2015-16 PharmInnova Award M.Pharm & Ph.D Thesis Competition : Rajnibhai V. Patel Trust

Organization : Rajnibhai V. Patel Trust
Competition Name : 2015-16 PharmInnova Award M.Pharm & Ph.D Thesis Competition
Applicable For : UGC Approved Universities/ AICTE Approved Colleges/ NIPER Institutes having Master’s program in Pharmacy
Applicable States/UT : All India
Submission Last Date : 31st August 2015

Website :

PharmInnova Award 2015-16:
The PharmInnova Award is organized by Rajnibhai V. Patel Trust under the Patronage of Department of Science & Technology, Government of India and sponsored by Troikaa Pharmaceuticals Ltd.. The prestigious L M College of Pharmacy is the coordinator for this event.

M. Pharm Thesis
Ph. D (Pharmacy) Thesis

M.Pharm Thesis Competition 2015-16:
Eligibility criteria for participation:
Following Colleges / Institutes / Universities can participate in the competition
1. All U. G. C approved Universities (established under the Act) having Master’s program in Pharmacy.
2. All AICTE approved colleges running Master’s program in Pharmacy.
3. All NIPER institutes running Master’s program in Pharmacy.

Procedures for participation:
Step 1:
Colleges (affiliated to UGC approved university) / University approved by UGC are required to submit their participation form duly filled, stamped and signed. The participation form is attached herewith and can also be downloaded from our website.

Last date:
The participation form should reach us on or before 31st August 2015. You can also email the participation form ( pdf ) along with approval status of your College/ Institute/University. Please note that the participation form will not be accepted if it is not accompanied with a copy of the approval status document as mentioned in the eligibility criteria.

Please note that the participation form will not be accepted if it is not accompanied with a copy of the approval document as mentioned in the eligibility criteria. (Colleges running full-time Ph. D. program – Please attach copy of affiliation letter & UGC approval of the University).

On receipt of your participation form, we shall send you the following:
a) Competition poster for the purpose of display on your notice board.
b) Blank Thesis Abstract Format to be filled by students. E-format will be available online on our website.
c) Abstract Submission form to be filled by students, who are then required to submit the same along with Thesis Abstract Format to their respective College / Institute / University.

Step 2:
The participating College / Institute / University in this competition are required to invite Abstracts of Thesis in the prescribed format from their M. Pharm students and carry out the first round of evaluation at their end and then select the most eligible Abstract for nomination in the PharmInnova Award. Each College / Institute / University can nominate a maximum of one entry in each subject.

Last Date:
The selected Abstract should reach us on or before 10th October 2015. We reiterate that each College/ Institute / University may send a maximum of 5 entries i.e. 1 entry in each subject.

Step 3:
Our panel of jury will select the best 5 abstracts in each subject (Total 25). Subsequently, we shall ask for the full Thesis of these Abstracts for the final round of evaluation towards selection of Winners.

Ph. D. Thesis Competition 2015-16:
Eligibility criteria for participation:
1. All U. G. C approved Universities (established under the Act) offering full time Ph. D. program in Pharmacy.
2. Colleges affiliated with UGC approved University offering full time Ph. D. program in Pharmacy.
3. National level Pharmacy Institutions (established & funded by Central Govt. – MHRD).

Procedures for participation:
Step 1:
Colleges (affiliated to UGC approved university) / University approved by UGC are required to submit their participation form duly filled, stamped and signed. The participation form is attached herewith and can also be downloaded from our website.

Last date:
The participation form should reach us on or before 31st August 2015. You can also email the participation form (pdf) along with documents, as requested.

Please note that the participation form will not be accepted if it is not accompanied with a copy of the approval document as mentioned in the eligibility criteria. (Colleges running full-time Ph. D. program – Please attach copy of affiliation letter & UGC approval of the University).

On receipt of your participation form, we shall send you the following:
a) Competition poster for the purpose of display on your notice board.
b) Synopsis submission form to be filled by students.
c) Endorsement / undertaking format.

Step 2:
The Participating University / College in the competition is required to carry out the first round of evaluation at their end and select the most deserving (one) synopsis for the purpose of nomination in the competition. Each College / University can send a maximum of one entry.

Ph. D. Scholars who have been issued a certificate from their University / Registrar of the University towards the completion of Ph. D. between 1st April 2014 to 31st March 2015 as a full time student, are only eligible for participation.

Only the copy of the Synopsis that was originally submitted by the scholar to the University should be submitted for evaluation in the Competition. Endorsement / Undertaking of the Principal, Research Guide & Co-research guide should be sent along with the Synopsis. Synopsis should consist of Results, Discussion and Summary of the research. In absence of the same, the Synopsis will stand disqualified.

Last date:
The said nomination should reach us on or before 10th October 2015.

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