Manipal IGCLA 2016 3Minute Thesis Competition

Organization : Kasturba Medical College, Manipal
Conference Name : IGCLA 2016 Indo-German Convention of Lindau Alumni
Competition Name : IGCLA 2016 3Minute Thesis Competition 2016
Abstract Submission Last Date :July 25, 2016

Website :

3Minute Thesis Competition:

Abstract Submission:
1. Registration must be done before submitting the abstract.

Related : Rajnibhai Patel Trust Innovative Thesis Award :

2. The abstract should be brief, informative and should provide an overview of the thesis.
3. Abstract format- MS Word 2003 or higher, 12 pt. Times New Roman, single spaced, 1-inch margins on all sides.
4. The abstract should not be more than 350 words.
5. Title of the abstract must be less than 40 words (14 pt. Bold, Times New Roman, Centered).
6. Abstract must include title, author and guide name, degree, subject and affiliation of the author.

7. Recommended structure of the abstract:
** Introduction
** Description of the aim of thesis, methods used
** Structure of the thesis and content
** Conclusion of thesis
** Implications

8. Last date for abstract submission is July 25, 2016, 11:59pm.
9. The acceptance of abstracts will be notified through email on or before July 30, 2016.
10. The presenter of the accepted entry shall prepare a presentation as per the guidelines and display on specified date and time (to be announced later).

Thesis Presentation:
1. Presentation time of 3 minutes shall be allotted to each
2. Presentations must be in Microsoft PowerPoint version 2003 or newer that can run on Windows.
3. Time for various sessions will be notified later.
4. Candidate is expected to report 30 min before their session time and submit the presentation to the person in charge present at
5. Presentations should be brought to the venue in a CD or a pen drive. Use of personal laptops is not allowed.
6. Last Date for submission of the PowerPoint presentations for accepted entries is 8 th September 2016, 11:59pm.
7. Text of the slides should be clear, in bulleted points, easy to read and understand and with font big enough to be read clearly from the back of the room.
8. Font size should be 24 points minimum, preferably 36.
9. Specific categories such as motivation/assertion, objectives, materials & methods, results and conclusion must be highlighted within the presentation.
10. No more than 3 colors should be used for the presentation.
11. A summary of the thesis should be discussed as well as conclusion, results, implications, etc.
12. A Q&A discussion will follow after the presentation.

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