Rule Book Pentastic Quiz Contest For GoI Employees

Organization : Rule Book
Competition Name : Pentastic Quiz Contest For GoI Employees
Applicable For : Government Employees

Website :

Quiz Contest:

1. Who can participate?:
All central Govt. employees and employees of the Central Autonomous Bodies (ABs), Central Universities (CUs), Centrally Funded Technical Institutes (CFTIs) and Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs), etc. to whom these Acts and Rules are applicable are eligible to participate in “the Pentastic Quiz Contest”.

Related : CCIS Inter Ministry Music/Dance/Short Play Competition :

2. What are the prizes available?:
There are six premium fountain pens of to be own as prizes – one in every quarter (Jan-Mar, Apr-June, July-Sep, Oct-Dec) and two for the wild card question.

3. How the winners will be chosen?:
** “The Pentastic Quiz Contest” is not luck-oriented and so there will be no draw-of-lots or voting to choose the winners. Rather, the contest is based on knowledge and comprehension ability of the participants. The questions will be based mostly on the topics covered in this website and/or normally available elsewhere.

** There will be 1 question every fortnight making total 6 questions in each quarter, and 1 surprise wild card quiz of 4-6 questions at any time during the contest period (Jan-Dec). The fortnightly questions will be available till the next question. However, the wild card questions will be available only for 2-3 days.

** The participants submitting highest number of correct answers will be chosen as the winners. In case of tie, earliest correct answer(s) will be the deciding factor. In all matters, decision of organisers and/or sponsors will be final and binding on the participants.

4. Is there any fee and/or pre-requisite for participation?:
No, there is no participation fee for the contest. However, interested participants must have a Google Account as secured Google Sites will be used for submission of the answers which require Google login.

5. How many entries are permitted against one Google ID?:
Only one entry is admissible against each account/ID. In case of multiple entries submitted against any particular account, the most recent entry only will be taken into consideration. However, in case of a tie of entries, the account with more number of entries will lose to the account with less number of entries.

6. How many entries are permitted for each participant?:
As only Google IDs are taken for identification for the contest, any participant may submit multiple entries; one against his/her multiple Google Accounts. Thus, a participant having 5 Google Accounts may submit up to 5 answers against any/all questions.

7. When the winners will be declared and how the prizes will be distributed?:
The winners will be declared on 10th January, 2017 and their names will be posted in this page and our Facebook Page. They will also be notified individually by email. The prizes will be sent by courier/post within a month after getting their office address and identity proof.

8. Where to find the Questions and how to submit the Answers ?:
All questions of the contest will be posted in this website and also to our Facebook page. Submission of answer will be in our secured Google Site accessible only through permitted Google Account. Link to that page will be available below the question.

9. What are the legal aspects of the contest?:
** Every effort will be made to maintain sanctity and spirit of the contest at the ultimate level at all times. However, the organisers reserve the rights to modify any of the T&C mentioned above, add any new T&C.
** The organisers also reserve the rights not to accept any or all the entries received and even withdraw/cancel the whole contest.
** The contest is purely private and for infotainment purpose only. Hence, nothing related or pertaining to the contest is subject to any law. The organisers shall not be responsible to any one for any action and/or omission on their part.

9. Need I like to your Facebook page?:
It’s not mandatory to like our Facebook page. However, as you receive notifications about new posts by the pages you have liked, you will also receive all important notification about the contest, e.g when new questions are posted, any change in the contest, declaration of result, etc. directly at your Facebook account if you like our Facebook page. It will save you from missing any question; particularly the wild card one.

This post was last modified on June 26, 2021 1:01 PM

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