PIFF 15th Pune International Film Festival World Competition 2017

Organization : Pune Film Foundation
Competition Name : 15th Pune International Film Festival World Competition 2017
Entries Last Date : 15th November, 2016
Festival Dates : 12th to 19th January, 2017

Website : piffindia.com/rules-regulations.html
Entry Form : piffindia.com/entry_login.php

World Competition :

The Pune International Film Festival is a non-commercial film festival jointly organized by the Pune Film Foundation (hereafter called “PFF”) and the State Government of Maharashtra.

Related : PIFF 2016 World Competition : www.contest.net.in/1384.html

A) Requirements:
** Film must be a feature film over 70 minutes in length.
** Film must be produced between 1st January, 2015 and 15th November, 2016.
** Film must have Censorship visa / certificate of the country where the film has been produced.
** Film screened in earlier editions of “PIFF” is not eligible
** Film must not have been previously screened publicly in Pune or released ( DVD/Blu ray or television or internet broadcast).
** Dubbed/ remade versions are not eligible for entry.
** Maximum of three entries would be allowed from an applicant.
** All entries must be either in English or with English subtitles. Non-English entries submitted without English subtitles are not eligible.
** Promotional, educational, Student and documentary films are not eligible for submission.

B) How To Enter Your Film:
** Applicant must submit the entry form and preview screeners for pre-selection. Only final version DVD (all region) with English subtitles and watermark is accepted.
** Entry form can be submitted online through our website piffindia.com and a hard copy can be sent with the Preview screener.
** The last date for receipt of applications along with preview DVD is 15th November, 2016; if it is a holiday, the next working day will be treated as the last date for receipt of entry. Applications received after the last date would be rejected.
** The cost of sending preview screeners will be paid by the applicant. PIFF reserves the right to refuse any shipments entailing additional costs.
** PIFF accepts no responsibility for damage suffered during delivery of the screener to the Festival.
** Applicant must send the package with the following customs declaration: “No commercial value, for cultural purposes only.”
** Entries marked with captions such as “Preview copy” channel logo etc. can be sent for preview to selection Panel but the screening copy must be clean and clear of above caption/logos.
** Preview Copies of films not selected will not be returned to the applicant.

C) Selection of Film:
** The films will be selected by a duly constituted selection committee. The selection committee for selection shall comprise of at least 3 members (including the chairperson).
** Any person directly or indirectly associated with any of the entries shall not be eligible to serve on any of the selection panel.
** The Director of PIFF / his /her nominee may be present at the time of deliberations of the panels regarding the entries. They shall not participate in any of the deliberation.
** The decision of the selection panel shall be final and no appeal or correspondence regarding their decision shall be entertained.
** If a film has not been selected, it is PIFF’s policy not to provide any feedback, comments or reasons for films that are not selected for the programme.

D) Guidelines For Films Selcted:
** Once selected, the screening copy of the films must be submitted in DCP format with English subtitles.
** If the final print (DCP) does not reach PIFF office by 3rd January, 2017 the film will not be screened. This dead-line is imperative.
** A stand-by Blu ray copy of each film with subtitles must be provided to PIFF along with the final print.

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