Kabali At Mayajaal Contest 2016 : Win Weekend Movie Tickets

Organization : Mayajaal
Competition Name : Kabali At Mayajaal Contest 2016 (#KabaliAtMayajaal)

Website : http://www.mayajaal.com/
Contest Page : https://www.facebook.com/MayajaalMultiplex/
Contest T&C : https://www.facebook.com/notes/mayajaal/kabaliatmayajaal-contest-terms-conditions/1168489813174588

#KabaliAtMayajaal Contest :

#Thalaivar #Rajinikanth is on his way with his Enigmatic and Exciting #Kabali Avatar on 22nd July. So join us in the celebration at Mayajaal by participating in the #KabaliAtMayajaal Contest.

Related : Muthoot Fincorp Lucky Super Star Contest 2016 : www.contest.net.in/14604.html

How to Participate :
** LIKE & SHARE the contest Post on your timeline
** Use the #hashtag #KabaliAtMayajaal while sharing
** Tag a friend while sharing the contest image update.

Terms & Conditions:
** The Participant must use the #hashtag #KabaliAtMayajaal
** He/She must LIKE & SHARE the contest Post
** Must Tag a friend on your Share
** The no. of winners are limited and Mayajaal alone owns the decision to declare/ decided.
** The selection of the winner will be on a random basis in accordance to the performance of the participation including interactions/mentions, etc.
** Mayajaal is not responsible for any typographical or other error in printing of the offer, administration of the Competition, or in the announcement of the prizes.
** Mayajaal accepts no responsibility for entries lost, delayed or howsoever caused.
** Entries will not be returned. Multiple entries allowed.
** Mayajaal and/or any judge’s decision is final and binding and no correspondence will be entered into in relation to such decision.
** Mayajaal reserves the right to disqualify any entry or entrant that violates the Competition rules or that adversely affects the fairness or the legitimate operation of the Competition.
** There is no cash alternative and the prizes must be taken as offered. Mayajaal reserves the right to substitute prize(s) of an equivalent value should the prizes become unavailable for any reason. If any winner is not able for whatever reason to accept their prize then Mayajaal reserves the right to award the prize to another participant.
** Failure to comply within this time period may result in disqualification and selection of an alternate winner.
** The Competition is governed by the laws of India and Chennai courts shall have jurisdiction over any dispute arising in relation thereto.
** In the event of an inconsistency in interpretation between the English language and Tamil language versions of the Terms and Conditions, the English language version shall prevail.

This post was last modified on August 2, 2023 5:43 PM

Tags: mayajaal.com
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