition Last Date :30th October 2016

Website : whatsurskill.com

Click India Photography Competition :

Click India Photography Competition – 2016” is an exclusive and innovative photography competition happening in India, its the 2nd season of Click India Photography competition, which offers an opportunity to all the photographers of India to showcase their talent and get an opportunity to travel with us on a photo expedition to one of the most exotic and photography heaven location in India. A Photography competition which has a Live performance round. Doesn’t sound exciting?

Update :

WhatsurSkill & 123RF Click India Photography Competition 2017 : www.contest.net.in/27942.html

Only Top 10 photographers of India will get this chance to make history by travelling to one of the best places in India to click photographs and win this glorious photography competition. Don’t worry, this photography competition is totally free of cost and we only need you to show your talent and skills to us and we would provide you the platform to recognition and Fame you deserve.

A simple 3 step process to participate in this photography competition:
Step 1
: Register yourself either through facebook or google or create your profile directly at our portal.
Step 2
: Complete your profile providing your location and contact details so that we can contact you in case you win the Online Round.
Step 3: The final step of the competition and the most important one.

You need to fill the upload form and upload your clicks to the respective category they represent. Now you are ready and eligible to be a part of the India’s most exciting photography competition ever. Wish you all the best for the competition.

We encourage and allow all kind of photography. We love to see creative styles and techniques used by our participants.

Few are the rules of the competition below:
** There are no restrictions on the tools used to capture image, it can be DSLRs, film cameras, smartphones or any other device.
** No restriction on the number of entries that can be uploaded by the participants.
** All digital files must be 5 megabytes or smaller and must be in JPEG, JPG, GIF or PNG format.

For general rules of the competition, pls visit Rules of the Competition (link this to the Rules of competition section under About us)

Winning Criteria:
Online Round (Round 1):
This is the first round of the competition where participant upload the photos clicked by them on our website and the winners will be selected on the basis of Online judges (60%) and number of votes received from public (40%).

Live Round (Round 2):
We’ll select top performers from across the country from the Online Round and invite them for a 3 days trip to multiple adventurous location free of cost and they have to click and submit their best 30 photographs each (10 photos of each location for each day) of that trip. Based on the judges rating on photos clicked during the trip (100%) we’ll select the winner of the competition.

We are under discussion for the best prizes to the winners of the competition and will announced soon.

This post was last modified on February 18, 2021 1:19 PM

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