Amazon P.N. Gadgil Brand Quiz Contest 2016

Organization : Amazon Seller Services Private Limited
Competition Name : P.N. Gadgil Brand Quiz Contest 2016
Applicable For : Resident of India
Competition Last Date : , 20th July 2016

Website :

P.N. Gadgil Brand Quiz Contest :

P.N. Gadgil Brand Quiz (“Contest”) is a Contest made available to you by Amazon Seller Services Private Limited (“ASSPL”/ “Amazon”)

Related : Amazon TCL 560 Cashback Contest 2016 :

You need to fulfill the following eligibility criteria to enter the Contest:
(a) You should be an individual legal resident of the Republic of India;
(b) You should have set India as your current country in your account settings on;
(c) You have a billing address within the territory of India; and
(d) You should be of an age 18 years or above at the time of entry into the Contest.

Amazon’s employees, their immediate family members (spouses, domestic partners, parents, grandparents, siblings, children and grandchildren), and our affiliates, advisors, advertising/ Contest agencies are not eligible to enter the Contest.

Details Of The Contest & How To Enter:
** This Contest will be for one day, i.e., 20th July 2016 (“Contest Period”)
** To participate in the Contest, during the Contest Period, sign in to your account and go to the Precious Jewellery Page (“Page”).
** Answer the brand question available on the Precious Jewellery Page (“Contest question”)
** At the end of the Contest Period, amongst all participants who answered the Contest question correctly within Contest Period, 5 participants will be selected by a random draw of lots, and each one will win an P.N. Gadgil sponsored gold coin of 1 gm.
** Each participant will be eligible to receive only one 1 gm. Gold Coin under this Contest.

Mailing List:
By entering the Contest, you consent to being placed on a mailing list for promotional and other materials for Amazon. You may update or change your email preferences at the email preferences page.

Other Contests:
Please note that we may be running similar contests at the same time as this Contest. By entering this Contest, you will not be eligible to receive any benefit awarded in any other contest unless you enter each promotion/ contest separately.

** There are a total of 5 gold coins that will be given as prizes as part of the Contest i.e. 1 gold coin shall be given to each winner declared by Amazon during the Contest Period.
** The winners will be announced by 30th July 2016, and the contact details of a representative from P.N. Gadgil will be shared with each winner on or before 15th August 2016.
** The winner has to contact the P.N. Gadgil representative within 2 working days of details being shared with the winner. The brand will handle the disbursement of the prize. Amazon is not responsible for the prize being disbursed.

Odds Of Winning:
Odds of winning depend on the number of eligible entries received. Eligible entries are ones that satisfy the eligibility criteria outlined above and follow the steps outlined in the ‘Details of the Contest and the How to Enter’ section above.

This post was last modified on February 18, 2021 8:43 PM

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