Renesas Electronics Gadget Renesas PEACH Contest 2016

Organization : Renesas Electronics India & EFY Enterprises
Competition Name : Gadget Renesas PEACH Contest 2016
Registration Last Date : 15th August 2016

Website :

Gadget Renesas PEACH Contest:

These Official Rules & Regulations describe the terms and conditions for the – Gadget Renesas PEACH Contest in India (“Contest”).

Related : Mouser Electronics loT Design Contest 2016 :

The Contest is sponsored by Renesas ElectronicsIndia Pvt. Ltd. & organised by EFY Enterprises Pvt. Ltd.

Purpose Of The Contest:
** The purpose of the Contest is to encourage the techies including the students/hobbyists/professional design engineers/academia and budding engineers to design and build innovative embedded systems using Gadget Renesas (“GR”) PEACH Board which is an ‘Open Source Compatible Development Board’ and completely compatible with Arduino Programming Language

** It is a golden opportunity for audiences including the students/hobbyists/professional design engineers/academia and budding engineers to come out with new ideas and innovations in embedded systems having interesting applications.

Contest Description/ Overview:
** Participants are challenged to design unique/innovative embedded systems and submit each Entry (“Project”) that must use the GR PEACH Board and Renesas Online Compiler compatible with Arduino programming.
** In order to be eligible to compete in the Contest, each participant must meet all qualifications set forth in these Official Rules
and any related policies.
** These Official Rules will control over any conflicting provisions in any policies. GR PEACH Boards will be provided by Contest Organiser as further described below.
** In the event that participants elect to purchase additional materials, Contest Organiser shall in no way be responsible for reimbursing participants for that or any other costs.
** The Project must use commercially available components only. The object/executable code must be created with the Renesas Online Compiler and must be able to be re-created by a third party and must compile without error.

1st Prize: INR 1.5 lakh
2nd Prize: INR 1 lakh
3rd Prize: INR 50,000
First Five Final Project Submissions in TOP 100: INR 3000 each (Note: This award will be given to the final project submissions amongst the 100 entries which are selected for free hardware boards)
Most active on Forum: INR 15,000
Most Innovative Concept: INR 15,000

How To Enter:

1. All participants must use the ‘GR PEACH Contest Registration Form’ to register for this Contest and obtain a Registration ID – Login/Password and then submit Abstracts (defined below) to be considered for the Contest. All Abstracts must be received before 23:59:59 hours IST on 15th August 2016. Abstracts received or postmarked after 23:59:59 hours IST are ineligible.

2. The Abstracts will be reviewed and top 100 Abstracts would be chosen for free GR PEACH boards. Top 100 will be listed at on 1st September 2016.
3. These top 100 Abstracts/projects become eligible to get a free of cost GR PEACH Board for actual design and development by 10th September 2016.

4. Using the GR PEACH Board and Renesas Online Compiler, an Entry (defined below) would be expected from the qualified top 100 participants within the Contest development time i.e. latest by 15th January 2017. The term “Entry” refers to the Abstract, Complete Documentation, video of working model and Source Code collectively. To submit an Entry, participants must upload their Project files to their “home page” after using their Login/Passwords.

5. To be eligible for GR PEACH Contest prizes the participant must submit a complete Entry. Incomplete, illegible, or defaced Entries will be rejected.
6. A group of 2 (two) or more participants can enter the Contest by using an independent Registration Form and individual Login/Password for the group Entry. Maximum no of members in a group is restricted to 4(Four).
7. Only one entry is permitted per participant or group and participant/s or group of participants competing through multiple Entries will be disqualified.
8. Decision of the Contest Organiser is considered to be final.

Important Dates :
Registration and abstract Submission Last Date – 15th August 2016
Entry submission Last Date – 23:59:59 hours IST on 15th January 2017

This post was last modified on July 6, 2021 3:08 PM

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