ideacellular.com Behtar Zindagi Challenge 2015 : Idea Cellular

Organization : Idea Cellular Limited
Competition Name : Behtar Zindagi Challenge 2015
Competition Last Date : 2nd November 2015

Website : http://www.ideacellular.com/wps/wcm/connect/idea/promotions/behtar-zindagi-challenge-t-n-c-final

Behtar Zindagi Challenge 2015:

The Behtar Zindagi Challenge (Hereinafter referred to as “Challenge”) is sponsored, organized and administered by Handygo Technology Pvt. Ltd., a company having its registered office at 405, Ansal Bhawan, 16 KG Marg, New Delhi – 110001 and corporate office at 405, Ansal Bhawan, 16 KG Marg, New Delhi – 110001 . (hereinafter referred to as “ Handygo”) in association with Idea Cellular Limited, a company having its registered office at Suman Tower, Plot No. 18, Sector – 11, Gandhinagar – 382 011 and Corporate Office at 5th Floor, Windsor, Off CST Road, Kalina, Santacruz (E), Mumbai-400098 (hereinafter referred to as ‘Idea’) (Handygo and Idea shall be jointly referred to as ‘Organisers’)and

The Challenge is open for a limited period from 5th August 2015 00:00:01 hours to 2nd Nov 2015, 23:59:59 hours both days inclusive) for the pre-paid as well as post-paid category of Subscribers of Idea for the following circles. This Challenge is being brought to subscribers by Handygo and the gratifications of the Challenge are sponsored by Handygo exclusively for the Subscribers of Idea. Idea is merely providing its base and SMSC to facilitate the Challenge.

Procedure and Eligibility :

This Challenge is valid for all active prepaid and postpaid Subscribers who fulfill the following criteria:
** He/she must be of or above 18 years of age;
** He/she must be a resident of India;
** He/she must not have been either convicted and / or prosecuted for commission of any criminal offence nor be of an unsound mind;
** He/she must belong to any of the Circles mentioned above; and
** He/she must not be under any legal disability e.g. insolvency, restraint by court order etc. and / or is prohibited from entering any contractual relationship.

Further, the Subscribers who participate in the Challenge and are chosen as highest scorers of each category of gratification under the Challenge in accordance with the highest scorer selection process under the Terms and Conditions of the Challenge, shall be required to be the registered Subscribers of the mobile phone number chosen as the Highest scorer and not merely the persons using such mobile number. If the highest scorer is not able to provide sufficient evidence to show that he/she is the Subscriber of the mobile number, the Organisers reserve the right to forfeit the gratification, at its sole discretion.

Charging :

To participate in/register for the Challenge, the Subscribers have to:
Register/Subscribe for the Challenge: To Participate in the challenge, Subscriber has toDial the toll free shortcode 556780 and successfully subscribe the service by choosing the subscription pack.

Below are the various pack options for the subscriber:
Rs 30/ 30 days.
Rs 15 / 15 days
Rs 7 / 7 days
Rs 2 / 1 day.

To Participate in the challenge, Subscriber can also Dial the shortcode 5567800 charged at Rs 3/minute without subscribing to the service.

The charged amount will not be refunded to Subscribers under any circumstances.

Subscribers shall be asked some skill/knowledge based questions during the Challenge.

In case of a low balance response for any question, charging will stop.

Participants will be engaged throughout the challenge through WAP & SMS Channels

Point System –

For every right answer participants will get 10 Points

There will be no negative marking

Questions Limit :

Participants can participate any number of time and attempt 100 skill/knowledge based questions during the Challenge period to increase their individual score.

This post was last modified on February 18, 2021 8:02 PM

Categories: Idea Cellular

View Comments (3)

  • I won the assured prize of 100 rupees in IDEA GOLD BONANZA 8. I got a link to download the free application. But the link is android version but my mobile is windows version. How should i redeem it?

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